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中国的当代景观设计仍然在传统的范例和国际的范例之间探寻其自己的风格。北京土人景观规划设计研究院所做的项目展示了当代的、同时又是自己的设计语言,彰显了全球化背景下当代中国人的身份。  相似文献   
介绍了达涅利康力斯板式冷却器炉衬和冷却概念,并介绍炉役期已达16年的康力斯IJmuiden6号高炉。在连续生产3430万t铁水之后,最近对这座高炉的炉底和炉缸区进行大修。康力斯IJmuiden6号高炉炉腹上部区、炉腰区和炉身区的设计表现非常好,仅在上述部分看到轻微的侵蚀现象。达涅利康力斯在其他许多高炉上也采用同样的设计,达到很长的炉龄。康力斯IJmuiden6号高炉达到这样长的炉龄,证明了采用具有良好传热性能的耐火材料结合板式冷却器设计,具有很高的可靠性。  相似文献   
Selection and fusion of color models for image feature detection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The choice of a color model is of great importance for many computer vision algorithms (e.g., feature detection, object recognition, and tracking) as the chosen color model induces the equivalence classes to the actual algorithms. As there are many color models available, the inherent difficulty is how to automatically select a single color model or, alternatively, a weighted subset of color models producing the best result for a particular task. The subsequent hurdle is how to obtain a proper fusion scheme for the algorithms so that the results are combined in an optimal setting. To achieve proper color model selection and fusion of feature detection algorithms, in this paper, we propose a method that exploits nonperfect correlation between color models or feature detection algorithms derived from the principles of diversification. As a consequence, a proper balance is obtained between repeatability and distinctiveness. The result is a weighting scheme which yields maximal feature discrimination. The method is verified experimentally for three different image feature detectors. The experimental results show that the fusion method provides feature detection results having a higher discriminative power than the standard weighting scheme. Further, it is experimentally shown that the color model selection scheme provides a proper balance between color invariance (repeatability) and discriminative power (distinctiveness)  相似文献   
按照“洁净都市主义”的方式,建筑师、城市设计师、景观设计师通常假定那些关于水供给和处理的工程挑战需要通过一种技术性且最好看不见的方法来解决。这就让土地利用从流域的逻辑中分离了,并且导致了越来越多的洪水,干旱以及水污染。“非洁净设计”从另外一方面来说是指建筑师、城市设计师、景观设计师需要积极地参与现代水基础设施系统的设计中,并将其作为塑造城市形态以及迎合更广阔的人类、生态和美学目标的基础。这篇文章通过讲述两个分别来自于中国和欧洲的项目,来讨论如何将自然过程效能与空间设计策略相结合,整合工程、生态和城市设计思想。  相似文献   
康力斯(原霍高文)6号高炉在荷兰的埃伊默登,自1985年检修后开始第四代炉役,到2002年停炉检修。高炉生产期间始终保持高利用系数,高风温、高喷煤率。到2002年停炉时,已经连续生产一代炉役16年无中修,创造了高炉长寿的历史,其中仅炉缸铁口区耐火材料部分破损,其他部位耐材保持完好。介绍了6号高炉的发展历史、耐火材料和冷却系统设计、操作、炉衬检测以及停炉后的检修方案。2002年检修仅对炉缸的耐火材料和部分冷却板进行了更换,预计高炉还将服役15年。  相似文献   
达涅利康力斯内燃室式热风炉是一种成熟可靠的无故障运行设备,可为防止外燃室式热风炉存在的典型问题提供最佳解决方案。所采用的优化设计,比如陶瓷燃烧器、蘑菇形炉顶和分隔墙等,都为设备平稳运行奠定了坚实的基础;事实证明,这种热风炉的炉龄可长达30年以上。  相似文献   
We aim at using color information to classify the physical nature of edges in video. To achieve physics-based edge classification, we first propose a novel approach to color edge detection by automatic noise-adaptive thresholding derived from sensor noise analysis. Then, we present a taxonomy on color edge types. As a result, a parameter-free edge classifier is obtained labeling color transitions into one of the following types: 1) shadow-geometry, 2) highlight edges, and 3) material edges. The proposed method is empirically verified on images showing complex real world scenes.  相似文献   
水基础设施是非常基本的,它可以解决很多重要的问题。现在,大多数的基础设施都是看不见的,人们一般只是使用这些设施,觉得从水龙头当中会流出无穷无尽的水。但是对于规划人员,景观设计师来说不是这样,从工程师的角度来说,这往往是灰色的角度。灰色概念从未来的角度来说,已经不太能适应城市未来的设计了,新的方式是绿色的,是非常好的。灰色的设计是在工业化时期,现代化开始的初期做的,  相似文献   
Our aim is to detect photometric invariant regions in multispectral images robust against sensor noise. Therefore, different polar angle representations of a spectrum are examined for invariance using the dichromatic reflection model. These invariant representations take advantage of white balancing. Based on the camera sensitivity, a theoretical expression is obtained of the certainty associated with the polar angular representations under the influence of noise. The expression is employed by the segmentation technique to ensure robustness against sensor noise.  相似文献   
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