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In the analysis of time invariant fuzzy time series, fuzzy logic group relationships tables have been generally preferred for determination of fuzzy logic relationships. The reason of this is that it is not need to perform complex matrix operations when these tables are used. On the other hand, when fuzzy logic group relationships tables are exploited, membership values of fuzzy sets are ignored. Thus, in defiance of fuzzy set theory, fuzzy sets’ elements with the highest membership value are only considered. This situation causes information loss and decrease in the explanation power of the model. To deal with these problems, a novel time invariant fuzzy time series forecasting approach is proposed in this study. In the proposed method, membership values in the fuzzy relationship matrix are computed by using particle swarm optimization technique. The method suggested in this study is the first method proposed in the literature in which particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to determine fuzzy relations. In addition, in order to increase forecasting accuracy and make the proposed approach more systematic, the fuzzy c-means clustering method is used for fuzzification of time series in the proposed method. The proposed method is applied to well-known time series to show the forecasting performance of the method. These time series are also analyzed by using some other forecasting methods available in the literature. Then, the results obtained from the proposed method are compared to those produced by the other methods. It is observed that the proposed method gives the most accurate forecasts.  相似文献   
Fuzzy time series approaches are used when observations of time series contain uncertainty. Moreover, these approaches do not require the assumptions needed for traditional time series approaches. Generally, fuzzy time series methods consist of three stages, namely, fuzzification, determination of fuzzy relations, and defuzzification. Artificial intelligence algorithms are frequently used in these stages with genetic algorithms being the most popular of these algorithms owing to their rich operators and good performance. However, the mutation operator of a GA may cause some negative results in the solution set. Thus, we propose a modified genetic algorithm to find optimal interval lengths and control the effects of the mutation operator. The results of applying our new approach to real datasets show superior forecasting performance when compared with those obtained by other techniques.  相似文献   
Multilayer perceptron has been widely used in time series forecasting for last two decades. However, it is a well-known fact that the forecasting performance of multilayer perceptron is negatively affected when data have outliers and this is an important problem. In recent years, some alternative neuron models such as generalized-mean neuron, geometric mean neuron, and single multiplicative neuron have been also proposed in the literature. However, it is expected that forecasting performance of artificial neural network approaches based on these neuron models can be also negatively affected by outliers since the aggregation function employed in these models is based on mean value. In this study, a new multilayer feed forward neural network, which is called median neuron model multilayer feed forward (MNM-MFF) model, is proposed in order to deal with this problem caused by outliers and to reach high accuracy level. In the proposed model, unlike other models suggested in the literature, MNM which has median-based aggregation function is employed. MNM is also firstly defined in this study. MNM-MFF is a robust neural network method since aggregation functions in MNM-MFF are based on median, which is not affected much by outliers. In addition, to train MNM-MFF model, particle swarm optimization method was utilized. MNM-MFF was applied to two well-known time series in order to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach. As a result of the implementation, it was observed that the proposed MNM-MFF model has high forecasting accuracy and it is not affected by outlier as much as multilayer perceptron model. Proposed method brings improvement in 7 % for data without outlier, in 90 % for data with outlier, in 95 % for data with bigger outlier.  相似文献   
