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以长江口南支河段为原型,概化并建立水槽数学模型,研究径潮双向流条件下丁坝附近的水流结构。研究表明:丁坝一侧河岸,丁坝下游潮差远大于上游,在丁坝上游潮差小于对岸侧,下游潮差大于对岸侧;落潮时,丁坝回流区与壅水区长度大于涨潮,转流时刻,丁坝坝头附近流速相对较大;河床底部剪切应力变化在涨落急时刻最大,且落潮大于涨潮,转流时刻坝头及坝身迎水侧剪切应力增加明显。  相似文献   
基于ISO10646的开放系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李文峰  吴健 《计算机学报》1995,18(10):744-754
ISO 10646标准的提出是开放系统发展的一个里程碑。CJK大字符集也经过中、日、韩三方专家的共同努力而成为第一个为国际准化组织认可的中文标准。中科院软件所经过近一年的攻关,终于在开放系统上实现了ISO 10646及其CJK标准。本文首先对ISO10646及CJK作了简要介绍,然后描述了系统的总体结构及编码方案,并详细地讨论了中文本地特征数据库、中文输入方法服务器、字型集合、ICONV子系统的设  相似文献   
随着海洋渔业资源的衰退和海洋生态环境的破坏,人工鱼礁技术得到迅速发展,成为海洋牧场建设的重要组成部分。采用CJK3D-WEM建立了吕泗渔场组合型人工鱼礁群二维潮流数学模型,模拟了礁群实施后周边海域水动力的变化,并通过分析海床泥沙活动性探讨了礁群的稳定性。研究结果表明:礁体的阻挡作用会在礁体后方形成了一个梭状的缓流区域,离礁体越近流速越小;多礁体之间形成了流速渐次变化的生物和鱼类栖息带,流场效应较好;礁群的实施对海床泥沙活动影响相对较小,短期内人工鱼礁下沉或掩埋的风险较小。  相似文献   
长江口北槽潮波对地形变化的响应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以长江口北槽为研究背景,建立了二维潮流数学模型,在模型验证良好的基础上,研究了北槽潮波传播对工程与地形变化的响应。研究表明,长江口深水航道治理工程完成后,北槽地形未发生调整前,北槽潮波高、低潮位均升高,潮差减小,涨、落潮相位明显滞后,潮波变形加剧,涨落急流速均呈增大趋势;北槽水深增加后,高、低潮位随之降低,潮差增大,落潮相位略有提前,涨潮相位变化相对较小,潮波变形逐渐趋缓,涨急流速减弱,落急流速增强。  相似文献   
杜钦 《包装工程》2018,39(24):12-17
目的 梳理现代中文版面肌理的成因,从不同角度对近现代中文版面肌理进行质性分析,为当代的更广义的基于规则的文字设计提供基础和依据。方法 在现代铅活字中文排印法诞生于中国并发展成熟于东亚三国的一百多年时间里,中文版面肌理受到语言体式变革、正文字体与字形变化、中西文混排、新式标点符号的采用以及标点行内化、直排书写转为横排书写等方面因素的影响,从而逐渐演变为当今的样态。在这种演变过程中,现代中文版面与古典版面有了极大差别,版面肌理以及基本组版逻辑都发生了本质性的改变。结论 对上述因素的分析论述,总结出现代中文版面肌理具体体现为一种等高、等宽、等距的汉字为主体的文本,其中包含了变高、变宽、变距的非汉字字符;在两端对齐的总体格局下,为了保证标点避首尾禁则,根据标点符号占宽进行有规律的调整而达到一种动态平衡。  相似文献   
The extensive development of electronic systems and telecommunications has lead to major concerns regarding electromagnetic pollution. Motivated by environmental questions and by a wide variety of applications, the quest for materials with high efficiency to mitigate electromagnetic interferences (EMI) pollution has become a mainstream field of research. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art research in the design and characterization of polymer/carbon based composites as EMI shielding materials. After a brief introduction, in Section 1, the electromagnetic theory will be briefly discussed in Section 2 setting the foundations of the strategies to be employed to design efficient EMI shielding materials. These materials will be classified in the next section by the type of carbon fillers, involving carbon black, carbon fiber, carbon nanotubes and graphene. The importance of the dispersion method into the polymer matrix (melt-blending, solution processing, etc.) on the final material properties will be discussed. The combination of carbon fillers with other constituents such as metallic nanoparticles or conductive polymers will be the topic of Section 4. The final section will address advanced complex architectures that are currently studied to improve the performances of EMI materials and, in some cases, to impart additional properties such as thermal management and mechanical resistance. In all these studies, we will discuss the efficiency of the composites/devices to absorb and/or reflect the EMI radiation.  相似文献   
一、概论 到目前为止,计算机代码处理体制是以传统的ASCll或者EBCDIC为基础的。采八位编码,最多只能表示256个不同的字符,要处理所使用字符超过256个的非英语语种,特别亚洲语系的语言,许  相似文献   
随着制造业的不断发展,老式数控机床已无法满足企业生产需求。文中针对C JK6032A数控车床系统老化等问题,提出了升级改造方案,改造过程中涉及数控系统的升级、机械部件的改造、进给伺服驱动系统的升级、主轴调速升级和参数设置等。经过调试运行后机床满足生产要求,C JK6032A数控车床升级改造的成功为今后其他设备的改造提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
为探讨长江口横沙东滩新陆域不同成陆方案对长江口北槽水动力条件的影响,基于CJK3DWEM模型,建立了新陆域数学模型,划分计算水域三角形单元138 281个,网格边长平均约150.0 m。计算结果表明:横沙东滩新陆域形成后,北港上断面、南槽下断面落潮分流比略有减小,分流比变化均在1.00%以内;南港河段、北槽中上段涨落急流速不同程度增加,增加幅度为5~15 cm/s;北槽下段涨落急流速略有减小,减小幅度为5~10 cm/s;北港沿程落急流速有不同程度减小,减小幅度为5 cm/s左右;工程区北侧和南侧高潮位降低,低潮位变化相对较小,原因在于圈围工程主要布置在横沙东滩高程-5.0 m以上浅滩区域,圈围后明显阻隔了涨潮漫滩流。  相似文献   
Laboratory diagnosis of pathologies caused by virus plays a critical role in outbreak response efforts and establishing safe and expeditious testing strategies. Detection of pathogenic virus using commercial solutions require specific tools and laborious laboratory procedures. This makes the day-to-day on time detection of virus infections the limiting step in any outbreak. The need for new diagnostic tools easily available to poor and rural underdeveloped areas where health infrastructure and trained personnel are scarce is highly desirable. The widely known intrinsic properties of Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) embody them with the potential to overcome some of the challenges inherent to virus detection. MOFs are already components of functional devices capable of perform an uninterrupted detection of molecular targets in real time. In this review, we summarise the few studies concerning the reported MOFs used as sensors for pathogenic virus. We emphasise the structural and physical properties of these materials which can open the possibility for their use in this type of sensors and conclude on how the field can progress to envisage the usage of MOFs by the pharmaceutical industry to develop new sensors for these sub-microscopic infectious agents.  相似文献   
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