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The influence of fertilization with urea and ryegrass on nitrogen utilization and transformation in red soil has been studied by using ^15N tracer method.When urea and ryegrass were applied alone or in combination,the percentage of N uptaken by ryegrass from labelled urea was 3 and 1.7 times that from labelled ryegrass for the application rate of 200mgN.kg^-1 and 100mgN.kg^-1,respectively;combining application of ryegrass and ureareduced uptake of urea N and increased uptake of ryegrass N by ryegrass plant,but the percentage of N residued in soil increased for urea and decreased for ryegrass.when urea and ryegrass were applied alone,the percentage of N residued in soil from labelled ryegrass was more than 69% while that from labelled urea was less than 25%,and much more ryegrass N was incorporated into humus than urea N.  相似文献   
Goat feeding preferences for straw pellets flavored with ryegrass (Lolium perenne, cv. Belida) or white clover (Trifolium repens, cv. Huia) aromatic extracts, obtained by means of a cold aromatic extraction method, were assessed with cafeteria trials. Prior to the trials, odor differences between the two plant species, the two aromatic extracts, and the straw pellets sprayed with the two aromatic extracts were verified using sensory analysis performed by 30 human panelists. Since odor differences observed among fresh samples were still detectable in aromatic extracts and moistened pellets, the extraction method was considered effective in reproducing plant odors. Straw pellets sprayed with either distilled water (W) or ryegrass (R) or clover (C) aromatic extracts were used to assess flavor preferences of 12 female Rossa Mediterranea goats. Sprayed pellet preference was evaluated in two sessions conducted in two consecutive weeks. Each session consisted of three two-choice presentations performed on three consecutive days. In both sessions, food intake, proportion of food intake, time spent feeding, and proportion of time spent feeding were significantly affected by pellet type (0.05 > P > 0.001). In particular, straw pellets sprayed with ryegrass extract were highly selected compared to those sprayed with clover (0.01 > P > 0.001) or water (0.01 > P > 0.001). In addition, in the second session, the clover extract was preferred to distilled water (0.05 > P > 0.01). The results of this study gave two main indications: first, goat selectivity for ryegrass against clover was consistent even when straw pellets sprayed with odors of these plants were offered, and secondly, the addition of aromatic extracts to straw pellets increased the preference for pellets.  相似文献   
^32-Plabelled KH2PO4 with or without unlabelled ryegrass and ^32P-labelled ryegrass with unlabelled KH2PO4 were respectively applied to red soil,and ryegrass was grown in the fertilized oil and harvested one month after sowing and then the radioactivities and total P content in ryegrass were measured.Results show that addition of organic matter to red soil can significantly stimulate the uptake of P by ryegrass seedlings from inorganic P applied to red soil;absorption of P from inorgain source is much greater than that from organic source;at the same application level of P,larger proportion of P derived from labelled inorganic phosphate was distributed in shoots than that from the labelled ryegrass.  相似文献   
以8种国内外应用较为广泛的草坪草种为材料,进行了根际修复中五氯酚(PCP)耐性草种的筛选及其应用效果研究,结果表明,多年生黑麦草顶峰(Pinnacle)为PCP耐性品种,在PCP污染土壤的根际修复中具有通过优化土壤环境而促进PCP在根际微域中快速降解的能力。研究结果为PCP污染土壤根际修复中目标植物的合理选取提供了科学试验依据。  相似文献   
采用盆栽试验和生理生化分析方法研究了盐胁迫对黑麦草幼苗生长的影响以及施用磷肥(过磷酸钙)对盐胁迫下黑麦草幼苗生长的缓解作用。结果表明,盐胁迫下黑麦草幼苗干物质积累下降;增施磷肥能促进黑麦草幼苗生长,增加干物质积累,增强黑麦草对Na 、K 吸收的选择性,促进K 的吸收和向叶片运输;能提高叶片叶绿素含量,增强叶片净光合速率和气孔导度,增加可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖及脯氨酸含量,从而增强黑麦草幼苗对盐胁迫的适应能力。  相似文献   
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi mediated uptake of 137Cs in leek and ryegrass   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a first experiment of soil contaminated with 137Cs, inoculation with a mixture of arbuscular mycorrhizae enhanced the uptake of 137Cs by leek under greenhouse conditions, while no effect on the uptake by ryegrass was observed. The mycorrhizal infection frequency in leek was independent of whether the 137Cs-contaminated soil was inoculated with mycorrhizal spores or not. The lack of mycorrhizae-mediated uptake of 137Cs in ryegrass could be due to the high root density, which was about four times that of leek, or due to a less well functioning mycorrhizal symbiosis than of leek. In a second experiment, ryegrass was grown for a period of four cuts. Additions of fungi enhanced 137Cs uptake of all harvests, improved dry weight production in the first cut, and also improved the mycorrhizal infection frequencies in the roots. No differences were obtained between the two fungal inoculums investigated with respect to biomass production or 137Cs uptake, but root colonization differed. We conclude that, under certain circumstances, mycorrhizae affect plant uptake of 137Cs. There may be a potential for selecting fungal strains that stimulate 137Cs accumulation in crops. The use of ryegrass seems to be rather ineffective for remediation of 137Cs-contaminated soil.  相似文献   