Neural Processing Letters - Financial time series forecasting has been becoming one of the most attractive topics in so many aspects owing to its broad implementation areas and substantial impact....  相似文献   
Fuzzy time series methods have been recently becoming very popular in forecasting. These methods can be categorized into two subclasses that are univariate and multivariate approaches. It is a known fact that real time series data can actually be affected by many factors. In this case, the using multivariate fuzzy time series forecasting model can be more reasonable in order to get more accurate forecasts. To obtain fuzzy forecasts when multivariate fuzzy time series approach is adopted, the most applied method is using tables of fuzzy relations. However, employing this method is a computationally though task. In this study, we introduce a new method that does not require using fuzzy logic relation tables in order to determine fuzzy relationships. Instead, a feed forward artificial neural network is employed to determine fuzzy relationships. The proposed method is applied to the time series data of the total number of annual car road accidents casualties in Belgium from 1974 to 2004 and a comparison is made between our proposed method and the methods proposed by Jilani and Burney [Jilani, T. A., & Burney, S. M. A. (2008). Multivariate stochastic fuzzy forecasting models. Expert Systems with Applications, 35, 691–700] and Lee et al. [Lee, L.-W., Wang, L.-H., Chen, S.-M., & Leu, Y.-H. (2006). Handling forecasting problems based on two factors high order fuzzy time series. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 14, 468–477].  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung:  In einem vorangegangenen Forschungsprojekt wurde ein Transfer von Antibiotika aus güllebeaufschlagtem Boden in den als Nahrungs- und Futtermittel genutzten Teil des Getreides, das Korn, nachgewiesen. Unklar blieb jedoch, ob dieser Transfer auch in der Praxis der konventionellen Landwirtschaft von Bedeutung ist, da in der Regel die Antibiotikagehalte in Güllen aus der landwirtschaftlichen Praxis geringer sind als die Gehalte, die unter den Bedingungen des o. a. Projektes erreicht wurden. Mit Unterstützung der Landwirtschaftskammern Nordrhein-Westfalen und Niedersachsen wurden in den Jahren 2005 und 2006 in den Kreisen Borken, Coesfeld und Warendorf (nur 2005) sowie der Grafschaft Bentheim (nur 2006) aus der laufenden Ernte sowohl Bodenproben als auch Weizen-, Gerste- und Triticaleproben gezogen. Die Analyse dieser Proben, die Gebieten mit hohem Viehbesatz entstammten, führte zu sicher identifizierten positiven Befunden für Tetracyclin (TC), Chlortetracyclin (CTC), Isochlortetracyclin (iso-CTC), Doxycyclin (DC) und Demeclocyclin (DMC). Die Gehalte lagen vielfach unter der jeweiligen Bestimmungsgrenze (~8–18 μg/kg Frischgewicht (FG)), in seltenen F?llen im Bereich zwischen ~30 (iso-CTC, DC), ~60 (DMC, CTC) und maximal ~95 μmg/kg FG (iso-CTC). Ein direkter Zusammenhang zwischen der Medikamentierung der jeweiligen Viehbest?nde mit Tetracyclinen und den nachgewiesenen Tetracyclin-Gehalten in Boden und Korn ist nicht erkennbar. Die Antibiotikagehalte in Boden und Getreide korrelieren ebenfalls nur teilweise. Dieses k?nnte auf eine Remobilisierung zuvor an Bodenpartikel gebundener Antibiotika hinweisen. Im Getreide der Erntezeit aus dem Jahr 2006, das durch extreme Trockenheit w?hrend der Wachstumsperiode gekennzeichnet war, wurden keine positiven Tetracyclin-Befunde festgestellt. Ungekl?rt bleiben sowohl die relativ hohen Gehalte an DMC im Winterweizen der Erntezeit des Jahres 2005 aus dem Kreis Borken als auch die Befunde an DC in drei Proben aus Niedersachsen der Ernte aus dem Jahr 2006. In der vorangegangenen Studie war ein Transfer von CTC und iso-CTC in die Getreidepflanze auf den Versuchsfl?chen nachweisbar, die zweimal organisch (mit definiert Antibiotika-haltiger Gülle) gedüngt worden waren. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie geben Hinweise, dass auch in der landwirtschaftlichen Praxis ein Antibiotikatransfer bis in das Getreidekorn stattfinden kann. Zweifellos wird ein hoher und langfristiger Einsatz von Tetracyclinen der dominierende Faktor sein. Esbesteht nach der jetzigen, noch sehr schmalen Datenbasis aber kein Grund zur Annahme, dass in Gebieten mit hohem Viehbesatz mit einer fl?chendeckenden Belastung des Getreides durch Antibiotika aus Gülle zu rechnen ist.
