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Individual differences in the subjective health effects of shiftwork are reviewed. Circadian regulation and brain restitution (sleep) are the crucial mechanisms by which inter-individual factors can affect tolerance to shiftwork. On the other hand, shiftworkers can use different coping mechanisms by trying to schedule their lives and especially their sleeping habits to work at unusual hours. Individual factors related to shiftwork tolerance are discussed in two groups; first, the factors which affect primarily the circadian adjustment; and, second, the factors which mainly relate to the ability to sleep at unusual hours. The significance of circadian adjustment in shiftwork tolerance is outlined.  相似文献   

Continuous records of sleep, sleepiness, urine samples and subjective fatigue ratings were obtained from and continuous monitoring of their temperature and electrocardiogram (ECG) was carried out on 12 B747 cockpit crewmembers during a base-line period of 36 h, 3 days of operating regular passenger flights between Frankfurt’ (FRA) and San Francisco (SFO) and 44 h after their return to Germany. This paper deals with the circadian aspects of hormone and electrolyte excretion in addition to those of rectal temperature and ECG. Normal circadian phase relations of these functions were disrupted due to the time zone transitions of 9 h in both directions. Internal dissociation was most pronounced on the second day in SFO, with maximum shifts in acrophases up to 12.5 h for sodium and minimum shifts of about 2 h for 17-hydroxycorticosteroids (17-OHCS) excretion rates. After the return flight, readaptation to local time in Germany also differed among functions, but to a minor degree: the range of internal dissociation was reduced to 3 h, with extreme values observed in the curves of sodium excretion (delay of about 3.75 h) and of heart rate (delay of 0.6 h). The coupling with internal synchronizers varied considerably between the different measured parameters. Some body functions, such as 17-OHCS and temperature, were only slightly influenced by external factors. Others, such as heart rate and sodium excretion rates, were much more affected, e.g. by sleep, activity and food intake. From our findings we conclude that, due to dissociation and desynchronization, irregular work hours for pilots lead to rhythm disturbances, which may impair the well-being and, in some cases, may also affect the performance of aircrew during duty.  相似文献   

Four groups of four subjects have been studied in an isolation unit on an irregular schedule of sleep and waking. Sleep periods of 6h duration were taken at irregular times during the 9-day protocol; they were arranged such that the waking periods lasted 6, 12 or 18 h and were also in an irregular sequence. One-hour naps were taken after 6 and 12 h of waking if the next sleep was not due then. Just before either a nap or a full sleep, subjects assessed their sleepiness and, on rising, they assessed how well sleep had been initiated and maintained. A mathematical model was developed which enabled the effects upon sleepiness of circadian rhythmicity, of the length of the waking period since the last full sleep (time-since-sleep), and of the subjective value of the previous full sleep or nap to be independently quantified. Results showed that there was a tendency for sleepiness to increase, in some cases quite markedly, as the irregular schedule proceeded. There were also effects upon sleepiness due to circadian changes and the amount of time since the last full sleep. These two effects were similar in size and larger than the benefits to be derived from a previous nap or full sleep that had been assessed at the time as having been a good one. We conclude that one-hour naps can play a small role in decreasing an individual's sleepiness and suggest possible means by which their subjective value might be increased.  相似文献   
Subjective, physiological and physical performance variables are affected following travel across multiple time-zones (jet-lag). The objective of the study was to examine the effects of oral melatonin in alleviating jet-lag by investigating its effects on subjects who had flown from London to Eastern Australia, 10 time-zones to the east. Melatonin (5 mg day?1) or placebo capsules were administered to 14 experimental (13 males and 1 female) and 17 control subjects (15 males and 2 females), respectively, in a double-blind study; the time of administration was in accord with the current consensus for maximizing its hypnotic effect. Grip strength and intra-aural temperature were measured on alternate days after arrival at the destination, at four different times of day (between the times 07:00 – 08:00 h, 12:00 13:00 h, 16:00 – 17:00 h and 19:00 – 20:00 h local time). In addition, for the first 6 – 7 days after arrival in Australia,subjective ratings of jet-lag on a 0- 10 visualanalogue scale and responses to a Jet-lag Questionnaire (incorporating items for tiredness, sleep, meal satisfaction and ability to concentrate) were recorded at the above times and also on retiring (at about midnight). Subjects continued normally with their work schedules between the data collection times. Subjects with complete data (13 melatonin and 13 placebo subjects), in comparison with published data, showed partial adjustment of the diurnal rhythm in intra-aural temperature after 6 days. A time-of-day effect was evident in both right and left grip strength during adjustment to Australian time; there was no difference between the group taking melatonin and that using the placebo. Right and left grip strength profiles on day 6 were adjusted either by advancing or delaying the profiles, independent of whether subjects were taking melatonin or placebo tablets. Subjects reported disturbances with most measures in the Jet-lag Questionnaire but, whereas poorer concentration and some negative effects upon sleep had disappeared after 3 – 5 days, ratings of jet-lag and tiredness had not returned to ‘zero’ (or normal values), respectively, by the sixth day of the study. Subjects taking melatonin showed no significant differences from the placebo group in perceived irritability, concentration, meal satisfaction, ease in getting to sleep and staying asleep, frequency of bowel motion and consistency of the faeces. These results suggest that, in subjects who, after arrival, followed a busy schedule which resulted in frequent and erratic exposure to daylight, melatonin had no benefit in alleviating jet-lag or the components of jet-lag, and it did not influence the process of phase adjustment.  相似文献   
As long as the need for shiftwork exists, so will the demand for an optimal scheduling strategy that balances the needs of both industry and the shiftworker. One aim is for schedules that require workers to be on duty during the times that they are most naturally alert and awake. Czeisler et al. (1982) developed a set of circadian rhythm based guidelines intended to aid in designing such shiftwork schedules. This paper takes research one step further by testing such empirical criteria in a mathematical setting. The two-oscillator model of free-run human circadian rhythms developed by Kronauer et al. (1982) was modified to represent the circadian rhythms of a shiftworker on a pre-selected shiftwork schedule. Numerical simulations were used to compare the circadian rhythms produced from a variety of shiftwork schedules to the free-run rhythms. Shift schedules that resulted in circadian rhythms closest to the free-run rhythms were identified as preferred schedules. The numerical results supported Czeisler's findings (1982), indicating the best shift schedules adopt a slow, forward-shifting rotation pattern, rotate shifts after 2-week periods and allow an average of 2 days off per week.  相似文献   

There is a need for standardized methods for testing vehicle seats. Such methods would allow for the direct comparison of the merits of seats of diverse types and designs. At the present time standardized testing procedures are not possible because the dynamic characteristics of the human subjects occupying the seat during testing vary widely from man to man and affect the seat response. Testing with dead weight loading does not accurately portray the dynamic characteristics of the seat. A damped spring-mass system closely approximating to the dynamic characteristics of a seated man to vertical modes of vibration has been developed as the basis on which a standardized vehicle seat testing procedure can be built. Analysis of the problem by means of mechanical impedance techniques indicated that a two-degree-of-freedom system was sufficient to simulate the major dynamic characteristics of man in the frequencies below 10 Hz where seat vibration is most severe. Test procedures have been developed which utilize the man-simulator as the seat load. Results of these tests will be useful because they do not contain the subject variable and therefore can be compared directly with results obtained in other laboratories using the same methods.  相似文献   
Efficient driver drowsiness detection at moderate levels of drowsiness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous research on driver drowsiness detection has focused primarily on lane deviation metrics and high levels of fatigue. The present research sought to develop a method for detecting driver drowsiness at more moderate levels of fatigue, well before accident risk is imminent. Eighty-seven different driver drowsiness detection metrics proposed in the literature were evaluated in two simulated shift work studies with high-fidelity simulator driving in a controlled laboratory environment. Twenty-nine participants were subjected to a night shift condition, which resulted in moderate levels of fatigue; 12 participants were in a day shift condition, which served as control. Ten simulated work days in the study design each included four 30-min driving sessions, during which participants drove a standardized scenario of rural highways. Ten straight and uneventful road segments in each driving session were designated to extract the 87 different driving metrics being evaluated. The dimensionality of the overall data set across