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燃气管网设计计算程序的研制   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0  
一、绪言 经净化和加压之后的各类煤气,通过各级管网输配,供给城市民用及工业用户。输配管网的投资通常约占整个工程的总投资的30~45%,其金属耗用量达60~70%以上,它是工程建设中的重要组成部分,其设计合理与否,直接关系到管网运行、管理及使用的经济、安全和可靠性。管网的设计、尤其大型网络的计算是一个繁锁复杂的过程,利用正在发展起来的电子计算机技术则可大大  相似文献   
Nowadays energy-efficiency becomes the first design metric in chip development. To pursue higher energy efficiency, the processor architects should reduce or eliminate those unnecessary energy dissipations. Indirect-branch pre- diction has become a performance bottleneck, especially for the applications written in object-oriented languages. Previous hardware-based indirect-branch predictors are generally inefficient, for they either require significant hardware storage or predict indirect-branch targets slowly. In this paper, we propose an energy-efficient indirect-branch prediction technique called TAP (target address pointer) prediction. Its key idea includes two parts: utilizing specific hardware pointers to accelerate the indirect branch prediction flow and reusing the existing processor components to reduce additional hardware costs and power consumption. When fetching an indirect branch, TAP prediction first gets the specific pointers called target address pointers from the conditional branch predictor, and then uses such pointers to generate virtual addresses which index the indirect-branch targets. This technique spends similar time compared to the dedicated storage techniques without requiring additional large amounts of storage. Our evaluation shows that TAP prediction with some representative state-of-the-art branch predictors can improve performance significantly over the baseline processor. Compared with those hardware-based indirect-branch predictors, the TAP-Perceptron scheme achieves performance improvement equivalent to that provided by an 8 K-entry TTC predictor, and also outperforms the VPC predictor.  相似文献   
谢子超 《煤》2023,(12):11-14+19
在矿山开采过程中,产生的煤尘不但是重大危险源,还会对人的身体健康产生严重的威胁。文章通过研究SDBS、SAS、CAB-35、吐温-80和CMC,5种表面活性剂的保水性和对煤的润湿性,根据化学降尘的方法,通过将不同的表面活性剂添加到水溶液中来对降尘剂的配方进行研究。结果表明,表面活性剂单体吐温-80的保水性略优于其他试剂,但差异不大;表面活性剂单体SDBS对煤尘的润湿特性较好,在浓度很低的情况下其润湿速度就较为快速;对不同的表面活性剂进行复配,对复配出的新溶液同样进行保水性试验和煤尘润湿性试验,根据实验结果优选出的复配溶液是SDBS+SAS,保水性和煤尘润湿性都有所提升,且降尘速度快,最终得到降尘效果好、环保且经济成本低的高效实用降尘剂配方0.25%SDBS+0.25%SAS.  相似文献   
谢子超  陆俊林  佟冬  王箫音  程旭 《电子学报》2011,39(11):2473-2479
路选择技术可以有效降低指令缓存能耗开销,但已有方法通常会由于预测错误或更新机制复杂而引入额外的取指延迟,导致整体能效性降低.本文面向典型超标量处理器的指令缓存结构,提出了一种高能效的路选择融合技术(Combining Way Selective Cache,CWS-Cache).基于对路预测和路历史技术适用条件的分析,...  相似文献   
变频器——工控机调节系统在煤气发生炉上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
变频器-工控机调节控制技术在徐州炼焦气化厂煤气发生炉工种中的成功应用,有效地解决了自动控制复杂,负荷波动大,调节频繁的难题,主要就控制系统的原理,组成,优点,功能和运行效果进行了介绍和分析。  相似文献   
Predicting indirect-branch targets has become a performance bottleneck for many applications.Previous highperformance indirect-branch predictors usually require significant hardware storage or additional compiler support,which increases the complexity of the processor front-end or the compilers.This paper proposes a complexity-effective indirectbranch prediction mechanism,called the Set-Way Index Pointing (SWIP) prediction.It stores multiple indirect-branch targets in different branch target buffer (BTB) entries,whose set indices and way locations are treated as set-way index pointers.These pointers are stored in the existing branch-direction predictor.SWIP prediction reuses the branch direction predictor to provide such pointers,and then accesses the pointed BTB entries for the predicted indirect-branch target.Our evaluation shows that SWIP prediction could achieve attractive performance improvement without requiring large dedicated storage or additional compiler support.It improves the indirect-branch prediction accuracy by 36.5% compared to that of a commonly-used BTB,resulting in average performance improvement of 18.56%.Its energy consumption is also reduced by 14.34% over that of the baseline.  相似文献   
给水管网的基建投资大约占给水工程总投资的60%~70%。因此,正确选用管道材料,对满足管网工况(工作压力、流量、流速等)要求,保证供水水质,降低工程造价便于管道施工,都具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
解释器广泛应用于Java虚拟机、JavaScript执行引擎等托管运行环境中.解释器通常使用间接转移指令实现字节码分派.在现代多发射多级流水的微处理器中,间接转移预测失效严重制约解释器的性能.针对解释器提出了一种字节码指针引导的间接转移预测技术,其核心思想是使用解释器特有的字节码指针值区分不同的间接转移场景.该技术使用软硬件协同的方式,解释器中插入专门的引导指令以标记字节码指针,预测器在运行时刻使用字节码指针值预测转移目标地址.实验结果表明,该技术与常用的转移目标缓冲预测器相比,能提升Java解释器的性能达34.7%,能提升JavaScript解释器的性能达8.3%,与专用的硬件间接转移预测器TTC(tagged target cache)相比,也能提升Java解释器的性能达21.9%.  相似文献   
谢子超  胡玲 《化工设计通讯》2002,28(2):20-21,24
变频器 -工控机调控技术在徐州炼焦气化厂煤气发生炉工程上的成功应用 ,有效地解决了控制复杂 ,负荷波动大 ,调节频繁的难题。所述调节系统具有调幅范围宽 ,调节精度高 ,操作方便 ,设备寿命延长 ,运行平稳可靠 ,节约能源等特点。作者就控制系统的原理、组成、功能、优点和运行效果进行了介绍和分析。  相似文献   
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