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Alewives (Alosa pseudoharengus), the major prey fish for Lake Ontario, contain thiaminase. They are associated with development of a thiamine deficiency in salmonines which greatly increases the potential for developing an early mortality syndrome (EMS). To assess the possible effects of thiamine deficiency on salmonine reproduction we measured egg thiamine concentrations for five species of Lake Ontario salmonines. From this we estimated the proportion of families susceptible to EMS based on whether they were below the ED20, the egg thiamine concentration associated with 20% mortality due to EMS. The ED20s were 1.52, 2.63, and 2.99 nmol/g egg for Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), and coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), respectively. Based on the proportion of fish having egg thiamine concentrations falling below the ED20, the risk of developing EMS in Lake Ontario was highest for lake trout, followed by coho (O. kisutch), and Chinook salmon, with the least risk for rainbow trout (O. mykiss). For lake trout from western Lake Ontario, mean egg thiamine concentration showed significant annual variability during 1994 to 2003, when the proportion of lake trout at risk of developing EMS based on ED20 ranged between 77 and 100%. Variation in the annual mean egg thiamine concentration for western Lake Ontario lake trout was positively related (p < 0.001, r2 = 0.94) with indices of annual adult alewife biomass. While suggesting the possible involvement of density-dependent changes in alewives, the changes are small relative to egg thiamine concentrations when alewife are not part of the diet and are of insufficient magnitude to allow for natural reproduction by lake trout.  相似文献   
The flow ice system including ozone (OFI condition) was tested for slaughtering and storage (up to 16 days) of farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Lipid damage analyses were carried out and compared to sensory acceptance and instrumental colour changes. Comparison to individuals processed with the flow ice system in the absence of ozone (FI condition) was undertaken. Rainbow trout slaughtered and chilled under FI and OFI conditions showed a low lipid damage development, according to lipid oxidation and hydrolysis events and lipid composition (polyunsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids and endogenous antioxidants) changes. Additionally, both icing conditions led to largely good quality and shelf life times and to the absence of changes in colour properties. It is concluded that flow ice as such, or including the presence of ozone, can be considered as ideal strategy to be employed as slaughtering and storage system during the commercialisation of the actual farmed species. The ozone presence has shown some profitable effects as leading to an extended shelf life time by quality retention of several sensory parameters; in contrast, some negligible negative effects could be observed on the secondary and tertiary lipid oxidation development. However, the oxidation values reached by individuals kept under OFI conditions cannot be considered as particularly high.  相似文献   
A field trial has been performed to measure the biodegradability of two typical alcohol ethoxylate nonionic surfactants, “Dobanol” 45-7 and “Dobanol” 45-11, by dosing them to biological filters in a mixture with domestic sewage. Influent levels were 10 and 25 mg l?1 of each surfactant and 96–98% degradation was achieved within a temperature range of 5–10°C. The surfactants had no adverse effects on the filters in terms of the usual sanitary parameters (BOD, COD, TOC and ammoniacal nitrogen). Tests on the effluents indicated no residual acute lethal toxicity to rainbow trout Salmo gairdneri).  相似文献   
Natural reproduction of salmonids occurs in many Lake Michigan tributaries, yet little is known about abundance and the potential contribution of wild fish hatching in Wisconsin tributaries. The objectives of our study were to determine if: 1) abundance of wild juvenile salmonids (primarily adfluvial rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, referred to as steelhead) varied among selected Wisconsin streams based on available spawning and age-0 habitat; 2) stream temperature regimes could limit survival of juvenile salmonids, and 3) wild juvenile salmonids outmigrate from Wisconsin tributaries into Lake Michigan or larger tributaries. In 2016 and 2017, juvenile salmonid abundance was estimated in six Wisconsin tributaries to Lake Michigan by multiple-pass depletion sampling using backpack electrofishing. Habitat assessments included steelhead redd surveys, age-0 habitat surveys, and stream temperatures were monitored using in-stream loggers. Passive integrated transponder (PIT) tagging and PIT antennas were used to detect outmigration from three streams (Willow, Stony and Hibbard creeks). Population estimates for individual streams ranged from 75 to 2276 for juvenile steelhead and from 0 to 243 for juvenile coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch. No correlation was detected between juvenile steelhead abundance and quality age-0 habitat. Stream temperatures rarely exceeded the thermal limit for steelhead (27 °C). Outmigration rates for three streams ranged from 0.6% to 3.1%, but these estimates were considered minimum values. Low abundance of wild juvenile steelhead and coho salmon alone suggest that the contributions of these tributaries to Lake Michigan fisheries are likely small. Furthermore, relying on returns of wild steelhead produced in these streams is probably insufficient to maintain stream fisheries.  相似文献   
