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Many time-critical applications require predictable performance in the presence of failures. This paper considers a distributed system with independent periodic tasks which can checkpoint their state on some reliable medium in order to handle failures. The problem of preemptively scheduling a set of such tasks is discussed where every occurrence of a task has to be completely executed before the next occurrence of the same task can start. Efficient scheduling algorithms are proposed which yield sub-optimal schedules when there is provision for fault-tolerance. The performance of the solutions proposed is evaluated in terms of the number of processors and the cost of the checkpoints needed. Moreover, analytical studies are used to reveal interesting trade-offs associated with the scheduling algorithms.This work has been supported by grants from the Italian Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica and the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche-Progetto Finalizzato Sistemi Informatici e Calcolo Parallelo.  相似文献   
Consistent query answering is the problem of characterizing and computing the semantically correct answers to queries from a database that may not satisfy certain integrity constraints. Consistent answers are characterized as those answers that are invariant under all minimally repaired versions of the original database. We study the problem of repairing databases with respect to denial constraints by fixing integer numerical values taken by attributes. We introduce a quantitative definition of database repair, and investigate the complexity of several decision and optimization problems. Among them, Database Repair Problem (DRP): deciding the existence of repairs within a given distance to the original instance, and CQA: deciding consistency of answers to simple and aggregate conjunctive queries under different semantics. We provide sharp complexity bounds, identifying relevant tractable and intractable cases. We also develop approximation algorithms for the latter. Among other results, we establish: (a) The -hardness of CQA. (b) That DRP is MAXSNP-hard, but has a good approximation. (c) The intractability of CQA for aggregate queries for one database atom denials (plus built-ins), and also that it has a good approximation.  相似文献   
Often hard real-time systems require results that are produced on time despite the occurrence of processor failures. This paper considers a distributed system where tasks are periodic and each task occurs in multiple copies which are periodically synchronized in order to handle failures. The problem of preemptively scheduling a set of such tasks is discussed where every occurrence of a task has to be completely executed before the next occurrence of the same task. First, a static scheduling algorithm is proposed which uses periodic checkpoints to tolerate processor failures. Then, the performance of the algorithm is substancially improved employing a mixed strategy which constructs a schedule where high frequency tasks are duplicated, and low frequency tasks are periodically checkpointed. The performance of the solution proposed is evaluated in terms of the minimum achievable processor utilization due to the useful computation of the tasks. Moreover, analytical and simulation studies are used to reveal interesting trade-offs associated with the scheduling algorithm. In particular, if high frequency tasks are less than 70 percent of the total number of tasks then the mixed strategy yields a higher processor utilization than the task duplication scheme.  相似文献   
Hard-real-time systems require predictable performance despite the occurrence of failures. In this paper, fault tolerance is implemented by using a novel duplication technique where each task scheduled on a processor has either an active backup copy or a passive backup copy scheduled on a different processor. An active copy is always executed, while a passive copy is executed only in the case of a failure. First, the paper considers the ability of the widely-used rate-monotonic scheduling algorithm to meet the deadlines of periodic tasks in the presence of a processor failure. In particular, the completion time test is extended so as to check the schedulability on a single processor of a task set including backup copies. Then, the paper extends the well-known rate-monotonic first-fit assignment algorithm, where all the task copies, included the backup copies, are considered by rate-monotonic priority order and assigned to the first processor in which they fit. The proposed algorithm determines which tasks must use the active duplication and which can use the passive duplication. Passive duplication is preferred whenever possible, so as to overbook each processor with many passive copies whose primary copies are assigned to different processors. Moreover, the space allocated to active copies is reclaimed as soon as a failure is detected. Passive copy overbooking and active copy deallocation allow many passive copies to be scheduled sharing the same time intervals on the same processor, thus reducing the total number of processors needed. Simulation studies reveal a remarkable saving of processors with respect to those needed by the usual active duplication approach in which the schedule of the non-fault-tolerant case is duplicated on two sets of processors  相似文献   