In grazing systems dung is an important source of nutrients which can increase soil fertility and contribute to nutrient cycling through increased pasture production. Changes in soil chemical and biological properties and pasture production were measured below and around dung pads created in the field. Almost 65% of the total dung P remained after 45 days and about two-thirds of the pad fresh weight had disappeared in that time, indicating that physical degradation is the mechanism of incorporation of dung P. All the pads bar one were completely degraded by 112 days. At this time, soil pH and EC increased under dung pads as did Olsen extractable inorganic phosphorus (Pi) and total phosphorus (Pt), with these changes observed at 0–5 and 5–10 cm depths. Bicarbonate extractable soil organic phosphorus (Po) was not affected by dung and the observed differences in soil Po:Pi ratios were largely influenced by the substantial addition of inorganic P from dung. Dung increased the P buffering capacity of the 0–5 cm soil samples collected at the end of the experiment, potentially contributing to the increased extractable soil P measured under the pads. Dung also changed soil properties in 0–10 cm samples with increases in soil pH, EC, Colwell P and Colwell K recorded even long after the dung had completely disappeared. Microbial biomass carbon increased under dung pads in the 0–10 cm soil samples in the first 45 days after pads were applied. Total herbage production and ryegrass biomass increased significantly under and around the pads by 112 days after dung was applied. The botanical composition changed significantly with increased ryegrass contents observed, but only under the dung pads. This experiment demonstrated that increases in pasture around dung pads in the field are not solely due to animal rejection.  相似文献   
The applicability of biodegradable amendments in phytoremediation to increase the uptake of uranium (U), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) by Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) and ryegrass (Lolium perenne) was tested in a greenhouse experiment. Plants were cultivated during one month on two soils with naturally or industrially increased contaminant levels of U. Treatments with citric acid, NH4-citrate/citric acid, oxalic acid, S,S-ethylenediamine disuccinic acid (EDDS) or nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) at a rate of 5 mmol kg− 1 dry soil caused increases in soil solution concentrations that were up to 18 times higher for U and up to 1570 times higher for other heavy metals, compared to the controls. Shoot concentrations increased to a much smaller extent. With EDDS, 19-, 34-, and 37-fold increases were achieved in shoots of Indian mustard for U, Pb and Cu, respectively. The increases in plant uptake of Cd, Cr and Zn were limited to a factor of four at most. Ryegrass generally extracted less U and metals than Indian mustard. Despite a marked increase of U and metal concentrations in shoots after addition of amendments, the estimated time required to obtain an acceptable reduction in soil contaminant concentrations was impractically long. Only for Cu and Zn in one of the studied soils, could the Flemish standards for clean soil theoretically be attained in less than 100 years.  相似文献   
The NH4^ -N,microbial biomass-N,humus-N,and extractable orgainc N derived from the added ^15N-labelled ryegrass and soil indigenous pool were measured separately with 15N tracing techniques.Based on the recovery of NH4^ -15N and lost-15N(mainly as NH3),more than 30% of the added ryegrass ^15N was mineralized in 15d.The amount of mineralized N increased with time up to 90d for all soils except for the upland soil in which it decreased slightly.The minearlization of ryegrass N and incorporation of ryegrass-15N into microbial biomass was greatest in upland soil.The transformation of ryegrass 15N into humus 15N occurred rapidly in 15d,with higher humus ^15N occurring in the upland or tea-garden soil than the paddy and unarable soil.The addition of ryegrass caused additional mineralization of soil indigenous organic N and enhanced the turnover of both microbial biomass N and stable organic N in soils.  相似文献   
A study was made of the role of plant and microbial enzymes in the major nitrogenous changes during ensilage. Perennial ryegrass was ensiled directly, after gamma-irradiation, and after inoculation of the sterile grass with homofermentative lactobacilli. Plant enzymes mainly were responsible for proteolysis, whereas amino acid metabolism was the result of microbial activity. Inoculation reduced proteolysis: this was considered to be a result of rapid acidification. Lactobacillus plantarum and Streptococcus faecalis were shown to be non-proteolytic species with a limited ability to catabolise amino acids. Substantial quantities of water-soluble carbohydrates were made available during ensilage.  相似文献   
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