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In this study, the accuracy of a machine tool was evaluated by modeling the spherical deviation based on double ball-bar measurements under unloaded conditions. Circular measurement paths on the XY-, YZ-, and ZX-planes were planned, and three linear axis drives were commanded to follow the paths describing a nominal sphere. The spherical deviation, defined as the maximum radial range of deviations around a least-squares sphere, is affected by the accuracies of the three linear axes together. Therefore, the spherical deviation represents the accuracy of machine tools by quantifying the effect of the accuracies of three linear axes, whereas the circular deviation only quantifies the accuracies of two linear axes among the three linear axes. In this experimental study, spherical deviations of vertical/horizontal machine tools were measured and analyzed under various nominal lengths of a double ball-bar for various feed rates. The measurement uncertainty of the measured spherical deviation was investigated to determine the confidence interval.  相似文献   
利用球杆仪对五轴数控机床旋转轴的几何误差进行了测量及建模。在测试中,五轴数控机床采用两个平动轴和一个旋转轴同步运动,球杆仪采用径向、切向和轴向三种测试路径,并在此基础上对其进行几何误差建模。  相似文献   
以AOCMT型五轴超精密加工机床为例,运用球杆仪对其旋转轴C轴进行测量,测量时采用机床两个平动轴和一个旋转轴同时运动,测量方式分轴向,径向,切向三种。以多体系统运动学理论为基础,运用齐次坐标变换矩阵建立机床旋转轴几何误差模型,并提出一种误差辨识方法。该方法利用误差模型推导出各项误差与球杆仪轨迹偏心率关系的数学表达式,设计进行不同位置,不同高度的测量,以此可以将与位置点无关的静态误差和与位置点相关的动态误差同时分离出来,准确高效。  相似文献   
陈金英  史利娟 《煤矿机械》2013,34(4):99-100
采用先进的检测球杆仪技术,应用QC20W型球杆仪检测XK714型数控铣床的误差并分析影响该机床精度的主要因素,对影响精度最大的X轴和Y轴的反向间隙进行间隙补偿,提高了数控铣床的加工精度,为从事调整和提高数控机床精度的操作者提供了经验和实践操作指南。  相似文献   
针对某公司研制的THM46100高精度四轴卧式加工中心,提出了一种快速分离转台六项几何误差的方法。借助球杆仪分别采用平行于X、Y、Z轴及锥形的特殊安装方式,进行了转台几何误差分离实验,基于转台几何误差辨识模型,辨识出转台运动产生的3项位移误差δx、δy、δz和2项转角误差εx、εz,并配合激光干涉仪与回转分度仪对转台的定位误差εy进行了实验检测,从而实现了转台6项误差的识别。该方法与传统单项测量法相比,具有操作简单,检测效率高,适合现场测量等优点。  相似文献   
根据齐次变换理论推导出旋转轴基本几何误差辨识模型,在此基础上,提出了一种基于球杆仪的旋转轴基本几何误差快速测量和辨识新方法,将球杆仪一端的中心座分别安装在旋转工作台的3个不同位置,通过联动控制球杆仪另一端球心按圆形轨迹运动,分别测量旋转轴圆周每个离散位置点在X、Y、Z方向上的偏差,并根据所建立的辨识模型,辨识出旋转轴的6项基本几何误差。同时,提出了基于系数矩阵灵敏度分析的方法,用于指导测量点的合理分布,减少测量误差的影响,从而提高误差辨识精度。  相似文献   
In this study, position-independent geometric errors, including offset errors and squareness errors of rotary axes of a five-axis machine tool are measured using a double ball-bar and are verified through compensation. In addition, standard uncertainties of measurement results are calculated to establish their confidence intervals. This requires two measurement paths for each rotary axis, which are involving control of single rotary axis during measurement. So, the measurement paths simplify the measurement process, and reduce measurement cost including less operator effort and measurement time. Set-up errors, which are inevitable during the installation of the balls, are modeled as constants. Their effects on the measurement results are investigated to improve the accuracy of the measurement result. A novel fixture consisting of flexure hinges and two pairs of bolts is used to minimize set-up error by adjusting the ball's position located at the tool nose. Simulation is performed to check the validation of measurement and to analyze the standard uncertainties of the measurement results. Finally, the position-independent geometric errors of the five-axis machine tool (involving a rotary axis and a trunnion axis) are measured using proposed method.  相似文献   
对数控机床几何精度评价、机床验收以及定期检验的常用方法———圆测法及其研究成果进行了综述。提出了一种新的适用于机床几何误差补偿的测量装置———二维球杆仪。  相似文献   
几何误差是五轴数控机床重要误差源,针对传统测量方法仪器昂贵、测量周期长问题,提出基于球杆仪的五轴数控机床几何误差快速检测方法。对于机床的平动轴误差,利用多体系统理论及齐次坐标变换法,建立平动轴空间误差模型,通过球杆仪在同一平面不同位置进行两次圆轨迹,辨识出4项平动轴关键线性误差;针对五轴机床的转台和摆动轴,设计基于球杆仪的多条空间测试轨迹,完整求解出旋转轴12项几何误差。实验结果显示,所提方法获得转角定位误差与激光干涉仪法最大误差为0.001 8°,利用检测结果进行机床空间误差补偿,测试轨迹偏差由16μm降至4μm,为补偿前的25%,验证了方法的有效性。提出的五轴机床几何误差检测方法方便、便捷,适用于工业现场。  相似文献   
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