This paper shows a parallel implementation of a priority queue with bandwidthPand maximum sizenPby means of a network with reconfigurable buses. The proposed solution is based on a tree of meshes architecture ofO(nP2) processors andO(Plogn) maximum subbus length. The computational times required by the operations of a priority queue with bandwidthPareO(1) for all the operations, using the unit-time delay model for broadcasting, while they areO(1) for MIN andO(logP+ log logn) for both DELETEMIN and INSERT, using the log-time delay model. The proposed network can be laid out in a classical H-shaped manner to occupyO(nP2) area in the VLSI model. WhenP=O(1), the required area is optimal and, using the unit-time delay model, the resultingAT2is also optimal. The paper presents also a very simple and efficient way of merging two sorted sequences on a reconfigurable mesh, which is used in the implementation of the priority queue operations.  相似文献   
Expression of progesterone receptor (PR) in various organs of sexually immature chickens and after estrogen treatment was studied by immunohistochemical and Western blotting analyses. Constitutive PR expression was observed in the mesothelium and stroma of the esophagus, proventriculus, liver, spleen, pancreas, heart and lung. In the urogenital tract, PR was expressed in the mesothelial and stromal cells and smooth muscle of blood vessels. Estrogen treatment induced PR expression in the stroma and smooth muscle of the gall bladder and in the epithelium and stroma of the trachea. In the ovary of immature chickens PR was localized in the epithelium, stroma and smooth muscle and was induced in the granulosal cells by estrogen. In most tissues there was more PR-B than PR-A expression and this PR-B dominance remained after estrogen treatment. These results suggest that progesterone and estrogen may have physiological effects on many organs outside the genital tract not previously known as steroid-target tissues.  相似文献   
Scalable energy-efficient training protocols are proposed for wireless networks consisting of sensors and a single actor, where the sensors are initially anonymous and unaware of their location. The protocols are based on an intuitive coordinate system imposed onto the deployment area, which partitions the sensors into clusters. The protocols are asynchronous, in the sense that the sensors wake up for the first time at random, then alternate between sleep and awake periods both of fixed length, and no explicit synchronization is performed between them and the actor. Theoretical properties are stated under which the training of all the sensors is possible. Moreover, both worst-case and average case analyses of the performance, as well as an experimental evaluation, are presented showing that the protocols are lightweight and flexible.  相似文献   
Broadcasting is an efficient and scalable way of transmitting data over wireless channels to an unlimited number of clients. In this paper the problem of allocating data to multiple channels is studied, assuming flat data scheduling per channel and the presence of unrecoverable channel transmission errors. The objective is that of minimizing the average expected delay experienced by the clients. Two different channel error models are considered: the Bernoulli model and the simplified Gilbert–Elliot one. In the former model, each packet transmission has the same probability to fail and each transmission error is independent from the others. In the latter one, bursts of erroneous or error-free packet transmissions due to wireless fading channels are modeled. Particular cases are detected where optimal solutions can be found in polynomial time. For general cases, simulations show that good sub-optimal solutions can be found on benchmarks whose item popularities follow Zipf distributions.  相似文献   
Several new number representations based on a residue number system are presented which use the smallest prime numbers as moduli and are suited for parallel computations on a reconfigurable mesh architecture. The bit model of linear reconfigurable mesh with exclusive write and unit-time delay for broadcasting on a subbus is assumed. It is shown how to convert in O(1) time any integer, ranging between 0 and n-1, from any commonly used representation to any new representation proposed in this paper (and vice versa) using an n/spl times/O(log/sup 2/ n/log log n) reconfigurable mesh. In particular, some of the previously known conversion techniques are improved. Moreover, as a byproduct, it is shown how to compute in O(1) time the Prefix Sums of n bits by a reconfigurable mesh having the above mentioned size, thus improving previously known results. Applications to the Prefix Sums of n h-bit integers and to Approximate String Matching with /spl alpha/ mismatches are also considered. The Summation and the Prefix Sums can be computed in O(1) time using O(h log N+log/sup 2/ N/log log N)/spl times/Nh and O(h/sup 2/+log/sup 2/ N/log(h+log N))/spl times/O(N(h+log N)) reconfigurable meshes, respectively. Moreover, it is shown for the first time how to find in O(1) time all the occurrences of a pattern of length m in a text of length n, allowing less than /spl alpha/ mismatches, using a reconfigurable mesh of size O(m log|/spl Sigma/|)/spl times/O (n(log|/spl Sigma/|+log/sup 2/ /spl alpha//log log /spl alpha/)), where the pattern and the text are strings over a finite alphabet /spl Sigma/ and /spl alpha/相似文献   
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