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Antipatterns are poor design choices that are conjectured to make object-oriented systems harder to maintain. We investigate the impact of antipatterns on classes in object-oriented systems by studying the relation between the presence of antipatterns and the change- and fault-proneness of the classes. We detect 13 antipatterns in 54 releases of ArgoUML, Eclipse, Mylyn, and Rhino, and analyse (1) to what extent classes participating in antipatterns have higher odds to change or to be subject to fault-fixing than other classes, (2) to what extent these odds (if higher) are due to the sizes of the classes or to the presence of antipatterns, and (3) what kinds of changes affect classes participating in antipatterns. We show that, in almost all releases of the four systems, classes participating in antipatterns are more change-and fault-prone than others. We also show that size alone cannot explain the higher odds of classes with antipatterns to underwent a (fault-fixing) change than other classes. Finally, we show that structural changes affect more classes with antipatterns than others. We provide qualitative explanations of the increase of change- and fault-proneness in classes participating in antipatterns using release notes and bug reports. The obtained results justify a posteriori previous work on the specification and detection of antipatterns and could help to better focus quality assurance and testing activities.  相似文献   
Frameworks are widely used in modern software development to reduce development costs. They are accessed through their Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), which specify the contracts with client programs. When frameworks evolve, API backward-compatibility cannot always be guaranteed and client programs must upgrade to use the new releases. Because framework upgrades are not cost-free, observing API changes and usages together at fine-grained levels is necessary to help developers understand, assess, and forecast the cost of each framework upgrade. Whereas previous work studied API changes in frameworks and API usages in client programs separately, we analyse and classify API changes and usages together in 22 framework releases from the Apache and Eclipse ecosystems and their client programs. We find that (1) missing classes and methods happen more often in frameworks and affect client programs more often than the other API change types do, (2) missing interfaces occur rarely in frameworks but affect client programs often, (3) framework APIs are used on average in 35 % of client classes and interfaces, (4) most of such usages could be encapsulated locally and reduced in number, and (5) about 11 % of APIs usages could cause ripple effects in client programs when these APIs change. Based on these findings, we provide suggestions for developers and researchers to reduce the impact of API evolution through language mechanisms and design strategies.  相似文献   
A map is a data structure that is commonly used to store data as key–value pairs and retrieve data as keys, values, or key–value pairs. Although Java offers different map implementation classes, Android SDK offers other implementations supposed to be more efficient than HashMap: ArrayMap and SparseArray variants (SparseArray, LongSparseArray, SparseIntArray, SparseLongArray, and SparseBooleanArray). Yet, the performance of these implementations in terms of CPU time, memory usage, and energy consumption is lacking in the official Android documentation; although saving CPU, memory, and energy is a major concern of users wanting to increase battery life. Consequently, we study the use of map implementations by Android developers in two ways. First, we perform an observational study of 5713 Android apps in GitHub. Second, we conduct a survey to assess developers’ perspective on Java and Android map implementations. Then, we perform an experimental study comparing HashMap, ArrayMap, and SparseArray variants map implementations in terms of CPU time, memory usage, and energy consumption. We conclude with guidelines for choosing among the map implementations: HashMap is preferable over ArrayMap to improve energy efficiency of apps, and SparseArray variants should be used instead of HashMap and ArrayMap when keys are primitive types.  相似文献   
Nowadays, many software organizations rely on automatic problem reporting tools to collect crash reports directly from users’ environments. These crash reports are later grouped together into crash types. Usually, developers prioritize crash types based on the number of crash reports and file bug reports for the top crash types. Because a bug can trigger a crash in different usage scenarios, different crash types are sometimes related to the same bug. Two bugs are correlated when the occurrence of one bug causes the other bug to occur. We refer to a group of crash types related to identical or correlated bug reports, as a crash correlation group. In this paper, we propose five rules to identify correlated crash types automatically. We propose an algorithm to locate and rank buggy files using crash correlation groups. We also propose a method to identify duplicate and related bug reports. Through an empirical study on Firefox and Eclipse, we show that the first three rules can identify crash correlation groups using stack trace information, with a precision of 91 % and a recall of 87 % for Firefox and a precision of 76 % and a recall of 61 % for Eclipse. On the top three buggy file candidates, the proposed bug localization algorithm achieves a recall of 62 % and a precision of 42 % for Firefox, and a recall of 52 % and a precision of 50 % for Eclipse. On the top 10 buggy file candidates, the recall increases to 92 % for Firefox and 90 % for Eclipse. The proposed duplicate bug report identification method achieves a recall of 50 % and a precision of 55 % on Firefox, and a recall of 47 % and a precision of 35 % on Eclipse. Developers can combine the proposed crash correlation rules with the new bug localization algorithm to identify and fix correlated crash types all together. Triagers can use the duplicate bug report identification method to reduce their workload by filtering duplicate bug reports automatically.  相似文献   
