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Journal of Signal Processing Systems - This paper presents an algorithm that is capable of generating 3-D video from monocular video through a hierarchical approach that characterizes the low-level...  相似文献   
Lack of proper pavement base and subgrade compaction leads to premature failures that account for millions of dollars in damages. Controlled low-strength material (CLSM) concrete was introduced in this study as pavement base material near a manhole where proper compaction is unachievable. Rut-resistant stone matrix asphalt was placed on top of the CLSM as a wearing surface layer. Dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) testing was used to monitor CLSM construction. One day after placing, the CLSM gained sufficient strength to support construction traffic. Further, DCP results indicated that the CLSM possessed uniform characteristics of concrete that could improve the load-bearing capacity and serviceability of the pavement near the manhole. After 18 months of heavy truck traffic, maximum rutting was 5?mm, well below the failure criteria of 12.5?mm. Based on cost and performance, CLSM concrete has the potential to improve problematic areas in pavement.  相似文献   
Machine Intelligence Research - Reproducing the spatial cognition of animals using computational models that make agents navigate autonomously has attracted much attention. Many biologically...  相似文献   
茶褐素作为黑茶中重要的功能成分,是一类溶于水而不溶于乙酸乙酯和正丁醇等有机试剂的褐色高聚物,属于多酚类物质,具有酚类物质特性。茶褐素具有显著的降脂减肥功效,但是茶褐素结构和组成复杂,导致对其提取纯化和功效研究还不够深入。本文综述了近几年茶褐素的试剂提取、微波和超声波辅助提取、膜分离和柱层析等提取纯化研究,以及茶褐素在降脂减肥、抗氧化、抗癌、抗疲劳、调节体内微量元素含量等功效的研究现状。比较了几种分离纯化方式的优缺点,展望了茶褐素组成的研究方法、其他功效的研究方向和相关产品、保健品的开发,为茶褐素的深入研究提供了参考。  相似文献   
目的 比较8种上犹名优绿茶的品质。方法 对8种上犹名优绿茶进行感官审评和品质成分检测,采用相关性和主成分分析对结果进行综合评价。结果 8种上犹名优绿茶感官品质综合得分由高到低排序为:五指峰上洞茶厂云片>峻岭茗毫毛尖>油石嶂毛尖>忠誉鹰盘山黄金叶毛尖>陶氏茶业毛尖>营前雾毫毛尖=光菇山毛尖>犹江绿月毛尖;各茶样在品质成分含量上存在一定差异,水浸出物含量为32.62%~51.75%,可溶性糖含量为4.31%~5.37%,可溶蛋白含量为1.92%~2.22%,茶多酚含量为15.37%~18.97%,游离氨基酸含量为3.24%~5.71%,咖啡碱含量为3.52%~4.08%,黄酮含量为0.39%~0.61%;相关性分析结果显示,水浸出物、可溶性糖、茶多酚与汤色呈弱正相关,可溶性糖与香气呈弱正相关;游离氨基酸与滋味、香气呈弱正相关,咖啡碱与滋味、香气均呈高度正相关(P<0.05),相关系数分别为0.81和0.85;采用主成分分析法建立综合品质得分数学模型Y=0.4848Y1+0.1829Y2+0.1456Y3, 8个茶样综合品质得分由高到低依次是:陶氏茶...  相似文献   
茶是二十一世纪风靡全球的健康饮料。茶叶中含有多种保健功能成分, 尤其是儿茶素类物质。儿茶素 具有诸多医疗保健功能和一些特殊性质, 不仅被应用于经口服的膳食补充剂、保健食品、保健饮料等产品, 还应用于化妆品、日化用品等外用型的健康产品, 具有良好的市场开发潜力。本文综述了内服和外用两种方式下儿茶素类物质的保健作用及其作用机制。  相似文献   
A single-sided heated graphite cylindrical electrode (ss-HGCE) was designed. Compared to previous alternative current (AC) heating, much simpler and cheaper direct current (DC) heating supplier was adopted for the first time to perform adsorptive accumulation of rutin at ss-HGCE at elevated electrode temperature. This offers great promise for low cost, miniaturization and high compatibility with portability. The square wave voltammetry (SWV) stripping peak current was enhanced with increasing the electrode temperature only during preconcentration step. This enhancement was contributed to the forced thermal convection induced by heating the electrode rather than the bulk solution, which is able to improve mass transfer and facilitate adsorption hence enhance stripping response. A detection limit of 1.0 × 10−9 M (S/N = 3) could be obtained at an electrode temperature of 48 °C during 5 min accumulation, one magnitude lower than that at 28 °C (room temperature). This is the lowest value at carbon-based electrodes for rutin determination as we know. Such novel method was also successfully used to determine rutin in pharmaceutical tablets.  相似文献   
分别以金(Au)作为金属层材料, 氧化铪(HfO2)与氧化硅(SiO2)作为高低折射率层材料, 利用物理气相沉积方法制备了用于宽带脉冲压缩光栅制作的金属/介质多层高反膜, 研究了退火温度对其表面均方根粗糙度、反射率及抗化学清洗破坏能力的影响。实验结果表明: 退火前后样品表面均方根粗糙度变化很小; 提高退火温度能提高金属/介质多层膜的抗化学清洗破坏能力, 但反射率会随之下降。250℃退火10 h后金属/介质多层膜不仅可以承受住化学清洗过程, 而且反射率下降也比较小, 可以作为金属/介质多层膜的最佳退火工艺。  相似文献   
目的 探索骏眉工艺加工的红茶化学成分特点和抗氧化活性,方法 搜集了不同产区和嫩度的骏眉工艺红茶样,以及全国各产茶区的对照红茶产品,分析了茶叶中茶多酚、儿茶素、茶黄素和聚酯型儿茶素成分的含量及其总抗氧化活性。结果 骏眉工艺红茶具有较高的茶多酚、儿茶素、茶黄素、聚酯型儿茶素A(theasinensins A, TSA)含量,19个骏眉工艺红茶的茶多酚、儿茶素、茶黄素、TSA含量的均值分别为15.67%、4.50%、0.75%和0.38%,高于24个对照红茶的10.95%、1.75%、0.59%和0.21%。骏眉工艺红茶具有较高的抗氧化活性,19个骏眉工艺红茶的抗氧化活性均值比24个对照红茶均值高57.0%。结论 本研究为探索骏眉工艺红茶化学成分特点及后续的产品品质提升提供了一些理论基础。  相似文献   
目的对我国北京地区肉类产品中沙门氏菌进行分离鉴定,基于全基因组测序结果,分析其耐药基因分布情况及亲缘关系。方法以38株沙门氏菌为研究对象,对不同来源的沙门氏菌进行全基因组分析,然后通过测定菌株对15种抗生素的最小抑菌浓度,结合全基因组测序结果分析不同来源的沙门氏菌的耐药特性及多重耐药状况。结果对38株沙门氏菌进行15种抗生素耐药性检测,其中34.2%为多重耐药株,68.4%的沙门氏菌对喹诺酮萘啶酸耐药,42.1%分离株对氨苄西林耐药。基于全基因组测序结果,对38株沙门氏菌进行分型为12种型别,其中88.2%的肠炎沙门氏菌与标准菌株ATCC9184亲缘关系较近。结论全基因组耐药基因和毒力基因与耐药表型有一定的关联,为监控北京地区的沙门氏菌耐药基因和毒力基因的传播方式提供理论基础。  相似文献   
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