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Optical add/drop multiplexers (OADMs) can significantly reduce the cost of metro optical wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) ring networks by allowing traffic to bypass intermediate nodes without expensive opto-electro-opto (O-E-O) conversion. Some traditional OADMs, called fixed OADMs (FOADMs), can only add/drop traffic on a specific wavelength. Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexers (ROADMs) are emerging, which can add/drop traffic onto/from different wavelengths at different time. ROADMs provide desirable flexibility, enable fast provisioning of dynamic traffic, and save capital expenditure (CapEx) and operational expenditure (OpEx). In order to be cost-effective, some ROADMs employ architectures that tune the ROADM continuously from one wavelength to another, crossing through all the wavelengths in-between, which may cause interference to the connections, if any, on those wavelengths being crossed. In order to prevent existing connections from being interrupted, a constraint needs to be imposed that ROADMs cannot cross working wavelengths when tuning. In this study, the design and the benefits of metro optical WDM network architectures using ROADMs and the impact of this tuning constraint on the performance of the network are investigated. Mathematical formulation of the problem of provisioning of connections with advance reservation, in which the arrival time and departure time of all the connections are known in advance, is presented, and results for a small network are shown.  相似文献   
Reconfigurable manufacturing systems are designed to deliver exact functionality and capacity that is needed, when it is needed. The reconfigurable machine tool (RMT) plays a pivotal role in the accomplishment of this objective through their built in modular structure consisting of basic and auxiliary modules along with the open architecture software.  相似文献   
研究一类新型5自由度可重构混联机械手的创新设计和尺度综合问题,该机械手模块由-2自由度球面并联机构和一条通过滑移副与之串接的两转动-移动串联运动链组成.该混联机械手由于将定点转动与相对滑移运动解耦,因此具有工作空间/支链行程比大的特点,适合高速轻载作业,可作为即插即用模块用于搭建不同类型的加工制造装备.在建立2自由度球面并联机构的速度映射模型的基础上,分析该机构的奇异性和各向同性问题,并以速度雅可比矩阵最小奇异值的全域均值为操作性能指标,研究2自由度球面并联机构的尺度综合问题.通过单调性分析揭示出尺度参数对该指标的影响规律,进而将尺度综合问题简化为求解杆长等式约束问题.最后给出一组算例,使该尺度综合方法的有效性得到验证.  相似文献   
This paper describes a convolution-based approach to the analysis of images containing few texture classes. Segmentation of foreground and background textures, or detection of boundaries between similarly textured objects, is demonstrated. The application to industrial inspection applications is demonstrated. Near frame-rate performance on low-cost hardware is possible, since only convolution with small kernels is used. A new algorithm to optimize convolution kernels for the required texture analysis task is presented. A key feature of the paper is the industrial readiness of the techniques described.  相似文献   
基于J2EE的制造执行系统的可重构性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据生产环境变化对制造执行系统(MES)提出的重构要求,提出了MES的三类重构因素;以半导体制造MES系统的重构为例,研究了J2EE(Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition)技术对三类重构特性的实现.实际应用表明,基于J2EE的MES可快捷地实现系统的重构,能够随生产环境变化与企业需求保持同步增长,具有良好的应用效果.  相似文献   
Shortest paths between shortest paths   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We study the following problem on reconfiguring shortest paths in graphs: Given two shortest s-t paths, what is the minimum number of steps required to transform one into the other, where each intermediate path must also be a shortest s-t path and must differ from the previous one by only one vertex. We prove that the shortest reconfiguration sequence can be exponential in the size of the graph and that it is NP-hard to compute the shortest reconfiguration sequence even when we know that the sequence has polynomial length.  相似文献   
To respond quickly to the rapidly changing manufacturing environment, it is imperative for the system to have such capabilities as flexibility, adaptability, and reusability. The fractal manufacturing system (FrMS) is a new manufacturing paradigm designed to meet these requirements. To facilitate a dynamic reconfiguration of system elements (i.e., fractals), agents as well as software modules should be self-reconfigurable. Embodiment of a self-reconfigurable manufacturing system can be achieved by using self-reconfigurable software architecture. In this paper, therefore, self-reconfigurable software architecture is designed by conducting the following studies: (1) analysis of functional requirements of a fractal and environmental constraints, (2) design of reconfigurable software architecture especially for a reconfigurable agent, (3) selection of proper techniques to implement software modules, and realization of software architecture equipped with self-reconfigurability. To validate this approach, the designed architecture is applied to the FrMS.  相似文献   
信息系统可重构性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信息系统可重构性是在软件重用基础上发展起来的新的系统设计与开发思想,尽管目前在技术与方法上还不成熟,缺乏科学理论的支持,但它无疑是未来信息系统的发展方向。本文讨论了信息系统可重构性的内涵、软件重用与构件技术,在此基础上提出了可重构信息系统开发机制。  相似文献   
In this paper, we investigate the problem of enhancing dual-failure restorability in path protected mesh-restorable optical Wavelength Division Multiplexed (WDM) networks. Recent studies have demonstrated the need to survive simultaneous dual-link failures and have also provided solutions for handling such failures. A key finding of these early efforts is that designs providing complete (i.e. 100%) protection from all dual-failures need almost triple the spare capacity compared to a system that protects against all single-link failures. However, it has also been shown that systems designed for 100% single-link failure protection can provide reasonable protection from dual-link failures [M. Clouqueur, W. Grover, Mesh-restorable networks with 74 enhanced dual-failure restorability properties, in: Proc. SPIE OPTICOMM, Boston, MA, 2002, pp. 1-12]. Thus, the motivation for this work is to develop a hybrid mechanism that provides maximum (close to 100%) dual-failure restorability with minimum additional spare capacity.The system architecture considered is circuit-switched with dynamic arrival of sessions requests. We propose an adaptive mechanism, which we term active protection, that builds upon a proactive path protection model (that provides complete single-failure restorability), and adds dynamic segment-based restoration to combat dual-link failures. The objective is to optimize network survivability to dual-link failures while minimizing additional spare capacity needs. We also propose a heuristic constraint-based routing algorithm, which we term best-fit, that aids backup multiplexing among additional spare paths towards this goal. Our findings indicate that the proposed active protection scheme achieves close to complete (100%) dual-failure restorability with only a maximum of 3% wavelength-links needing two backups, even at high loads. Moreover, at moderate to high loads, our scheme attains close to 16% improvement over the base model that provides complete single-failure restorability. Also, the best-fit routing algorithm is found to significantly assist backup multiplexing, with around 15%-20% improvement over first-fit at all loads. The segment-based restoration algorithm reiterates the importance of utilizing wavelength converters in protection and is seen to provide around 15%-20% improvement over link restoration especially at moderate to high loads.  相似文献   
This paper describes a new machine-vision system, a HERMIA heterogeneous and reconfigurable machine for image analysis. The architecture topology of the HERMIA machine is reconfigurable; moreover, the integration of its special modules allows a search for optimal strategies to solve vision problems. The general architecture and the hardware implementation are described. The software environment of the HERMIA machine provides a full iconic interface and a pictorial language oriented to vision in multiprocessor architectures. The preliminary system evaluation and applications are shown.  相似文献   
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