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This paper outlines the major motivating factors concerning a novel collaborative project between Edinburgh College of Art and Edinburgh Virtual Environment Centre. The Tacitus project will investigate the use of multi-modal virtual environments, specifically, the haptic (touch) modality, with regards to the creative processes employed by designers working within the field of applied arts. The salient areas of research are described, and the methods by which information regarding these areas will be obtained are considered. Initial investigations have revealed a strong need to mimic the traditional applied artists' workspaces, with co-location of visual and haptic cues a priority.  相似文献   
It is relatively stress-free to write about computer games as nothing too much has been said yet, and almost anything goes. The situation is pretty much the same when it comes to writing about games and gaming in general. The sad fact with alarming cumulative consequences is that they are under-theorized; there are Huizinga, Caillois and Ehrmann of course, and libraries full of board game studies,in addition to game theory and bits and pieces of philosophy – most notably those of Wittgenstein – but they won't get us very far with computer games. So if there already is or soon will be a legitimate field for computer game studies, this field is also very open to intrusions and colonisations from the already organized scholarly tribes. Resisting and beating them is the goal of our first survival game in this paper, as what these emerging studies need is independence, or at least relative independence.  相似文献   
Film production requires world building: the power to visualise and bring to life narrative through a film's total environment. This is often entirely speculative, imagining alternative or future worlds. Here, Alex McDowell , acclaimed British production designer, producer and Professor at the University of Southern California (USC) describes his world-building, narrative approach to production design, which he consolidated in the Steven Spielberg film Minority Report (2002) that envisioned Washington DC in the year 2050. The possibilities of this storytelling technique are demonstrated by its transference into real-life projects, such as the immersive model that his production company, 5D GlobalStudio, developed for Al Baydha, a Bedouin village in Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   
文章回顾了包豪斯学校以基础课程教学和工作坊式实践教学为主体的教学模式,并以这种教学模式为基础,针对风景园林规划与设计专业学科特点和当前国内此专业的教学现状,提出以强化综合性的基础课程体系为铺垫,以强化实践性与协作性的工作室教学方式为主体的风景园林规划与设计本科教学优化方案。  相似文献   

The New Zealand firm of Burton Brothers was engaged in a wide spectrum of enterprise, icluding portrait, topographic and commercial photography. It came into being withing 20 years of the founding of the Otago Settlement. The firm soon became widely known for its ethnoghraphic photographs of the South Pacific, and later for its output of photographic postcards under the name of Muir & Moodie. Thomas M. B. Muir, who joined the firm early on, was related both to James Weaver Allen, a noteworthy pioneer photographer in the colony, and to Fred Muir who carried his camera to the unexplored interior of the South Island of New Zealand and brougllt back views of the hitherto unknown lakes, waterfalls and natural wonders to fascinated townspeople. Not surprisuingly, therefore, Burton Brothers and Muir & Moodie are household names in New Zealand, and are also well known to librarians and ethnographers throughout the world.  相似文献   
王旭 《建筑与文化》2014,(7):150-151
莫霍利-纳吉在芝加哥建立了新包豪斯和设计学院,开设了基础课程、摄影课、视觉设计、产品设计以及建筑设计等主要课程。学院最初只是对包豪斯思想的植入,到后期受到美国实用主义理论的影响,开始强调适用于工业化的设计。这种实用主义的教育理念对当今建筑教育仍具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
包豪斯设计教学改革的理念与实践传播到中国,深刻影响了20世纪中国现代建筑教育的发展进程。其中,包豪斯基础教学的引入,是最具历史意义的部分。本文聚焦拉兹洛·莫霍利-纳吉这位代表性人物,对他主持期间的包豪斯预备课程展开研究。从课程构建的多重训练方式出发,追溯其思想渊源,解析"完整的人"和"总体作品"这两个核心概念,透视预备课程在包豪斯教学体系整体架构中的基础作用,以剖析预备课程与建筑以及建筑师培养之间丰富而深刻的关联。同时,本文也检视莫霍利-纳吉教学探索中的视觉化倾向,揭示包豪斯内在矛盾性,为进一步反思包豪斯的中国影响提供关键性的视角。  相似文献   
The architectural detail has provided the essential material building block for conveying an idea. Carlo Ratti and Matthew Claudel of the SENSEable City Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) ask how this, though, is all set to change in a digital context. As technologies shrink and vanish from sight, what might become the new minimum meaningful unit for architecture? How might a new relational scale establish itself, at the level of the ‘invisible detail’ or the microchip? How might this, in turn, change the very nature of buildings as they become highly responsive, human-occupied transmitters?  相似文献   
同济建筑规划设计精神的起源与发展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
无论是起源还是发展过程,同济建筑规划设计教师的来源是所有中国著名建筑规划院校中最多源的,这是同济海纳百川、博采众长文化传统中最宝贵和不可分割的一部分。与教员的多源性相对应的是学科总体构架上的多学科和多层次,以及空间态创作上的丰富性与多样性。而在教师的多源性.形态创作的多样性和学科架构的多层次、多学科之下,是一个坚定不移的认同,即源自包豪斯设计教育理念的同济精神。她包含了四个层面,组成为一个完整的整体:社会进步的办学宗旨、理性审美的思想内核、民主创新的学风传统、博采众长的全球视野。  相似文献   
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