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Levels of temporary invalidity because of catching cold were analyzed in 101 working women over two years and these women's levels of serum iron, total iron-binding capacity of the serum, transferrin saturation with iron, serum ferritin, and red cell ferritin measured. Women with stable iron reserves in the body virtually have no sick leaves because of catching cold, whereas in those with iron deficiency susceptibility to catching cold is increased, and if iron metabolism intensity in the body grows, invalidity periods are much longer. Normalization of not only iron reserves in the body, but correction of iron metabolism as well should be regarded as a factor exerting a favorable effect on body resistance to catching cold.  相似文献   
The food-borne carcinogenic and mutagenic heterocyclic aromatic amines undergo bioactivation to the corresponding N-hydroxy (OH)-arylamines and the subsequent N-glucuronidation of these metabolites is regarded as an important detoxification reaction. In this study, the rates of glucuronidation for the N-OH derivatives of 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]-quinoline (IQ), 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]-pyridine (PhIP), 2-amino-6-methyl-dipyrido[1,2-a:3',2'-d]imidazole (Glu-P-1) and 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline (MeIQx) by liver microsomal glucuronosyltransferase were compared to that of the proximate human urinary bladder carcinogen, N-OH-aminobiphenyl (N-OH-ABP) and the proximate rat colon carcinogen N-OH-3,2'-dimethyl-4-amino-biphenyl (N-OH-DMABP). Human liver microsomes catalyzed the uridine 5'-diphosphoglucuronic acid (UDPGA)-dependent glucuroidation of N-OH-IQ, N-OH-PhIP, N-OH-Glu-P-1 and N-OH-MeIQx at rates of 59%, 42%, 35% and 27%, respectively, of that measured for N-OH-ABP (11.5 nmol/min/mg). Rat liver microsomes also catalyzed the UDPGA-dependent glucuronidation of N-OH-PhIP, N-OH-Glu-P-1 and N-OH-IQ at rates of 30%, 20% and 10%, respectively of that measured for N-OH-DMABP (11.2 nmol/min/mg); activity towards N-OH-MeIQx was not detected. Two glucuronide(s) of N-OH-PhIP, designated I and II, were separated by HPLC. Conjugate II was found to be chromatographically and spectrally identical with a previously reported major biliary metabolite of PhIP in the rat, while conjugate I was identical with a major urinary metabolite of PhIP in the dog. Hepatic microsomes from rat, dog and human were found to catalyze the formation of both conjugates. The rat preferentially formed conjugate II (I to II ratio of 1:15), while the dog and human formed higher relative amounts of conjugate I (I to II ratio of 2.5:1.0 and 1.3:1.0 respectively). Fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry of conjugates I and II gave the corresponding molecular ions and showed nearly identical primary spectra. However, collision-induced spectra were distinct and were consistent with the identity of conjugates I and II as structural isomers. Moreover, the UV spectrum of conjugate I exhibited a lambda max at 317 nm and was essentially identical to that of N-OH-PhIP, while conjugate II was markedly different with a lambda max of 331 nm. Both conjugates were stable in 0.1 N HCl and were resistant to hydrolysis by rat, dog and human liver microsomal beta-glucuronidases.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Surface characterization and protein adsorption studies were carried out on a series of additive dispersed and additive coated poly(ether urethane ureas), PEUUs, to characterize early events in the blood compatibility of these materials. A hypothesis that is based on surface hydrophilicity, surface flexibility, and adsorption media has been developed to understand the modulated adsorption of plasma proteins by PEUU additives. Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA) and contact angle analysis were performed on two PEUU formulation as well as on PEUU formulations modified with Methacrol 2138F (co[diisopropylaminoethyl methacrylate (DIPAM)/decyl methacrylate (DM)][3/1]) or acrylate or methacrylate polymer or copolymer analogs of Methacrol 2138F. Methacrol 2138F is a commercially used amphiphilic copolymethacrylate. ESCA showed that the PEUUs loaded with Methacrol 2138F or with its hydrophilic component, homopoly (DIPAM) (h-(DIPAM)), had a higher percentage of nitrogen at their surfaces than did the base PEUUs. Contact angle analysis also showed that the air side of PEUU formulations loaded with Methacrol 2138F were more hydrophobic than was the air side of base PEUUs when films were cast from dimethylacetamide. However, during contact angle testing, the air side of PEUU films loaded with Methacrol 2138F rapidly became more hydrophilic than did the air side of the base PEUU films. A radioimmunoassay and whole or diluted human plasma were also used to characterize the presence of the proteins fibrinogen, immunoglobulin G, factor VIII/von Willebrand factor, Hageman factor (factor XII), and albumin, on the surface of the same PEUUs as analyzed by ESCA and contact angle. The protein adsorption assay showed that PEUU films loaded or coated with Methacrol 2138F, with a copolyacrylate analog of Methacrol 2138F (co(diisopropylaminoethyl acrylate [DIPAA]/decyl acrylate [DA]) [3/1]), or with the hydrophilic polyacrylate or polymethacrylate component analogs of Methacrol 2138F (h-DIPAM or h-DIPAA) adsorbed significantly lower amounts of the proteins than did either the base PEUU formulations or the homopoly(decyl methacrylate) (h-DM) or homopoly(decyl acrylate) (h-DA) coated or loaded PEUUs.  相似文献   
