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Temperature control curve is the key to achieving temperature control and crack prevention of high concrete dam during construction,and its rationality depends on the accurate measurement of temperature stress.With the simulation testing machine for the temperature stress,in the present study,we carried out the deformation process tests of concrete under three temperature curves:convex,straight and concave.Besides,we not only measured the early-age elastic modulus,creep parameters and stress process,but also proposed the preferred type.The results show that at early age,higher temperature always leads to greater elastic modulus and smaller creep.However,the traditional indoor experiments have underestimated the elastic modulus and creep development at early age,which makes the calculated value of temperature stress too small,thus increasing the cracking risk.In this study,the stress values of the three curves calculated based on the strain and early-age parameters are in good agreement with the temperature stress measured by the temperature stress testing machine,which verifies the method accuracy.When the temperature changes along the concave curve,the law of stress development is in consistent with that of strength.Under this condition,the stress fluctuation is small and the crack prevention safety of the concave type is higher,so the concave type is better.The test results provide a reliable basis and support for temperature control curve design and optimization of concrete dams.  相似文献   
When fresh concrete is exposed to extremely low temperatures, the free water in the concrete is cooled below its freezing point and transforms into ice, leading to a decrease in the compressive strength of concrete. When freezing takes place after an adequate curing time, the decrease in compressive strength does not occur. In other words, the concrete can resist the frost damage. Of the many influencing factors, the age of concrete at the beginning of freezing and curing temperatures is significantly important with regard to the loss of compressive strength. In this study, tests were performed to examine how these factors affect the compressive strength of concrete frozen at early-ages as well as to investigate the source of frost damage in fresh concrete. The results from the tests showed that the loss of compressive strength decreases when the onset of freezing was delayed and the curing temperature was high. Moreover, the results showed that the curing temperature after the freezing period does not affect the resistance against frost damage but it affects the strength development. Finally, we propose a new method to predict the minimum curing time based on the development theory of frost resistance with decrease of saturation degree of capillary pores and using the hydration degree curves at an early age.  相似文献   
