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目的研究母鼠暴露于大豆异黄酮对新生儿期大鼠子宫发育及雌激素受体表达的影响。方法将母鼠及其仔鼠随机分至6组,母鼠的大豆异黄酮暴露剂量分别为0、10、50、100、150、200mg/kgBW(i.g.),暴露时间为产后第5至10天(PND5~10)。在PND11处死雌性仔鼠,称量子宫重量并进行病理学检查,利用ELISA方法测定血清雌二醇(E2)和孕酮(P)浓度,利用RT-PCR方法测定子宫中雌激素受体(ER)mRNA的表达。结果与对照组比较,大豆异黄酮150、200mg/kgBW剂量组仔鼠的子宫/体重比显著增加,子宫内膜增厚的差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);血清E2浓度明显高于对照组,SIF150组升高幅度最大,但各处理组血清P浓度呈下降趋势;100、150、200mg/kgBW剂量组仔鼠的子宫ERmRNA表达降低的差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论大豆异黄酮经母鼠暴露,可刺激雌性仔鼠的子宫发育,这种雌激素样效应至少与该物质对血液性激素和子宫ERmRNA表达的调节作用有关。  相似文献   
Xenoestrogens are widely diffused in the environment and in food, thus a large portion of human population worldwide is exposed to them. Among alimentary xenoestrogens, phytoestrogens (PhyEs) are increasingly being consumed because of their potential health benefits, although there are also important risks associated to their ingestion. Furthermore, other xenoestrogens that may be present in food are represented by other chemicals possessing estrogenic activities, that are commonly defined as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). EDCs pose a serious health concern since they may cause a wide range of health problems, starting from pre-birth till adult lifelong exposure. We herein provide an overview of the main classes of xenoestrogens, which are classified on the basis of their origin, their structures and their occurrence in the food chain. Furthermore, their either beneficial or toxic effects on human health are discussed in this review.  相似文献   
Substances with estrogenic activity are found in effluents of municipal sewage plants and dairy farms. These effluents have the potential to induce feminization in male fish. In this study, cyclodextrin polymers (CDPs) that are insoluble in both polar and non-polar solvents were selected for the removal of dissolved estrogens in the effluent of a municipal sewage plant. The removal capacity of CDPs was high in the order of β-CDP ≥ γ-CDP ? α-CDP. The mechanism for adsorption of estrogens to β-CDP was not only due to a host-guest interaction as molecular recognition by β-cyclodextrin (β-CD), but also due to adsorption by the polymer matrix. β-CDP of 0.2% (w/v) removed 17β-estradiol (E2) of about 70% from 10−11 mol/L, and more than 90% from ≥ 10−10 mol/L. The removal ratios of E2 in the presence of cholesterols, which are contained at higher concentrations than estrogens in sewage effluents and are adsorptive competitor for β-CDP, were about 85% at a cholesterol/E2 molar ratio of 100 and > 90% at molar ratios of 0.1, 1, and 10. The effluent from a municipal sewage plant had estrogenic activity corresponding to 5.5 × 10−11 molE2/L by yeast two-hybrid assay. The estrogens in the effluent were also removed > 90% by the β-CDP treatment. Therefore, β-CDP is able to remove dissolved estrogens over a wide range of concentrations in the presence of various contaminants such as wastewaters.  相似文献   
Recently, two polymorphisms (rs1884052 and rs3778099) of estrogen receptor α (ER-alpha) gene were identified as being associated with primary quantitative bone mineral density (BMD) in a genome-wide association (GWA) study in Framingham cohorts. In this study we aimed at investigating the association of rs1884052 and rs3778099, and another polymorphism (rs2234693) located at intron 1 of the ER-alpha gene with BMD, body mass index (BMI), glucose, triglyceride, and total cholesterol (CHO) levels in Chinese Hans. We recruited 425 consecutive adult volunteers who had a physical examination in the Jinan Maternity and Child Care Hospital. We did not observe significant association of rs1884052 and rs3778099 with BMD, BMI, glucose, triglyceride, and total cholesterol (CHO) levels. For rs2234693, increased levels of BMD for hip, spine or whole-body regions were consistently observed in TT/TC genotype carriers than in CC genotype carriers, although the board line significance diminished after adjusting for age and gender. However, significant association of rs2234693 with glucose and CHO levels were observed in our sample. Subjects with TC/CC genotypes were associated with an increased level of glucose (p = 0.013) and CHO (p = 0.032) levels than subjects with TT genotypes. In conclusion, we did not confirm the association of rs1884052 and rs3778099 with BMD originally discovered in a GWA study; however, we made novel discoveries that rs2234693 was associated with glucose and CHO levels in Chinese Hans. Y. Chen and X. Jiang have contributed equally.  相似文献   
Nanomolar concentrations of steroid hormones such as 17β-estradiol can influence the reproductive development and sex ratios of invertebrate and vertebrate populations. Thus their release into surface and ground waters from wastewater facilities and agricultural applications of animal waste is of environmental concern. Many of these compounds are chromophoric and susceptible to photolytic degradation. High intensity UV-C radiation has been demonstrated to degrade some of these compounds in engineered systems. However, the degradation efficacy of natural solar radiation in shallow fresh waters is less understood. Here photolytic experiments with 17β-estradiol demonstrated modest photodegradation (~ 26%) when exposed to simulated sunlight between 290 and 720 nm. Photodegradation significantly increased (~ 40-50%) in the presence of 2.0-15.0 mg/l of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) derived from humic acids of the Suwannee River, GA. However, rates of photodegradation reached a threshold at approximately 5.0 mg/l DOC. Observed suppression of photolysis in the presence of a radical inhibitor (i.e. 2-propanol) indicated that a significant proportion of the degradation was due to radicals formed from the photolysis of DOC. Although photodegradation was greatest in full sunlight containing UV-B (290-320 nm), degradation was also detected with UV-A (320-400 nm) and visible light (400-720 nm) alone.  相似文献   