all participants, all driving sessions and all road segments was reduced with principal component analysis, which revealed that there were two dominant dimensions: measures of steering wheel variability and measures of lateral lane position variability. The latter correlated most with an independent measure of fatigue, namely performance on a psychomotor vigilance test administered prior to each drive. We replicated our findings across eight curved road segments used for validation in each driving session. Furthermore, we showed that lateral lane position variability could be derived from measured changes in steering wheel angle through a transfer function, reflecting how steering wheel movements change vehicle heading in accordance with the forces acting on the vehicle and the road. This is important given that traditional video-based lane tracking technology is prone to data loss when lane markers are missing, when weather conditions are bad, or in darkness. Our research findings indicated that steering wheel variability provides a basis for developing a cost-effective and easy-to-install alternative technology for in-vehicle driver drowsiness detection at moderate levels of fatigue.  相似文献   
This study compared circadian rhythms in physiological, subjective, and performance measures between groups exhibiting different levels of habitual physical activity. Fourteen male subjects, aged 19–29 years, were assigned to a physically active (group I, n=7) or a physically inactive (group II,n= 7) group on the basis of leisure–time physical activity. Rectal temperature, oral temperature, resting pulse rate, subjective arousal and sleepiness were measured at 02:00,06:00, 10:00, 14:00, 18:00 and 22:00 in a counter–balanced sequence for each subject. Whole–body flexibility, back and leg strength, grip strength (right and left), flight time in a vertical jump, PWC150 and self–chosen work–rate were also recorded at each time point. At least 8h separated each test session. Subjects avoided exercise 48h prior to, and during the experiment. Data were subjected to the group cosinor method. Group I evidenced 1·5–2·5 times greater rhythm amplitudes than Group II for oral temperature, subjective arousal, sleepiness, flexibility, left and right grip strength, submaximal heart rate, and self–chosen work–rate (p<0·05). Oral temperature and arousal for Group I were lower than Group II only at 06:00. Early morning troughs in most of the performance measures were significantly greater for Group I (p<005). The groups did not differ with respect to phasing of the rhythms (p<005). These results confirm with physical performance measures that rhythm amplitudes are higher for physically fit subjects. This could be attributed to greater early–morning troughs in the measures for active individuals. Since the subjects were sedentary immediately prior to testing, it is plausible that these findings are training effects of physical activity.  相似文献   

A group of 33 controllers of an emergency service were studied before and after a change in shift roster. The original roster was the traditional weekly rotating type of three shifts, morning, afternoon and night in that direction, in which controllers worked seven consecutive shifts of the same type. This was changed to a rapidly rotating roster of shifts with no more than three consecutive night shifts. The direction of shift change remained the same. Sleep and meal diaries were kept by all controllers for 2 weeks before the roster change. Self-report measures were taken of health, social drug consumption and work variables, an anxiety inventory, the State-Train Anxiety Inventory and the Work Environment Scale were administered both before and 5 months after the roster change. Significant improvements were found after the shift roster change on almost all measures with the exception of self-reported nervousness and loss of appetite and a number of items in the Work Environment Scale. This finding provides some evidence from the field for the argument that rapidly rotating shifts may be the optimal form of shift system.  相似文献   
This study was concerned with examining driver patterns for three different sized vehicles (small cars, family cars, trucks and buses) through an intersection controlled by a traffic signal. Observations were made morning, noon and afternoon, when there was precipitation and no precipitation. Records were also kept as to whether the drivers wore alone or with passengers and whether the drivers were males or fomales. Results were found showing that family car drivers were the most cautious and that small ear, truck and bus drivers were approximately similar to each other, being less cautious. Drivers with passengers were more cautious and did not violate the law by passing a red light as frequently as did drivers without passengers. Approximately similar driving patterns were found for males and fomales. Different driving patterns were obtained for the three-sized vehicles during morning, noon and afternoon, when there was precipitation and no precipitation.  相似文献   
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