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Responses of house mice (Mus domesticus) to odors in live traps were studied in a series of eight 0.1-ha outdoor field enclosures. It was assumed that the most recent mouse capture would provide the predominant odor in a trap for at least one week. Three different populations were tested, one in 1989 and two in 1992, involving over 800 different mice. Similar response patterns were recorded from all three groups. Two types of questions were tested: (1) Were there any biases contingent upon what had been previously caught? (2) Were there consistent responses of mice of particular age, sex, or reproductive classes to trap odors? Traps soiled by juvenile females caught adult females significantly less often than expected, but there were no consistent relationships in terms of the effects of specific residual odors on the subsequent capture at a particular trap. For various age, sex, and reproductive classes, (1) adult males preferred odors from juvenile and estrous females and avoided odors of other males significantly more than expected, (2) juvenile females selected traps with odors of other juvenile females and avoided all other types of female odors significantly more than expected, (3) nonestrous females exhibited a significant preference for adult male odor, and (4) estrous females selected traps containing odors from adult males but avoided those that had previously contained either nonestrous or pregnant/lactating females significantly more than expected. These findings have potential implications with regard to both the methods used for trapping small rodents and the social biology of house mice.  相似文献   
It is believed that mammalian chemosensory irritants are not aversive to birds and vice versa. Nevertheless, few avian repellents have been tested against mammals. For that reason, we evaluated the efficacy of 1.0% w/v methyl anthranilate, orthoaminoacetophenone, 2-amino-4,5-methoxyacetophenone, 2-methoxyacetophenone, and veratryl amine as mouse repellents in 3-hr no-choice drinking tests. Relative to ingestion of plain water, all test substances significantly reduced (P < 0.05) intake. Orthoaminoaceto-phenone was the most effective repellent, with intake reduced to levels statistically indistinguishable from zero.  相似文献   
Pampean region agroecosystems are devoted to agricultural and farming activities, but in the crop field matrix there are relicts of remnant natural habitats. Poultry farms mainly harbour commensal species as house mice and rats, which are rarely present in surrounding habitats. We assessed if neighbourhood to poultry farms affect the presence of Mus musculus in crop fields and their borders, and if rodent community in poultry farms is influenced by the species present in surrounding crop fields and borders. We found that habitat had a significant effect on the abundance of M. musculus. This species showed higher abundance in poultry farms than in crop field borders. Calomys laucha was the unique native species that was captured in farm sheds. We found higher abundance of native species in crop field borders than in crop fields independent of the proximity to the poultry farms. We conclude that rodent communities in poultry farms are little influenced by the surroundings, and show a dominance of M. musculus independently of the presence of native rodent species in neighbour habitats. On the other hand, farms do not export M. musculus to surrounding habitats, and borders only function as corridors for dispersal among farms, while crop fields are rarely used.  相似文献   
Black-bone silky fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus Brisson) (BSF) muscle was hydrolyzed by papain, and the hydrolysate was separated by preparative high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The amino acid composition of the BSF hydrolysate (BSFH) and its fractions was determined by HPLC precolumn derivation with 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene. The molecular weight (MW) distribution of the BSFH and its fractions was measured by a peptide column on an HPLC system. Antioxidant activities of the BSFH and its fractions were studied by testing the reducing power and four radical scavenging systems: superoxide anion (O2), hydroxyl (·OH), 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and 2,2'-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS+) radicals. The results demonstrated that the BSFH had strong antioxidant capacity to scavenge O2, DPPH and ABTS+, and displayed strong reducing power, but revealed less powerful ability to scavenge ·OH. Fraction II of the BSFH exhibited the highest activity in scavenging O2 and DPPH, and reducing power, whereas fraction I displayed the strongest ·OH scavenging ability. Besides Glu, Asp and Gly, the rich amino acids of Ala and Leu played an important role in antioxidant activity. The small-size peptides with MW ranging from approximately 200-6000 Da probably contributed to higher antioxidant activity. Results from this study indicated that BSFH and its fractions could be used as food additives and diet nutrients.  相似文献   