Summary:  Screening of antibiotic transfer from soil into cereals in areas with high livestock concentration in Northrhine Westphalia (Germany) In a former investigation transfer of antibiotics from slurry fertilised soil into the grain of winter wheat was demonstrated. Unclear remained, however, whether such a transfer also occurs in commercial agriculture as antibiotic concentrations are usually lower in those slurries than in the one used in the study mentioned above. Supported by the chambers of agriculture in Northrhine Westphalia and Lower Saxony, grain and soil samples were collected in the years 2005 and 2006 in the districts of Borken, Coesfeld and Warendorf (only in 2005) as well as Grafschaft Bentheim (only in 2006). Analyses of these grain samples from areas with high livestock concentration led to verified positive findings of tetracycline, chlortetracycline, iso-chlortetracycline, doxycycline and demeclocycline. Concentrations were usually below detection limit (~8–18 μg/kg fresh matter), in rare cases ranged between ~30 (iso-chlortetracycline, doxycycline), ~60 (demeclocycline, chlortetracycline) and at most ~95 μg/kg fresh matter (iso-CTC). A close correlation between livestock medication with tetracycline and detected tetracycline concentrations in soil and grain was not found. Likewise, antibiotic content in soil and grain did not always correspond. This might indicate remobilisation of antibiotics previously bound to soil particles. In grain from harvest of 2006 no positive tetracycline concentrations were detected (areas of Borken and Coesfeld: winter wheat, barley and triticale). Ambiguous are the relative high concentrations of demeclocycline in winter wheat of harvest in 2005 in the area of Borken as well as the findings of doxycline (DC) in the samples from Lower Saxony in 2006. In the former study we demonstrated a transfer of CTC and iso-CTC into the cereal on those test fields that were fertilised twice with antibiotic containing slurry in defined concentrations. The results of this study give evidence that such a transfer can occur in commercial agriculture as well. Beyond doubt a high and long term application of tetracycline will be the dominating factor. However, there is no evidence that even in areas with high livestock concentration an area wide antibiotic load has to be anticipated.

Eingegangen: 3. Dezember 2007; Angenommen: 23. Januar 2008  相似文献   
Multimedia Tools and Applications - Facial expressions are a significant part of non-verbal communication. Recognizing facial expressions of people with neurological disorders is essential because...  相似文献   
Forecast Combination by Using Artificial Neural Networks   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
One of the efficient ways for obtaining accurate forecasts is usage of forecast combination method. This approach consists of combining different forecast values obtained from different forecasting models. Also artificial neural networks and fuzzy time series approaches have proved their success in the field of forecasting. In this study, a new forecast combination approach based on artificial neural networks is proposed. The forecasts obtain from different fuzzy time series models are combined by utilizing artificial neural networks. The proposed method is applied to index of Istanbul stock exchange (IMKB) time series and the results are compared to other forecast combination methods available in the literature. As a result of the implementation, it is seen that the proposed forecast combination approach produces better forecasts than those produced by other methods.  相似文献   
Multiplicative neuron model-based artificial neural networks are one of the artificial neural network types which have been proposed recently and have produced successful forecasting results. Sigmoid activation function was used in multiplicative neuron model-based artificial neural networks in the previous studies. Although artificial neural networks which involve the use of radial basis activation function produce more successful forecasting results, Gaussian activation function has not been used for multiplicative neuron model yet. In this study, rather than using a sigmoid activation function, Gaussian activation function was used in multiplicative neuron model artificial neural network. The weights of artificial neural network and parameters of activation functions were optimized by guaranteed convergence particle swarm optimization. Two major contributions of this study are as follows: the use of Gaussian activation function in multiplicative neuron model for the first time and the optimizing of central and propagation parameters of activation function with the weights of artificial neural network in a single optimization process. The superior forecasting performance of the proposed Gaussian activation function-based multiplicative neuron model artificial neural network was proved by applying it to real-life time series.  相似文献   
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