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“城兴人,人兴业”的城市发展新逻辑下,创新街区正成为城市新一轮发展的重要动力。在创新主导的创新街区建设中,“场所营造”成为街区吸引创新人才、促进知识产生、集聚创新活动的关键策略,是促进街区提高创新活力的重要路径。本文基于创新街区的实践和文献的综合分析,发现创新街区在场所的环境、结构、功能、氛围和意象等场所营造领域具有广泛的共同性,据此提出创新街区场所营造的“iFACE”概念化分析模型,并以全球典型创新街区案例为对象进行归纳,总结出创新街区提升吸引力和激发创新活力的场所营造举措,为“国家双创”和“城市修补”背景下我国城市的创新发展提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   
The City of Sydney Council has presented their night-time economy plan (NTE) – Open, Future directions for Sydney at night – as a unique and substantial contribution to global city planning literature. This paper critiques the plan and demonstrates how Open is strongly aligned with, and constrained by the neoliberal-inspired cultural-economy framework of the Council’s overarching policy vision: Sustainable Sydney 2030. Such co-opting of policy evinces an entrepreneurial shift in NTE planning where economic interests procure substantial voice in the consultation, and eventual policy directions of changing the nightscape. The paper explicates the economic imperative(s) of Open within the context of one inner city Sydney suburb, Surry Hills.  相似文献   
刘江 《城市规划》2016,(10):105-110
介绍了一个在意大利罗马附近的阿尔泰纳小镇完成的基于声景理论和"城市针灸"手法的场所营造案例。案例的初衷是摆脱传统的注重空间的视觉品质的场所营造策略,从听觉的角度探索人与空间的关系。声景设计的主要手法是把骡铃声引入了阿尔泰纳的声景中,这一设计不但增加了小镇声景的愉悦度,改变了小镇的氛围,而且骡铃声的信息传递功能除了警示作用,还被赋予了对老年人的社会关怀的内涵。骡铃声也很可能成为当地的标志声景,有助于人们形成"场所感",结合独特的铃铛设计,在未来甚至可能成为当地文化的一部分。案例为如何从听觉的维度提升空间的品质和内涵提供了一些可以借鉴的经验。  相似文献   
Despite the fact that resident participation has become central to the Dutch policy discourse on ‘good’ urban planning, it is unclear to what degree new participation mechanisms have created opportunities for residents to actually influence neighbourhood governance and contribute to the improvement of their neighbourhood. This paper explores how residents in the neighbourhood of Transvaal (Amsterdam) have been involved in regeneration since 1999. Although residents have been successful in putting everyday concerns about safety on the agenda and contributed to small-scale improvements of public space, they were unable to contribute to regeneration plans at the scale of the neighbourhood, in particular strategic decisions about state-led gentrification.  相似文献   
Understanding the ways people respond to place in an inter-cultural context is a rich and rewarding process. The knowledge-discovery journey can involve different modes of transport and multiple and various routes. The qualitative vehicle, although soft in its steering and often circular in direction, provides opportunities to explore landscapes that one rarely sees in single-trajectory intellectual travel. Using hermeneutics and phenomenology, with a particular focus on metaphors and tropes, a number of conceptual journeys related to researching the experience of migration are described. The difficult state of being 'between place' and how this becomes manifest in real places is explored. The journeys show that only by travelling circuitously can one arrive at a multi-faceted form of awareness of the experience of migration and place.  相似文献   
毛晨悦  吴尤 《风景园林》2020,27(7):62-67
近年来,针对铁路工业遗址的改造与再利用案例的研究不断拓展,体现出在规划与设计方面逐渐以风景园林为主导的趋势,成为城市工业历史街区更新的重要议题。以费城铁路公园(The Rail Park)整体规划为案例,围绕城市开放空间系统布局、工业历史街区更新、空间营造3个层级来分析铁路公园的规划与设计。铁路公园体现出与城市开放空间系统的连通性较强、沿线城市街区差异性明显、场地空间特征性突出的特点,其规划与设计能够顺应各区段独特的周边城市环境与场地空间条件,采用和而不同、因地制宜的设计理念,进而有助于提升城市空间品质、促进经济发展、加强文化建设。铁路公园的规划与设计为城市工业历史街区更新与工业遗址景观再生提供了新的思路。  相似文献   
这是一个有趣且重要的课题,关于大学校园规划与小学环境教育之关系。以高雄大学校园环境规划为例,说明如何结合大学周边小学的自然与生活科技课程教学需求的个案研究。首先,调查大学周边11所小学,访问多位自然与生活科技授课教师,确实理解户外教学的需求。其次,根据各所小学教师们可能来高大校园从事户外教学的需求,落实大学校园户外环境规划与设施建设。总之,高雄大学校园环境与设施规划的理念之一,即结合周边小学环境教学需求。校园完成场所营造的成果,就是落实场所赋意。如此积累校园内涵的工作,一方面可增强大学校园的环境特色,另一方面将协助大学城的健全发展。  相似文献   
汤子馨 《包装工程》2023,44(2):396-403
目的 包容性设计作为一种立足于人文精神的设计方法,可确保设计成果尽可能满足更多受众的需求。为数字化转型的时代背景下的场所理论与营造方法提供理论与实践参考,支持场所营造向包容性的策划、设计和行动过程转变。方法 基于包容性设计在数字化语境下的指导框架,聚焦数字化场所营造的具体内容与关键要素,探讨包容性设计在其中的必要性与可行性,从数字服务赋能公众参与、无障碍数字互动设计、可及性数字环境塑造三个维度搭建分析框架。结果 构建包容性设计在数字化场所营造中的实现路径模型。结论 基于包容性设计的数字化场所营造,能有效弥合数字鸿沟,实现信息平等与空间正义,以应对数字技术所带来的场所营造参与方式、服务方式以及路径流程上的转变。  相似文献   
在智慧城市设计的各个领域中,科技最受关注,而空间设计最不受关注。但从城市建设的角度来看,现实应该正好相反。成功的智慧城市首先需要从根本上保持大城市始终具有的基本特质,它们必须是可以反复记录人类生活复杂性和多样性的载体。当前城市中的智能化数字网络必不可少,也应该加以整合,但我们更应该重点关注卓越的实际城市场所营造。目前,多伦多可能是全球最受瞩目的智慧城市创意试验场,基于此,主要详细介绍Sasaki事务所在多伦多大都市区设计的2个案例研究。  相似文献   

In a study aiming to establish the intrinsic value of involvement in a co-design, place-making workshop, we engaged participants in a vision-led development of the grounds and immediate parkland setting of a run-down Grade II listed Mansion House in South Liverpool. Two groups of volunteers engaged in 6 × 90-min co-design workshop sessions spaced equally over 6 weeks, forming part of a cross-over design that compared the intrinsic value and wellbeing benefits of shared reading to place-making. The sessions aimed to develop place-making confidence, place-appraisal skills and design-thinking in the participants and to propose aims, objectives and a vision that supported the ethos of the social enterprise that was developing the property. Data collected using post-it notes, limited voice recording and subsequent interview was qualitatively analysed and considered alongside quantitative analysis using standardised and bespoke realistic procedures. The findings suggest that the workshop activities supported changes to psychological and community wellbeing by enhancing both a sense of personal growth and a collective sense of place-related optimism. We therefore assert that the practice of co-design place-making has potential to develop mental and social capital by reconnecting people to place and communities to neighbourhoods.  相似文献   
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