Reproductive success of stream‐spawning Oncorhynchus fishes (Pacific salmon, rainbow trout, cutthroat trout and their allies) may be greatly affected by stream discharge or its covariate, stream temperature, during the spawning season. Because such data for the physical environment may not have been routinely collected as part of previous investigations of these fishes, identification of simple but robust indices of historic, seasonal stream discharge and temperature, using long‐term climate data sets, would be important, especially to investigations of historic population dynamics. This study examined statistical associations among several climate variables and the spawning‐season (approximately June) discharges and temperatures of Clear Creek, a Yellowstone Lake tributary used by spawning Yellowstone cutthroat trout, Oncorhynchus clarkii bouvieri (YCT), from the lake. Correlation analysis showed that total water‐year degree‐days (calculated on the basis of mean daily air temperature > 0°C) at Lake Village, on the lake's north shore, was a robust index (both negative and positive, respectively) of consecutive, total semi‐month metrics of creek discharge and temperature during the YCT spawning season. This study (and subsequent use of the Lake Village degree days metric as an environmental variable in a dynamic, age‐structured model of the lacustrine–adfluvial YCT population of Clear Creek) showed how exploratory analyses of the fragmentary but long‐term and regionally unique data sets for Clear Creek discharge and temperature revealed a simple but robust index of climate variation important to understanding the historic dynamics of Clear Creek's YCT population, which is a key spawning stock of Yellowstone Lake. In addition, the extensive statistical associations among the climate variables, along with the temporal trends in two key variables, broadly showed how climate varied across the Yellowstone Lake region during the past several decades. Those observations have implications for the historic, seasonal hydrology of all Yellowstone Lake tributaries used by spawning YCT. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Reaction distances under various light intensities (0-19 uE/m2/s), angles of attack, swimming speeds, and percentage of overall foraging success were measured. Extensive efforts have been invested in restoring lean lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) populations in the Laurentian Great Lakes, but successful natural recruitment of lake trout continues to be rare outside of Lake Superior and parts of Lake Huron. There is evidence of high mortality during the first several months after eggs hatch in the spring, but little is known about the foraging mechanisms of this age-0 life stage. We developed a foraging model for age-0 lake trout (S. namaycush) in response to amphipods (Hyalella azteca) and mysids (Mysis diluviana) by simulating underwater environmental conditions in the Great Lakes using a temperature-controlled chamber and spectrally matched lighting. Reaction distances under various light intensities (0–19 uE/m2/s), angles of attack, swimming speeds, and percentage of overall foraging success were measured. Intake rates under different light intensities and prey densities were also measured. Age-0 lake trout were non-responsive in the dark, but were equally responsive under all light levels tested. Age-0 lake trout also demonstrated a longer reaction distance in response to moving prey, particularly mysids, which had an escape response that reduced overall foraging success. We determined that prey intake rate (numeric or biomass) could be modeled most accurately as a function of prey density using a Michaelis–Menton equation and that even under low mysid densities (3 individuals/m2), age-0 lake trout could quickly satisfy their energetic demands in a benthic setting.  相似文献   
This study provides species-specific catch and baseline mortality estimates of non-target species (by-catch) for the Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron commercial trap net fishery. By-catch can represent a significant mortality source that is often unknown. By-catch and by-catch mortality rates in the Saginaw Bay commercial trap net fishery, which primarily targets lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis), yellow perch (Perca flavescens), and channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), are currently unknown. From May through August 2010, we observed onboard commercial trap net vessels and took species-specific counts of by-catch and estimated initial by-catch mortality (i.e., morbid or floating fish). The high levels of walleye (Sander vitreus) catch and mortality observed within inner Saginaw Bay have not been previously documented in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Walleye by-catch averaged 127.3 individuals per trap net lift and 42% of those caught were morbid. The levels of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) catch observed were within the range observed in previous studies, but mortality (percent) was higher than has been previously observed. Lake trout by-catch averaged 39.4 individuals per lift and 39.2% of those were morbid. Through the use of generalized linear models, this analysis also indicated factors that most influenced catch of non-target species including time of year and soak time (i.e., time interval between trap net lifts). Surface water temperature and trap net depth most influenced mortality. These results may inform fishers and fisheries managers and highlight the need for comprehensive by-catch monitoring throughout the Great Lakes.  相似文献   