House mice release chemosignals in their urine that influence the timing of puberty and reproductive condition in conspecific females. These experiments tested the possibility that mice depositing urine containing chemosignals that affect puberty and reproduction do so differentially with respect to urine cues from conspecifics. Mice were tested in cages containing samples of urine or water on cotton in wire mesh capsules protruding from the cage floor. Their urine deposition patterns were recorded on squares of filter paper positioned below the cages. Males deposited more urine than females housed in groups, estrous females, diestrous females, or prepubertal females. All groups of mice deposited urine in a nonrandom fashion with regard to urine cues from conspecifics. Male mice deposited more urine near locations previously soiled by females than near water or other males. Grouped females deposited more urine near male urine cues and avoided depositing urine near urine from other group-housed females. Both estrous and diestrous female mice deposited more urine near males than near other urine cues or water, possibly to attract mates. Prepubertal females avoided depositing their urine near male urine and urinated more near urine from grouped females than near other urine types or water. Young females may be avoiding possible male mates until they have attained puberty. This avoidance behavior may enhance the long-term reproductive success of the females that otherwise might mature and mate at too young an age.  相似文献   
High-resolution chromatographic profiles of urinary volatiles were quantitatively recorded and statistically evaluated for the female mice genetically differing in a small region of the major histocompatibility complex on the 17th chromosome. Both immature and estrogenized animals were evaluated. While there seem to be no specific volatile products of the histocompatibility genes, statistically significant differences were readily observed with the immature females of different haplotypes, involving the general range of secondary volatile metabolites. Their possible role in olfactory communication is discussed.  相似文献   
本文主要论述截头堆砂白蚁在恒温27±1℃,相对湿度60%、75%、80%、90%条件下形成补充型及繁殖能力的试验结果。试验结果表明,温度适宜,湿度不适宜亦会影响该种白蚁补充型的形成及繁殖发展。该种白蚁的适宜湿度是75%-90%之间,最适宜湿度80%-90%。80%和90%这两组湿度的试验群体均能形成补充型,补充型均有繁殖功能,子代发育正常。  相似文献   
Whereas the house mouse (Mus domesticus) has been studied extensively in terms of physiology/behavior and pheromonal attributes, the evolutionarily related mound-building mouse (Mus spicilegus) has received attention only recently due to its divergent behavioral traits related to olfaction. To date, no chemical studies on urinary volatile compounds have been performed on M. spicilegus. The rationale for our investigations was to determine if there are differences in urinary volatiles of intact and castrated M. spicilegus males and to explore further whether this species could utilize the same or structurally similar pheromones as the male house mouse, M. domesticus. The use of capillary gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC-MS) together with sorptive stir bar extraction sampling enabled quantitative comparisons between the intact and castrated M. spicilegus urinary profiles. Additionally, through GC-MS and atomic emission (sulfur-selective) detection, we identified qualitative molecular differences between intact M. spicilegus and M. domesticus. A series of volatile and odoriferous lactones and the presence of coumarin were the unique features of M. spicilegus, as was the notable absence of 2-sec-butyl-4,5-dihydrothiazole (a prominent M. domesticus male pheromone) and other sulfur-containing compounds. Castration of M. spicilegus males eliminated several substances, including δ-hexalactone and γ-octalactone, and substantially decreased additional compounds, suggesting their possible role in chemical communication. Some other M. domesticus pheromone components were also found in M. spicilegus urine. These comparative chemical analyses support the notion of metabolic similarities as well as the uniqueness of some volatiles for M. spicilegus, which may have a distinct physiological function in reproduction and behavior.  相似文献   
温湿度对截头堆砂白蚁生存与繁殖发展有密切关系,在相对湿度80%条件下,温度低于18℃和高于33℃,不利于该种群的存活与发展;在恒温27±1℃条件下,相对湿度低于75%就会影响其生存繁殖。  相似文献   
Mouse urine samples from different pregnancy and lactation periods were examined by capillary gas chromatography to assess variations in the volatile signals that may affect the endocrine function of other females. Statistically significant changes in the excretion of certain urinary volatiles were observed; from 26 readily quantifiable constituents, 14 appear to be under the endocrine control. These selected components, positively identified through mass spectrometry and retention data, and the synthetic standards are ketones, unsaturated alcohols, esters, and cyclic vinyl ethers.  相似文献   
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