Zearalenone (ZON) is one of the worldwide most common mycotoxins and exhibits estrogenic activity in the range of natural steroid estrogens such as 17β-estradiol (E2). The occurrence of ZON has been reported in drainage water, soil, wastewater effluents and rivers, but its ecotoxicological effects on fish have hardly been investigated.In this study the estrogenic potency of the ZON was compared to E2 in a recombinant yeast estrogen screen (rYES) and the effects of waterborne ZON exposure on reproduction, physiology and morphology of zebrafish (Danio rerio) were investigated in a 42-day reproduction experiment. E2 as well as ZON evoked a sigmoid concentration-response curve in the rYES with a mean EC50 of 2 and 500 μg/L, respectively, resulting in an E2:ZON EC50 ratio of 1:250. Exposure to ZON for 21 days reduced relative spawning frequency at 1000 and 3200 ng/L to 38.9 and 37.6%, respectively, and relative fecundity at 100, 320, 1000 and 3200 ng/L to 74.2, 41.7, 43.8 and 16.7%, respectively, in relation to the 21-day pre-exposure period. A 4.4 and 8.1 fold induction of plasma vitellogenin (VTG) was observed in male zebrafish at 1000 and 3200 ng/L ZON, respectively. Exposure to ZON did not affect fertility, hatch, embryo survival and gonad morphology of zebrafish.The results of this study demonstrate that although ZON possesses a moderate estrogenic potency in vitro, it exhibits a comparably strong effect on induction of VTG and reproduction in vivo. This indicates that ZON might contribute to the overall estrogenic activity in the environment and could therefore pose a risk for wild fish in their natural habitat.  相似文献   
An assessment of estrogenic organic contaminants in Canadian wastewaters   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A suite of 30 primarily estrogenic organic wastewater contaminants was measured in several influent/effluent wastewater samples from four municipal wastewater treatment plants and effluents from one bleached kraft pulp mill (BKME) using an ultra-trace analytical method based on gas chromatography-high resolution mass spectroscopy (GC-HRMS). In vitro recombinant yeast assay detection of the estrogenic equivalent (EEq) on whole and solid phase extracted (SPE) and fractionated wastewater was also performed. 19-norethindrone was the most frequently detected and abundant (26-224 ng/L) of all the synthetic estrogens/progesterones in the influent samples. 17alpha-ethinylestradiol was the more frequently detected synthetic estrogen/progesterone in the effluents occurring at or below 5 ng/L with some sporadic occurrences of up to 178 ng/L. The greatest levels of steroidal estrogens in municipal effluents were E1>E2>E3 which were all <20 ng/L. Nonylphenol and di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate were found to be the highest non-steroidal synthetic compounds surveyed in both municipal influent and effluent samples, both occurring at 6-7 microg/L in municipal effluents. BKME contained relatively large amounts of the plant sterol stigmasterol (4 microg/L) but low amounts of fecal sterols, and steroidal estrogens (E2 only at 6 ng/L) when compared to the municipal effluents. In vitro EEq in the wastewater surveyed ranged from 9-106 ng E2/L and ranked from municipal influent>municipal effluent approximately BKME, with most of the estrogenicity fractionating in the 100% methanol SPE fraction followed by a secondary amount in the diethyl ether (for municipal) or methyl-tert butyl ether (for BKME) SPE fractions. Most correlations between chemical and in vitro estrogenic equivalency were weak (p>0.05 in most cases). Unexpected inverse correlations between in vitro estrogenic activity and concentrations of the estrogenic contaminant bisphenol A were found which likely contributed to the weakness of these correlations. A modified toxicity identification and evaluation procedure was continued with the SPE extracts from the more potent 100% methanol SPE fractions of municipal effluent. High performance liquid chromatography band elution retention times, based on in vitro estrogen detection, indicated that steroidal estrogens such as E2 were responsible for most of the estrogenicity of the samples. Subsequent collection and GC-MS analysis of active bands did not confirm the presence of steroidal estrogens, but expanded the possibility of phthalate esters (i.e. dibutyl phthalate) and natural sterols (i.e. beta-sitosterol) contributing to the overall estrogenic load.  相似文献   
Two commercial nanofiltration membranes, NF-1 (low salt rejection) and NF-3 (medium salt rejection), were used for basic experiments on the rejection of endocrine disrupters of 17βestradiol,p-nonylphenol, bisphenol A and their mixed solution. Nanofiltration membrane experiments were carried out under low trans-membrane pressure of 0.5 MPa as the operating condition. For the two nanofiltration membranes, the rejection factor was high when the pH of each feed solution was not adjusted. Based on the results of the nanofiltration membrane experiments, four commercial nanofiltration membranes-NF-1, NF-2 (medium salt rejection), NF-3 and NF-4 (high salt rejection)-were used for the rejection of endocrine disrupters contained in biologically treated sewage. The biologically treated sewage concentration of 0.039–0.055 μg/Las 17Βestradiol equivalent was reduced by each nanofiltration membrane to 0.026 μg/ L(NF-1), 0.025 μg/L(NF-2), 0.003 μg/L(NF-3) and 0.009 μg/L(NF-4), as 17βestradiol equivalent, respectively. The rejection efficiency of endocrine disrupters showed the same tendency as the TOC rejection efficiency. The permeate flux of nanofiltration membranes was high in the order of NF-1, NF-3, NF-2 and NF-4.  相似文献   
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