Smolting is an important development stage of salmonid, and an energy trade-off occurs between osmotic regulation and growth during smolting in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Growth hormone releasing hormone, somatostatin, growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor (GHRH-SST-GH-IGF) axis exhibit pleiotropic effects in regulating growth and osmotic adaptation. Due to salmonid specific genome duplication, increased paralogs are identified in the ghrh-sst-gh-igf axis, however, their physiology in modulating osmoregulation has yet to be investigated. In this study, seven sst genes (sst1a, sst1b, sst2, sst3a, sst3b, sst5, sst6) were identified in trout. We further investigated the ghrh-sst-gh-igf axis of diploid and triploid trout in response to seawater challenge. Kidney sst (sst1b, sst2, sst5) and sstr (sstr1b1, sstr5a, sstr5b) expressions were changed (more than 2-fold increase (except for sstr5a with 1.99-fold increase) or less than 0.5-fold decrease) due to osmoregulation, suggesting a pleiotropic physiology of SSTs in modulating growth and smoltification. Triploid trout showed significantly down-regulated brain sstr1b1 and igfbp2a1 (p < 0.05), while diploid trout showed up-regulated brain igfbp1a1 (~2.61-fold, p = 0.057) and igfbp2a subtypes (~1.38-fold, p < 0.05), suggesting triploid trout exhibited a better acclimation to the seawater environment. The triploid trout showed up-regulated kidney igfbp5a subtypes (~6.62 and 7.25-fold, p = 0.099 and 0.078) and significantly down-regulated igfbp5b2 (~0.37-fold, p < 0.05), showing a conserved physiology of teleost IGFBP5a in regulating osmoregulation. The IGFBP6 subtypes are involved in energy and nutritional regulation. Distinctive igfbp6 subtypes patterns (p < 0.05) potentially indicated trout triggered energy redistribution in brain and kidney during osmoregulatory regulation. In conclusion, we showed that the GHRH-SST-GH-IGF axis exhibited pleiotropic effects in regulating growth and osmoregulatory regulation during trout smolting, which might provide new insights into seawater aquaculture of salmonid species.  相似文献   
Camelina oil (CO) replaced 50 and 100 % of fish oil (FO) in diets for farmed rainbow trout (initial weight 44 ± 3 g fish?1). The oilseed is particularly unique due to its high lipid content (40 %) and high amount of 18:3n‐3 (α‐linolenic acid, ALA) (30 %). Replacing 100 % of fish oil with camelina oil did not negatively affect growth of rainbow trout after a 12‐week feeding trial (FO = 168 ± 32 g fish?1; CO = 184 ± 35 g fish?1). Lipid and fatty acid profiles of muscle, viscera and skin were significantly affected by the addition of CO after 12 weeks of feeding. However, final 22:6n‐3 [docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)] and 20:5n‐3 [eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)] amounts (563 mg) in a 75 g fillet (1 serving) were enough to satisfy daily DHA and EPA requirements (250 mg) set by the World Health Organization. Other health benefits include lower SFA and higher MUFA in filets fed CO versus FO. Compound‐specific stable isotope analysis (CSIA) confirmed that the δ13C isotopic signature of DHA in CO fed trout shifted significantly compared to DHA in FO fed trout. The shift in DHA δ13C indicates mixing of a terrestrial isotopic signature compared to the isotopic signature of DHA in fish oil‐fed tissue. These results suggest that ~27 % of DHA was synthesized from the terrestrial and isotopically lighter ALA in the CO diet rather than incorporation of DHA from fish meal in the CO diet. This was the first study to use CSIA in a feeding experiment to demonstrate synthesis of DHA in fish.  相似文献   
The migration pattern of spawners of brown trout (Salmo trutta) in relation to water flow was analysed by radio-tracking in the regulated River Gudbrandsdalslågen, Norway. During the upstream spawning migration in the high flow period, trout (2–12 kg) were caught, tagged and released 15 km downstream of a fish ladder at the Hunderfossen waterfall. The released fish displayed a systematic and directional upstream movement to the outlet of the tunnel from the hydroelectricity plant. In autumn and winter there is a minimum water discharge of 20–2 m3/s on p.s. in the river between the dam and the outlet of the tunnel, which has a discharge of 200–300 m3/s. When the water flowing over the Hunderfossen dam decreased to 20 m3/s, the ascent of brown trout up the river stopped and fish periodically entered the power plant tunnel. To determine the flow necessary to attract fish into the spawning reach above the tunnel outlet, two experiments were undertaken using 12 and 17 radio-tagged trout. In the first experiment, 60 m3/s of water released for 24 h resulted in the migration of 50% of the trout up the river. The second experiment, releasing 60 m3/s for 24 h, followed by 30 m3/s for 24 h two days later, resulted in the migration of 60% of the trout. Only one fish ascended the river at a flow of 30 m3/s. It is recommended that a repeated release of water at 60 m3/s is made in periods of minimum water discharge to save the spawning migration. The results demonstrate the advantage of using radio-tracking in experiments dealing with fish migration in relation to water-flow management.  相似文献   
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