The efficacy of photodynamic therapy is dependent upon the optical dose rate or upon the fractionation schedule on the light. These effects are thought to be limited by the time required for oxygen diffusion from the capillaries, since this therapy can consume oxygen faster than it can be supplied to tissues distant from the blood vessels. Oxygen diffusion and consumption by metabolic and photochemical mechanisms have been modeled here to compare theoretical predictions with experimental results of varying light fractionations and delivered dose rates. The mathematics of the problem have been described in the literature, and the present study extends these calculations to allow a more direct and quantitative comparison with fractionation experiments, using both analytical and numerical arguments. The optimum fraction time was found to depend only on the intercapillary spacing and not on the intensity of irradiation or the concentration of photosensitizer. The calculations indicate that experimentally observed optimum fractionation times of 30 and 60 s correspond to a distance from capillary to cell of approximately 1 mm. These results suggest that the fractionated light irradiation experiments need careful interpretation, and some possible reasons for longer optimum fractionation times are discussed.  相似文献   
Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is an aggressive malignancy in which multiple independent lesions develop over time throughout the mucosa of the upper aerodigestive tract. Therefore, the comprehensive treatment of this neoplasm must include a chemopreventive arm to hold premalignant lesions in check, a role well-suited to antiangiogenic agents. Retinoic acid (RA) and interferon alpha (IFN-alpha), drugs with known biological activity against HNSCC when used individually, are also inhibitors of angiogenesis. Here we show that they are remarkably synergistic antiangiogenic agents able to inhibit both the growth and the neovascularization of HNSCC injected into the floor of the mouth of nude mice. The mechanism of action of these drugs as antiangiogenic agents was 2-fold. They decreased the angiogenic activity of the tumor cells, and they caused the endothelial cells to become refractory to inducers of angiogenesis. When tumor cells were treated in vitro with IFN-alpha A/D, there was a dramatic drop in their secretion of interleukin-8, the major angiogenic factor produced by these tumors. When combined with RA, which causes tumor cells to secrete an inhibitor of angiogenesis, there was a synergistic inhibition of both tumor cell growth and secreted angiogenic activity. The combination of RA and IFN-alpha also acted synergistically on endothelial cells by reducing their responsiveness to both interleukin-8 and tumor conditioned media. Doses of each drug could be reduced by two logs without loss of activity. When animals bearing human HNSCC tumor cells were treated systemically with a combination of RA and IFN-alpha A/D at doses that were ineffective when used alone, dramatic decreases in both tumor growth and tumor angiogenesis were seen. These data suggest that the use of antiangiogenic mixtures may be a particularly effective way to design future chemoprevention protocols against HNSCC.  相似文献   
It is clear that the initial analysis of visual motion takes place in the striate cortex, where directionally selective cells are found that respond to local motion in one direction but not in the opposite direction. Widely accepted motion models postulate as inputs to directional units two or more cells whose spatio-temporal receptive fields (RFs) are approximately 90 degrees out of phase (quadrature) in space and in time. Simple cells in macaque striate cortex differ in their spatial phases, but evidence is lacking for the varying time delays required for two inputs to be in temporal quadrature. We examined the space-time RF structure of cells in macaque striate cortex and found two subpopulations of (nondirectional) simple cells, some that show strongly biphasic temporal responses, and others that are weakly biphasic if at all. The temporal impulse responses of these two classes of cells are very close to 90 degrees apart, with the strongly biphasic cells having a shorter latency than the weakly biphasic cells. A principal component analysis of the spatio-temporal RFs of directionally selective simple cells shows that their RFs could be produced by a linear combination of two components; these two components correspond closely in their respective latencies and biphasic characters to those of strongly biphasic and weakly biphasic nondirectional simple cells, respectively. This finding suggests that the motion system might acquire the requisite temporal quadrature by combining inputs from these two classes of nondirectional cells (or from their respective lateral geniculate inputs, which appear to be from magno and parvo lateral geniculate cells, respectively).  相似文献   
The crystal structure of the peptide Boc-Phe-Val-OMe determined by X-ray diffraction methods is reported in this paper. The crystals grown from aqueous methanol are orthorhombic, space group P2(1)2(1)2(1),a = 11.843(2), b = 21.493(4), c = 26.676(4) A3 and V = 6790 A3. Data were collected on a CAD4 diffractometer using MoK alpha radiation (lambda = 0.7107 A) up to Bragg angle theta = 26 degrees. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined by a least-squares procedure to an R value of 6.8% for 3288 observed reflections. There are three crystal-lographically independent peptide molecules in the asymmetric unit. All the three molecules exhibit extended conformation. The sidechain of the Val2 residue shows two different conformations. The conformation of the peptide Boc-Phe-Val-OMe is compared with the conformation of Ac-delta Phe-Val-OH. It is observed that while Boc-Phe-Val-OMe exhibits an extended conformation, Ac-delta Phe-Val-OH shows a folded conformation. The results of this comparison highlight the conformation constraining property of the delta Phe residue. Interestingly, even though Boc-Phe-Val-OMe and Ac-delta Phe-Val-OH are conformationally different, they exhibit similar packing patterns in the solid state.  相似文献   
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