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利用烧杯试验研究了一种新型磁性离子交换树脂(MIEX)对水中溴离子的去除效能,并考察了水中常见阴离子及有机物对其去除效果的影响。试验结果表明,MIEX可以有效去除纯水中的溴离子,投加量为10 mL/L和20 mL/L时其对溴离子去除率均在90%以上,且达到交换平衡时间分别为5 min和3 min。水中常见的其它带负电物质会在一定程度上影响溴离子的去除效果,在常见的含量条件下10 mL/L的MIEX对溴离子的去除率一般在50%以上。阴离子含量以及MIEX的选择性是影响其对溴离子去除效果的主要因素。有机物的存在使MIEX对溴离子的去除率明显下降,去除率在70%左右。MIEX对有机物、阴离子的去除过程存在差异:10 mL/L的MIEX去除阴离子的反应平衡时间在5 min左右,而去除有机物的平衡时间则较长,其对2种表征有机物含量的指标(UV 254、DOC)的去除稳定时间均在20 min以上。  相似文献   
MIEX和PAC对微污染水源水的水质净化效果比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究了MIEX和PAC两种水处理吸附剂对微污染水源水的水质净化性能。实验分别考察了MIEX和PAC对DOC和UV254的去除效率,并通过凝胶渗透色谱和三维荧光光谱分析,研究了MIEX和PAC对不同相对分子质量区间以及不同种类有机物的去除规律。在正常的吸附剂投加量下(MIEX 5~8 ml·L-1,PAC 30~50 mg·L-1),MIEX对DOC和UV254的平均去除率比PAC高23%和20%。但随着吸附剂投加量的增加,两者去除效率差别逐渐减小,MIEX对DOC和UV254的最大去除率仅比PAC高6%~8%。与PAC相比,MIEX去除的有机物相对分子质量分布范围更广,特别是对中等分子量(5000~50000)有机物,其去效率明显高于PAC。MIEX对腐殖酸和富里酸类有机物的去除率略高于PAC,而对蛋白质类有机物的去除率则远高于PAC。动力学分析表明,MIEX和PAC对DOC的吸附去除过程符合准二级动力学,MIEX对有机物的吸附速率是PAC的40倍左右。  相似文献   
Ho L  Braun K  Fabris R  Hoefel D  Morran J  Monis P  Drikas M 《Water research》2012,46(12):3934-3942
Four pilot-scale treatment process streams (Stream 1 - Conventional treatment (coagulation/flocculation/dual media filtration); Stream 2 - Magnetic ion exchange (MIEX)/Conventional treatment; Stream 3 - MIEX/Conventional treatment/granular activated carbon (GAC) filtration; Stream 4 - Microfiltration/nanofiltration) were commissioned to compare their effectiveness in producing high quality potable water prior to disinfection. Despite receiving highly variable source water quality throughout the investigation, each stream consistently reduced colour and turbidity to below Australian Drinking Water Guideline levels, with the exception of Stream 1 which was difficult to manage due to the reactive nature of coagulation control. Of particular interest was the bacteriological quality of the treated waters where flow cytometry was shown to be the superior monitoring tool in comparison to the traditional heterotrophic plate count method. Based on removal of total and active bacteria, the treatment process streams were ranked in the order: Stream 4 (average log removal of 2.7) > Stream 2 (average log removal of 2.3) > Stream 3 (average log removal of 1.5) > Stream 1 (average log removal of 1.0). The lower removals in Stream 3 were attributed to bacteria detaching from the GAC filter. Bacterial community analysis revealed that the treatments affected the bacteria present, with the communities in streams incorporating conventional treatment clustering with each other, while the community composition of Stream 4 was very different to those of Streams 1, 2 and 3. MIEX treatment was shown to enhance removal of bacteria due to more efficient flocculation which was validated through the novel application of the photometric dispersion analyser.  相似文献   
磁性离子交换树脂与超滤膜联用处理淮河原水   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用磁性离子交换树脂(MIEX)/混凝沉淀/超滤膜(UF)工艺处理淮河原水,考察了对有机物的去除特性以及MIEX预处理控制膜污染的效果.结果表明:UF出水浊度稳定在0.1NTU以下,粒径>2 μm的颗粒数平均为11个/mL,粒径>10μm的颗粒物被完全去除;组合工艺对CODMn和UV254的去除率分别为75.3%和90%,且能有效去除不同分子质量区间的有机物;系统对疏水性有机物(HOM)、弱疏水性有机物(WHOM)、荷电亲水有机物(HIC)的去除效果均较好,去除率分别为94.6%、82.7%和81.3%;组合工艺对三卤甲烷生成势(THMFP)和卤乙酸生成势(HAAFP)的去除率分别为90.7%和87.6%;MIEX预处理可有效减缓膜污染,运行期间超滤膜的跨膜压差上升缓慢,经水力反冲洗后跨膜压差就基本得到恢复.  相似文献   
利用烧杯试验研究了一种新型磁性离子交换树脂(MIEX)对水中溴离子的去除效能,并考察了水中常见阴离子及有机物对其去除效果的影响.试验结果表明,MIEX可以有效去除纯水中的溴离子,投加量为10 mL/L和20 mL/L时其对溴离子去除率均在90%以上,且达到交换平衡时间分别为5 min和3 min.水中常见的其它带负电物质会在一定程度上影响溴离子的去除效果,在常见的含量条件下10 mL/L的MIEX对溴离子的去除率一般在50%以上.阴离子含量以及MIEX的选择性是影响其对溴离子去除效果的主要因素.有机物的存在使MIEX对溴离子的去除率明显下降,去除率在70%左右.MIEX对有机物、阴离子的去除过程存在差异:10 mL/L的MIEX去除阴离子的反应平衡时间在5 min左右,而去除有机物的平衡时间则较长,其对2种表征有机物含量的指标(UV254、DOC)的去除稳定时间均在20 min以上.  相似文献   
MIEX/超滤一体化工艺净化长江原水的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
