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The Dufour gland of Nannotrigona testaceicornis is a large, wide, pear-shaped sac. The gland secretion consists chiefly of the diterpene ester all-trans-geranylgeranyl acetate (64% of the total), together with a complex mixture of small amounts of cyclic ketals; mono-, sesqui-, and diterpene compounds; acetates; and other oxygenated compounds. Samples of N. testaceicornis collected at two sites in Brazil and one in México shared the same composition of their glands, suggesting that the species is uniform over this wide geographical area.  相似文献   
Electroantennogram (EAG) responses from worker honeybee antennae were obtained for each Nasonov component. Response amplitudes to 10 g of components correlated well with reported relative abilities to attract foragers in the field. EAG responses of worker, queen, and drone antennae to natural pheromone were consistently greater than to synthetic pheromone, a difference only partly explained by enzymic conversion of geraniol to (E)-citral during preparation of natural extracts.  相似文献   
When placed in a small observation arena with workers, most young virgin honeybee queens released fecal (hindgut) material during agonistic interactions with workers and with each other. On release of this material, workers moved to the sides of the arena and groomed themselves. Bioassays of virgin queen fecal material demonstrated that it contains pheromone that repels workers and stimulates grooming behavior. Pheromone was present only in the feces of virgin queens that were more than 24 hr old and less than 2 weeks old. Feces of 2- to 4-day-old workers and virgin queens more than 2 weeks old did not elicit an avoidance response by workers. Moreover, the feces of young virgin queens had a strong fragrance, while that of older queens had a rancid odor and that of young workers had no detectable odor.  相似文献   
By depositing scent marks on flowers, bees reduce both the search time and the time spent with the handling of nonrewarding flowers. They thereby improve the efficiency of foraging. Whereas in honey bees the source of these scent marks is unknown, it is assumed to be the tarsal glands in bumble bees. According to histological studies, however, the tarsal glands lack any openings to the outside. Foragers of the stingless bee Melipona seminigra have previously been shown to deposit an attractant pheromone at sugar solution feeders, which is secreted at the tips of their tarsi. Here we show that the claw retractor tendons have specialized glandular epithelia within the femur and tibia of all legs that produce this pheromone. The secretion accumulates within the hollow tendon, which also serves as the duct to the outside, and is released from an opening at the base of the unguitractor plate. In choice experiments, M. seminigra was attracted by feeders baited with pentane extracts of the claw retractor tendons in the same way as it was attracted by feeders previously scent marked by foragers. Our results resolve the seeming contradiction between the importance of foot print secretions and the lack of openings of the tarsal glands.  相似文献   
Discrimination among differentially rewarding flowers allows honeybees to maximize their foraging efficiency. We studied how honeybees are able to relate to differential positive rewards when the odor representations are either structurally dissimilar, structurally similar (or form a substrate–product duo in planta), or form a binary mixture sharing a common constituent. Bees were tested both in conditioning of the proboscis-extension response (PER) and in a free-flying context. Our results point to honeybees using olfactory associative learning to differentiate between two positively rewarded odors. In PER, subjects discriminated best between dissimilar odors; they initially generalized between similar odors, but eventually learned to discriminate between them. The discrimination between mixtures sharing a common constituent remained poor. Likewise, the difference in visits to low- and high-rewarding flowers of free-flying bees was greater for dissimilar odors than for binary mixtures sharing a common constituent. Consequences of the operant conditioning nature of the free-flying context are discussed.  相似文献   
A dazzling variety of honeybee behaviors are triggered by pheromones produced by disparate exocrine glands. A multiplicity of chemical releasers of social behavior has been demonstrated to regulate a diversity of societal interactions, and many of these compounds are synthesized with great caste specificity. Recent investigations have resulted in the identification of a host of new compounds that are products of either worker or queen honeybees. This report fractionates these newly identified exocrine products according to their glandular proveniences and focuses on both the structural and behavioral eclecticism that characterizes these chemical signaling agents.  相似文献   
We present chemical analysis of four rotten or fungus-infected logs that attracted fragrance-collecting male euglossine bees. Eight of the 10 volatile compounds detected have never been found in the fragrances of orchids pollinated by male euglossine bees. Nonfloral sources of chemicals such as rotting wood may constitute an important fragrance resource for male bees. Since rotten logs produce large quantities of chemicals over long periods of time, such nonfloral sources might be more important than flowers as a source of certain fragrances for some euglossine bee species. Fragrance collecting in euglossine bees might have evolved originally in relation with rotting wood rather than flowers.  相似文献   
The nest of the stingless bee,Trigona (Tetragonisca) angustula, is guarded by bees positioned in the nest entrance and others hovering in front of it. Hovering guard bees track returning foragers sideways along the last 10 cm in front of the nest, but intercept and incapacitate nest intruders by clinging with mandibles to wings and legs. When attacked by the cleptobiotic stingless beeLestrimelitta limao, the colony strengthens its aerial defense with hundreds of additional hoverers. To test our hypothesis that this reaction is due to interspecific chemical communication based on kairomone effects, we presented synthetic cephalic volatiles of both species at the nest entrance and counted the number of bees leaving the nest and taking up hovering positions. We conclude that guard bees recognizeL. limao by the major terpenoids of their volatile cephalic secretions, geranial, neral (=citral) and 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one; other components may fine-tune this recognition. The effect of chemical stimuli is not significantly enhanced by combination with a dummy ofL. limao. Guard bees, we hypothesize, respond to this kairomone by secreting a species specific alarm pheromone; a major component of this pheromone, benzaldehyde, recruits additional bees to defend the nest.  相似文献   
The bioecological situation of 24-methylenecholesterol, the main sterol of many pollens and previously isolated from larvae, workers, and queens of the honeybeeApis mellifica L., is reviewed. A search for steroids in queen honeybee ovaries has led to the isolation of three compounds occurring in minute amounts: 24-methylenecholest-4-en-3-one (1), 24-oxochoiesterol (2), and 24-oxocholest-4-en-3-one (3), which were identified by direct comparison with authentic samples prepared from 24-methyienechoiesterol. These three substances have not been detected in lipids from other parts of queen or from worker honeybees, and their presence may reflect a particular oxidizing capability of the ovaries. The results so far observed are discussed in relationship with previous observations reported on honeybees.  相似文献   
Premating behavior in the species Bombus confusus Schenck, 1859 was studied. The marking habits of bumblebee males were revealed and the use of their labial gland secretion in scent marks was proved chemically. Identical compounds were present both in the labial gland secretion and on male-marked objects. This chemical proof is reported for the first time from natural conditions of a B. confusus locality. Males' flight activities, site tenacity, and male–male interactions are described in detail. Contrary to literature reports, male B. confusus behavior does not basically differ from that of already known perching bumblebee species.  相似文献   
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