通过对钢纤维混凝土在未达到设计强度前曾受过荷载非破坏性试验的试件进行后期强度试验,研究了这种早期受荷经历对钢纤维混凝土抗折强度、劈裂抗拉强度和轴心抗压强度的影响,进行了改变早期加荷时间、早期荷载水平和钢纤维掺量等因素的比较,并与普通混凝土做对比。试验结果表明,早期受荷使钢纤维混凝土的后期强度降低,这种不利影响比对普通混凝土的影响小,但在低含纤率时要给予足够重视;在工程中如需要在较早时期作用较大荷载时,增加钢纤维掺量是减小其后期抗折和抗拉强度降低幅度的一项有效措施,并做了相关的机理分析。  相似文献   
对早龄期低钙粉煤灰基地聚物混凝土拉伸徐变特性的把握,能够为受拉状态地聚物混凝土的应力解析及开裂预测提供重要的参数依据。采用自制混凝土拉伸徐变试验装置,通过恒定应力下的混凝土拉伸徐变试验获取混凝土比徐变、徐变增长速率等徐变特性,研究不同初始加载龄期(2、3、4 d)对低钙粉煤灰基地聚物混凝土拉伸徐变的影响。结果表明:高温密封养护可以使低钙粉煤灰基地聚物混凝土短时间内达到强度稳定状态;低钙粉煤灰基地聚物混凝土的拉伸徐变特性与普通水泥混凝土相似,试验初期阶段徐变增长速率较快,随持荷时间的增加,徐变增长速率迅速下降;在同一应力强度比下,初始加载龄期越大,比徐变越小,试验初期阶段的徐变增长速率也越小;相较于试验中期阶段与后期阶段,初始加载龄期对试验初期阶段的徐变影响更大。  相似文献   
研究了早龄期冻结压力等荷载、负温及早龄期荷载和负温耦合作用对冻结竖井井壁C60混凝土抗压强度、氯离子扩散系数和声发射特征的影响,并通过扫描电镜分析其内部微裂缝.结果表明:早龄期荷载加载时间越早对混凝土28d抗压强度的影响越大,当外部荷载作用时间在3d以后且荷载水平在混凝土当天强度40%以内时,混凝土28d强度几乎不受影响;冻结井井帮负温环境会延缓井壁混凝土早期水化,防冻剂的加入利于加快混凝土水化和强度的发展;在早龄期荷载及负温耦合作用下,混凝土28d抗压强度降低明显,氯离子扩散系数大大增加,混凝土的渗透性由\  相似文献   
以CFBC(循环流化床)固硫灰为水泥混合材,CFBC固硫灰掺量、固硫灰级配、水胶比、激发剂种类和激发剂掺量等为变量,系统研究了CFBC固硫灰水泥砂浆试块3 d/28 d强度性能.采用SEM对CFBC固硫灰水泥在有无激发剂情况下的水化过程机理进行了分析,并对CFBC固硫灰水泥应用上进行了改进和建议.  相似文献   
通过早期养护对混凝土强度、抗裂性、碳化性能、混凝土路面(地面)表层强度、夏(冬)期混凝土性能的影响及工程实践经验分析,充分说明早期养护对现代多组分混凝土性能实现的重要性。提出了针对不同环境、不同温度及具体工程情况需采取的早期养护措施,对进一步提高工程质量、避免或减少质量缺陷具有非常重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
为了分析评估早龄期混凝土的温度应力及开裂风险,基于Arrhenius方程,采用等效龄期方法预测了温度和龄期对混凝土基本力学性能发展的影响规律,并推导了基于等效放热速率函数的混凝土温度场定解方程,结合有限元理论与增量法求解了混凝土温度应力并对混凝土早期温度开裂风险做了分析.研究表明,等效龄期方法不仅可以很好地预测混凝土基本力学性能(抗压强度、抗拉强度)在参考温度下随龄期的发展,结合有限元软件ANSYS,采用等效龄期方法也可以有效地预测并控制混凝土结构的早期温度开裂现象.  相似文献   
以桥面板等高性能混凝土板式构件为研究对象,通过实验测试了板式构件不同截面厚度位置处早期收缩分布情况,探讨混凝土早期收缩变形与温度、湿度发展过程。结果表明,混凝土板式构件的内部厚度方向不同位置处的相对湿度随龄期都呈现逐渐减小趋势,并呈现两阶段特征,同时,混凝土板式构件早期收缩变形厚度方向不同步,导致板式构件表面产生拉应力,当拉应力大于当时混凝土的抗拉强度时,混凝土表面就会出现浅层裂缝,这与实际工程中发现的板式构件表面开裂情况相吻合。混凝土板式构件早期收缩变形与相同配合比混凝土的早期自由收缩变形进行比较,引入相对约束度并建立了混凝土板式构件早期收缩变形的预测模型,并验证了该模型的准确性,其特点是能预测高性能混凝土板式构件不同截面厚度位置的早期收缩变形,对控制混凝土桥梁板式结构的早期收缩裂缝具有实际意义。  相似文献   
目的研究早期养护时间对混凝土早期收缩的影响,并定量地阐明早期养护对减小收缩和抑制早期裂缝的重要性.方法以掺和不掺减水剂的4种混凝土为研究对象,采用自行设计的一套试验装置测量混凝土在不同早期养护时间下的早期收缩.结果不掺减水剂的混凝土,无论是始终敞开或全程密封养护,总的早期收缩变形都很小.而掺减水剂的混凝土,早期收缩显著增大,集中产生于初凝后的8h以内,且收缩率随水灰比减小急剧增大;在相同水灰比条件下,早期收缩随着早期养护时间的增加而显著减小,但在此之后养护对收缩的抑制作用逐渐减弱.结论对不掺减水剂混凝土,单从抑制收缩的角度来考虑,并不需要采取什么特别的早期养护措施.对掺减水剂混凝土,当不养护时,初凝后8 h内的收缩值远远超过混凝土开裂极限;而有效的早期养护能显著抑制这类混凝土早期收缩,因此,掺减水剂混凝土必须在初凝前开始及时养护,且确保初凝后持续8 h以上的养护时间.  相似文献   
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