The presence of antipatterns can have a negative impact on the quality of a program. Consequently, their efficient detection has drawn the attention of both researchers and practitioners. However, most aspects of antipatterns are loosely specified because quality assessment is ultimately a human-centric process that requires contextual data. Consequently, there is always a degree of uncertainty on whether a class in a program is an antipattern or not. None of the existing automatic detection approaches handle the inherent uncertainty of the detection process. First, we present BDTEX (Bayesian Detection Expert), a Goal Question Metric (GQM) based approach to build Bayesian Belief Networks (BBNs) from the definitions of antipatterns. We discuss the advantages of BBNs over rule-based models and illustrate BDTEX on the Blob antipattern. Second, we validate BDTEX with three antipatterns: Blob, Functional Decomposition, and Spaghetti code, and two open-source programs: GanttProject v1.10.2 and Xerces v2.7.0. We also compare the results of BDTEX with those of another approach, DECOR, in terms of precision, recall, and utility. Finally, we also show the applicability of our approach in an industrial context using Eclipse JDT and JHotDraw and introduce a novel classification of antipatterns depending on the effort needed to map their definitions to automatic detection approaches.  相似文献   
Two identical or similar code fragments form a clone pair. Previous studies have identified cloning as a risky practice. Therefore, a developer needs to be aware of any clone pairs in order to properly propagate any changes between clones. A clone pair may experience many changes during the creation and maintenance of a software system. A change can either maintain or remove the similarity between clones in a clone pair. If a change maintains the similarity between clones, the clone pair is left in a consistent state. When a change makes the clones no longer similar, the clone pair is left in an inconsistent state. The set of states and changes experienced by clone pairs over time form an evolution history known as a clone genealogy. In this paper, we examine clone genealogies to identify fault-prone “patterns” of states and changes. We explore the use of clone genealogy information in fault prediction. We conduct a quasi-experiment with four long-lived software systems (i.e., Apache Ant, ArgoUML, JEdit, Maven) and identify clones using the NiCad and iClones clone detection tools. Overall, we find that the size of the clone can impact the fault-proneness of a clone pair. However, there is no clear impact of the time interval between changes to a clone pair on the fault-proneness of the clone pair. We also discover that adding clone genealogy information can increase the explanatory power of fault prediction models.  相似文献   
On the one hand, design patterns are solutions to recurring design problems, aimed at increasing reuse, flexibility, and maintainability. However, much prior work found that some patterns, such as the Observer and Singleton, are correlated with large code structures and argued that they are more likely to be fault prone. On the other hand, anti-patterns describe poor solutions to design and implementation problems that highlight weaknesses in the design of software systems and that may slow down maintenance and increase the risk of faults. They have been found to negatively impact change and fault-proneness. Classes participating in design patterns and anti-patterns have dependencies with other classes, e.g., static and co-change dependencies, that may propagate problems to other classes. We investigate the impact of such dependencies in object-oriented systems by studying the relations between the presence of static and co-change dependencies and (1) the fault-proneness, (2) the types of changes, and (3) the types of faults that these classes exhibit. We analyze six design patterns and 10 anti-patterns in 39 releases of ArgoUML, JFreeChart, and XercesJ, and investigate to what extent classes having dependencies with design patterns or anti-patterns have higher odds of faults than other classes. We show that in almost all releases of the three systems, classes having dependencies with anti-patterns are more fault-prone than others while this is not always true for classes with dependencies with design patterns. We also observe that structural changes are the most common changes impacting classes having dependencies with anti-patterns. Software developers could use this knowledge about the impact of design pattern and anti-pattern dependencies to better focus their testing and reviewing activities towards the most risky classes and to propagate changes adequately.  相似文献   
Ouni et al. “Maintainability defects detection and correction: a multi-objective approach” proposed a search-based approach for generating optimal refactoring sequences. They estimated the size of the search space for the refactoring scheduling problem using a formulation that is incorrect; the search space is estimated to be too much larger than it is. We provide in this paper the exact expression for computing the number of possible refactoring sequences of a software system. This could be useful for researchers and practitioners interested in developing new approaches to automate refactoring.  相似文献   
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