水体中的天然有机物是造成超滤膜污染的重要因素。考察了磁性离子交换树脂(MIEX)/超滤膜一体化净水工艺处理长江原水的效果,并通过与超滤膜直接过滤进行比较,探讨了MIEX预处理对去除有机物的影响及控制膜污染的效果。结果表明,与原水直接进行超滤处理相比,组合工艺对CODMn、DOC、UV254的去除率分别提高了40.70%、38.20%和43.90%。MIEX/超滤工艺控制消毒副产物的优势更为明显,对THMFP和HAAFP的去除率分别达62.54%和55.83%。由于MIEX预处理去除了原水中56.72%的疏水性有机物,降低了超滤膜的负荷,延缓了膜表面致密凝胶层的形成,因而减少了膜孔堵塞,可有效控制运行压力的增长速度,延长过滤时间。  相似文献   
Removal of bromide and natural organic matter by anion exchange   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Bromide removal by anion exchange was explored for various water qualities, process configurations, and resin characteristics. Simulated natural waters containing different amounts of natural organic matter (NOM), bicarbonate, chloride, and bromide were treated with a polyacrylate-based magnetic ion exchange (MIEX) resin on a batch basis to evaluate the effectiveness of the resin for removal of bromide. While bromide removal was achieved to some degree, alkalinity (bicarbonate), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and chloride were shown to inhibit bromide removal in waters with bromide concentrations of 100 and 300 μg/L. Water was also treated using a two-stage batch MIEX process. Two-stage treatment resulted in only a slight improvement in bromide removal compared to single-stage treatment, presumably due to competition with the high concentration of chloride which is present along with bromide in natural waters. In view of the relatively poor bromide removal results for the MIEX resin, a limited set of experiments was performed using polystyrene resins. DOC and bromide removal were compared by treating model waters with MIEX and two polystyrene resins, Ionac A-641 and Amberlite IRA910. The two polystyrene resins were seen to be more effective for bromide removal, while the MIEX resin was more effective at removing DOC.  相似文献   
卢宁  张东  潘为平  袁恒 《净水技术》2011,(1):25-28,48
采用磁性离子交换树脂(MIEX)中试处理黄浦江水源水。结果表明,当通水倍数分别为300 BV和800 BV时,COD的平均去除率分别为36%和32%,UV254的平均去除率分别为53%和61%,色度去除率达到64%,浑浊度有少许上升。经MIEX树脂和混凝联用处理后CODMn浓度平均值为2.6 mg/L,达到饮用水卫生标准。MIEX技术处理的运行成本估算为0.16元/m3。  相似文献   
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is increasing in many drinking water supplies, which can have adverse impacts on treatment. Magnetic ion exchange (MIEX) is an advanced treatment process that has been shown to effectively remove DOM from different water sources. DOM removal efficiency is typically determined through dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and ultraviolet absorbance (UVA) measurements, but these methods can be limited in the amount of information they provide on DOM. Fluorescence spectroscopy has been suggested as a more robust characterization technique for monitoring DOM, but there remain gaps in knowledge between DOM removal processes and fluorescence characterization of DOM. Accordingly, the goal of this research was to evaluate the impact of MIEX treatment on DOM fluorescence for diverse water sources. MIEX jar tests were conducted using surface water, synthetic water, groundwater, and landfill leachate wastewater, and analyzed for DOC, UVA, and fluorescence excitation-emission matrix (EEM). Fluorescence EEMs were used to determine fluorophore location, intensity, and fluorescence index. MIEX removal of DOC and UVA were strongly correlated with MIEX removal of peak fluorescence intensity across all water sources. Peak fluorescence location indicated that MIEX preferentially removed terrestrial DOM. Fluorescence is a promising tool for monitoring DOM removal efficiency by MIEX treatment.  相似文献   
MIEX技术控制饮用水消毒副产物的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
MIEX技术及其组合工艺能有效控制DBPs的生成,在国外得到了广泛应用,而国内对该技术的相关研究才刚刚起步.为探讨MIEX技术控制消毒副产物生成的效能,并推动该技术在我国的研究与应用,比较分析了目前国际上MIEX技术及其组合工艺对不同水源水的应用情况.结果表明,MIEX技术能有效去除小分子有机物,对DOC和UV254的去除率可达80%和95%以上,对溴离子的去除率可达65%;MIEX技术作为预处理单元能减少后续氯化消毒或臭氧氧化的剂量,与混凝沉淀工艺组合时可最大程度地控制THMs和HAAs的生成量,且能节省60%左右的混凝刺;MIEX与粉末活性炭组合对有机物的去除有互补增强作用(对DOC的去除率达90%以上),与膜分离技术组合时对UV254的去除率高达95%以上(MIEX投加量为10 mL/L).因此MIEX技术是一种有效控制消毒副产物的新技术,具有很好的推广应用价值.  相似文献   
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