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We present a computational framework for automatic synthesis of decentralized communication and control strategies for a robotic team from global specifications, which are given as temporal and logic statements about visiting regions of interest in a partitioned environment. We consider a purely discrete scenario, where the robots move among the vertices of a graph. However, by employing recent results on invariance and facet reachability for dynamical systems in environments with polyhedral partitions, the framework from this paper can be directly implemented for robots with continuous dynamics. While allowing for a rich specification language and guaranteeing the correctness of the solution, our approach is conservative in the sense that we might not find a solution, even if one exists. The overall amount of required computation is large. However, most of it is performed offline before the deployment. Illustrative simulations and experimental results are included.   相似文献   
Abstraction and control for Groups of robots   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper addresses the general problem of controlling a large number of robots required to move as a group. We propose an abstraction based on the definition of a map from the configuration space Q of the robots to a lower dimensional manifold A, whose dimension is independent of the number of robots. In this paper, we focus on planar fully actuated robots. We require that the manifold A has a product structure A=G/spl times/S, where G is a Lie group, which captures the position and orientation of the ensemble in the chosen world coordinate frame, and S is a shape manifold, which is an intrinsic characterization of the team describing the "shape" as the area spanned by the robots. We design decoupled controllers for the group and shape variables. We derive controllers for individual robots that guarantee the desired behavior on A. These controllers can be realized by feedback that depends only on the current state of the robot and the state of the manifold A. This has the practical advantage of reducing the communication and sensing that is required and limiting the complexity of individual robot controllers, even for large numbers of robots.  相似文献   
In this work, we present a novel method for automating persistent surveillance missions involving multiple vehicles. Automata-based techniques are used to generate collision-free motion plans for a team of vehicles to satisfy a temporal logic specification. Vector fields are created for use with a differential flatness-based controller, allowing vehicle flight and deployment to be fully automated according to the motion plans. The use of charging platforms with the vehicles allows for truly persistent missions. Experiments were performed with two quadrotors for two different missions over 50 runs each to validate the theoretical results.  相似文献   
In this paper, different research trends that use symbolic techniques for robot motion planning and control are illustrated. As it often happens in new research areas, contributions to this topic started at about the same time by different groups with different emphasis, approaches, and notation. This article tries to describe a framework in which many of the current methods and ideas can be placed and to provide a coherent picture of what the authors want to do, what have they got so far, and what the main missing pieces are. Generally speaking, the aim of symbolic control as is envisioned in this article is to enable the usage of methods of formal logic, languages, and automata theory for solving effectively complex planning problems for robots and teams of robots. The results presented in this article can be divided in two groups: top-down approaches, whereby formal logic tools are employed on rather abstract models of robots; and bottom up approaches, whose aim is to provide means by which such abstractions are possible and effective. The two ends do not quite tie as yet, and much work remains to be done in both directions to obtain generally applicable methods. However, the prospects of symbolic control of robots are definitely promising, and the challenging nature of problems to be solved warrants for the interest of a wide community of researchers  相似文献   
We develop a hierarchical framework for planning and control of arbitrarily large groups (swarms) of fully actuated robots with polyhedral velocity bounds moving in polygonal environments with polygonal obstacles. At the first level of hierarchy, we aggregate the high-dimensional control system of the swarm into a small-dimensional control system capturing its essential features. These features describe the position of the swarm in the world and its size. At the second level, we reduce the problem of controlling the essential features of the swarm to a model-checking problem. In the obtained hierarchical framework, high-level specifications given in natural language, such as linear temporal logic formulas over linear predicates in the essential features, are automatically mapped to provably correct robot control laws. For the particular case of an abstraction based on centroid and variance, we show that swarm cohesion, interrobot collision avoidance, and environment containment can also be specified and automatically guaranteed in our framework. The obtained communication architecture is centralized  相似文献   
In this paper, we focus on a particular class of nonlinear affine control systems of the form xdot=f(x)+Bu, where the drift f is a multi-affine vector field (i.e., affine in each state component), the control distribution B is constant, and the control u is constrained to a convex set. For such a system, we first derive necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a multiaffine feedback control law keeping the system in a rectangular invariant. We then derive sufficient conditions for driving all initial states in a rectangle through a desired facet in finite time. If the control constraints are polyhedral, we show that all these conditions translate to checking the feasibility of systems of linear inequalities to be satisfied by the control at the vertices of the state rectangle. This work is motivated by the need to construct discrete abstractions for continuous and hybrid systems, in which analysis and control tasks specified in terms of reachability of sets of states can be reduced to searches on finite graphs. We show the application of our results to the problem of controlling the angular velocity of an aircraft with gas jet actuators  相似文献   
We consider the following problem: given a linear system and a linear temporal logic (LTL) formula over a set of linear predicates in its state variables, find a feedback control law with polyhedral bounds and a set of initial states so that all trajectories of the closed loop system satisfy the formula. Our solution to this problem consists of three main steps. First, we partition the state space in accordance with the predicates in the formula, and construct a transition system over the partition quotient, which captures our capability of designing controllers. Second, using a procedure resembling model checking, we determine runs of the transition system satisfying the formula. Third, we generate the control strategy. Illustrative examples are included.   相似文献   
This paper considers receding horizon control of finite deterministic systems, which must satisfy a high level, rich specification expressed as a linear temporal logic formula. Under the assumption that time-varying rewards are associated with states of the system and these rewards can be observed in real-time, the control objective is to maximize the collected reward while satisfying the high level task specification. In order to properly react to the changing rewards, a controller synthesis framework inspired by model predictive control is proposed, where the rewards are locally optimized at each time-step over a finite horizon, and the optimal control computed for the current time-step is applied. By enforcing appropriate constraints, the infinite trajectory produced by the controller is guaranteed to satisfy the desired temporal logic formula. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.  相似文献   
In this paper, we present a computational framework for automatic generation of provably correct control laws for planar robots in polygonal environments. Using polygon triangulation and discrete abstractions, we map continuous motion planning and control problems, specified in terms of triangles, to computationally inexpensive problems on finite-state-transition systems. In this framework, discrete planning algorithms in complex environments can be seamlessly linked to automatic generation of feedback control laws for robots with underactuation constraints and control bounds. We focus on fully actuated kinematic robots with velocity bounds and (underactuated) unicycles with forward and turning speed bounds.  相似文献   
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