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Given a user keyword query, current Web search engines return a list of individual Web pages ranked by their "goodness" with respect to the query. Thus, the basic unit for search and retrieval is an individual page, even though information on a topic is often spread across multiple pages. This degrades the quality of search results, especially for long or uncorrelated (multitopic) queries (in which individual keywords rarely occur together in the same document), where a single page is unlikely to satisfy the user's information need. We propose a technique that, given a keyword query, on the fly generates new pages, called composed pages, which contain all query keywords. The composed pages are generated by extracting and stitching together relevant pieces from hyperlinked Web pages and retaining links to the original Web pages. To rank the composed pages, we consider both the hyperlink structure of the original pages and the associations between the keywords within each page. Furthermore, we present and experimentally evaluate heuristic algorithms to efficiently generate the top composed pages. The quality of our method is compared to current approaches by using user surveys. Finally, we also show how our techniques can be used to perform query-specific summarization of Web pages.  相似文献   
Keyword proximity search in XML trees   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recent works have shown the benefits of keyword proximity search in querying XML documents in addition to text documents. For example, given query keywords over Shakespeare's plays in XML, the user might be interested in knowing how the keywords cooccur. In this paper, we focus on XML trees and define XML keyword, proximity queries to return the (possibly heterogeneous) set of minimum connecting trees (MCTs) of the matches to the individual keywords in the query. We consider efficiently executing keyword proximity queries on labeled trees (XML) in various settings: 1) when the XML database has been preprocessed and 2) when no indices are available on the XML database. We perform a detailed experimental evaluation to study the benefits of our approach and show that our algorithms considerably outperform prior algorithms and other applicable approaches.  相似文献   
In this paper we address the issue of continuous keyword queries on multiple textual streams and explore techniques for extracting useful information from them. The paper represents, to our best knowledge, the first approach that performs keyword search on a multiplicity of textual streams. The scenario that we consider is quite intuitive; let’s assume that a research or financial analyst is searching for information on a topic, continuously polling data from multiple (and possibly heterogeneous) text streams, such as RSS feeds, blogs, etc. The topic of interest can be described with the aid of several keywords. Current filtering approaches would just identify single text streams containing some of the keywords. However, it would be more flexible and powerful to search across multiple streams, which may collectively answer the analyst’s question. We present such model that takes in consideration the continuous flow of text in streams and uses efficient pipelined algorithms such that results are output as soon as they are available. The proposed model is evaluated analytically and experimentally, where the Enron dataset and a variety of blog datasets are used for our experiments.  相似文献   
Systems that produce ranked lists of results are abundant. For instance, Web search engines return ranked lists of Web pages. There has been work on distance measure for list permutations, like Kendall tau and Spearman's footrule, as well as extensions to handle top-k lists, which are more common in practice. In addition to ranking whole objects (e.g., Web pages), there is an increasing number of systems that provide keyword search on XML or other semistructured data, and produce ranked lists of XML sub-trees. Unfortunately, previous distance measures are not suitable for ranked lists of sub-trees since they do not account for the possible overlap between the returned sub-trees. That is, two sub-trees differing by a single node would be considered separate objects. In this paper, we present the first distance measures for ranked lists of sub-trees, and show under what conditions these measures are metrics. Furthermore, we present algorithms to efficiently compute these distance measures. Finally, we evaluate and compare the proposed measures on real data using three popular XML keyword proximity search systems.  相似文献   
In recent years, there has been significant interest in the development of ranking functions and efficient top-k retrieval algorithms to help users in ad hoc search and retrieval in databases (e.g., buyers searching for products in a catalog). We introduce a complementary problem: How to guide a seller in selecting the best attributes of a new tuple (e.g., a new product) to highlight so that it stands out in the crowd of existing competitive products and is widely visible to the pool of potential buyers. We develop several formulations of this problem. Although the problems are NP-complete, we give several exact and approximation algorithms that work well in practice. One type of exact algorithms is based on Integer Programming (IP) formulations of the problems. Another class of exact methods is based on maximal frequent item set mining algorithms. The approximation algorithms are based on greedy heuristics. A detailed performance study illustrates the benefits of our methods on real and synthetic data.  相似文献   
Despite the importance of ranked queries in numerous applications involving multi-criteria decision making, they are not efficiently supported by traditional database systems. In this paper, we propose a simple yet powerful technique for processing such queries based on multi-dimensional access methods and branch-and-bound search. The advantages of the proposed methodology are: (i) it is space efficient, requiring only a single index on the given relation (storing each tuple at most once), (ii) it achieves significant (i.e., orders of magnitude) performance gains with respect to the current state-of-the-art, (iii) it can efficiently handle data updates, and (iv) it is applicable to other important variations of ranked search (including the support for non-monotone preference functions), at no extra space overhead. We confirm the superiority of the proposed methods with a detailed experimental study.  相似文献   
XML is acknowledged as the most effective format for data encoding and exchange over domains ranging from the World Wide Web to desktop applications. However, large-scale adoption into actual system implementations is being slowed down due to the inefficiency of its document-parsing methods. The recent development of lazy parsing techniques is a major step towards improving this situation, but lazy parsers still have a key drawback—they must load the entire XML document in order to extract the overall document structure before document parsing can be performed. We have developed a framework for efficient parsing based on the idea of placing internal physical pointers within the XML document that allow the navigation process to skip large portions of the document during parsing. We show how to generate such internal pointers in a way that optimizes parsing using constructs supported by the current W3C XML standard. A double-lazy parser (2LP) exploits these internal pointers to efficiently parse the document. The usage of supported W3C constructs to create internal pointers allows 2LP to be backward compatible—i.e., the pointer-augmented documents can be parsed by current XML parsers. We also implemented a mechanism to efficiently parse large documents with limited main memory, thereby overcoming a major limitation in current solutions. We study our pointer generation and parsing algorithms both theoretically and experimentally, and show that they perform considerably better than existing approaches.  相似文献   
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