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The insecticidal effectiveness of two natural zeolite formulations (Minazel plus and Minazel), applied to wheat at selected rates of 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75 g/kg, and a diatomaceous earth formulation (DE) (Protect-It™), applied at the recommended rates of 0.15 g/kg for Sitophilus oryzae, 0.20 g/kg for Rhyzopertha dominica and 0.30 g/kg for Tribolium castaneum, were tested under laboratory conditions (24 ± 1 °C temperature and 45 ± 5% relative humidity). The highest adult mortality was observed after the longest exposure period of 21 days and 7 days of recovery, when all three zeolite dosage rates and the recommended DE dosage caused 97-100% mortality of S. oryzae and 94-100% of T. castaneum. On the other hand, 100% mortality was not achieved in any test variant involving R. dominica; the highest (about 92%) was detected for DE, while 52% and 79% mortality was achieved with the zeolites at the highest rate of 0.75 g/kg. Progeny reduction by >90% was achieved after 21 days of contact of all three beetle pests with DE-treated wheat, while the same level of reduction was achieved for S. oryzae and T. castaenum only after contact with the highest rate of the zeolite product, Minazel. Thus the two zeolite formulations are comparable to diatomaceous earth in controlling adult S. oryzae, R. dominica and T. castaneum, but only the Minazel formulation could effectively protect wheat from attack by S. oryzae or T. castaneum, and only with a higher rate of application than for the DE formulation.  相似文献   
Phosphine resistance positively contributes towards an individual's fitness under phosphine fumigation. However, phosphine resistance may place resistant individuals at a fitness disadvantage in the absence of this fumigant, which can be exploited to halt or slow down the spread of resistance. This study aimed to determine if there is a fitness cost associated with phosphine resistance in populations of the red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum (Herbst)), the lesser grain borer (Rhyzopertha dominica (F.)) and the sawtoothed grain beetle (Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.)). The developmental rate and population growth of phosphine-resistant and -susceptible populations of these three species of stored-product insects were therefore determined under phosphine-free environment. The majority of the phosphine-resistant populations exhibited lower developmental and population growth rates than the susceptible populations indicating that phosphine resistance is associated with fitness cost in all three species, which can potentially compromise the fixation and dispersal of the resistant genotypes. Nonetheless, some phosphine-resistant populations did not show a fitness cost. Therefore, resistance management strategies based on suppression of phosphine use aiming at eventual reestablishment of phosphine susceptibility and subsequent reintroduction of this fumigant will be useful only for insect populations exhibiting a fitness cost associated with phosphine resistance. Therefore recognition of the prevailing phosphine-resistant genotypes in a region is important to direct the management tactics to be adopted.  相似文献   
Data were collected in 1998-2002 from wheat stored in commercial grain elevators in south-central Kansas. Bins at these elevators had concrete walls and were typically 6-9 m in diameter and 30-35 m tall. A vacuum-probe sampler was used to collect grain samples in the top 12 m of the wheat in each bin. The primary insect species found in the wheat samples were: Cryptolestes ferrugineus, Rhyzopertha dominica, and Tribolium castaneum. In the top 3.7 m of grain, R. dominica, C. ferrugineus, T. castaneum and Sitophilus oryzae made up 44, 36, 19 and 1% of the insects found in the samples, respectively. From 3.8 to 12.2 m, R. dominica, C. ferrugineus, T. castaneum and S. oryzae were present at 84, 8, 8, and 1%, respectively. The most prevalent species also changed over time. In June, the start of wheat harvesting and storage in Kansas, insect density was low in the bins. At this time, C. ferrugineus was the most common insect, and it was found mostly in the top grain sample (0-1.2 m). In September through November, C. ferrugineus and R. dominica were at similar densities; however, from February to March, R. dominica was more common.Generally, insect density was greatest at the top and decreased with grain depth. Very few insects were found in samples collected from greater than 12 m (most of the bins contained grain to depths of 24-36 m). Insect density for all species increased rapidly from June through October. During this period less than 20% of the bins had economically significant insect densities (>2 insects/kg). From October until February, the average insect density remained fairly constant but it was greatly reduced in April, May, and June. Bins that had insect densities >2 insects/kg tended to be located adjacent to other heavily infested bins.  相似文献   
In Sri Lanka, prices for paddy fluctuate severely showing a minimum price at harvest. To benefit from higher prices, farmers strive to store paddy, but lack of facilities and poor storage management cause quantitative and qualitative losses by rodents, insects and microbial deterioration. To overcome these problems an airtight storage system, based on a ferro-cement bin, has been developed. The objective of this study was to evaluate the storage system in terms of paddy quality and mass loss. Before and after storage, samples were drawn from this bin and a control to analyse moisture content, thousand-grain mass, insect infestation, mould, germination rate and head rice yield. Additional samples were taken from different regions in the bin.Oxygen concentration dropped to 2.7% within 30 days and carbon dioxide rose to 9.1%. The change in gas composition was caused mainly by insect respiration. Ephestia cautella were found on the top layer in the bin and Sitophilus spp. and Rhyzopertha dominica in the bottom layer. The average infestation rate was 4.8 insects/kg. Most of the insects were dead at unloading. After 6 months storage, mass loss was 0.4% in the bin and 2.1% in the control. Head rice yield was 35.8% in the bin and 27.3% in the control. A significant amount of mould was found only in the control (0.85%). Germination rate, however, decreased from 85% to 0% in the airtight bin, whereas it was still 38% in the control. The study has shown that airtight ferro-cement bins provide a safe and convenient method for farmers in the tropics to preserve their harvest for later sale at a higher price. Further work is necessary to develop strategies for avoiding the decrease in germination capacity.  相似文献   
Laboratory tests were carried out to examine the insecticidal effect of three commercially available diatomaceous earth (DE) formulations on wheat and maize against three major stored-grain beetle species: Rhyzopertha dominica, Sitophilus oryzae, and Tribolium confusum. The three DEs tested were Insecto®, PyriSec®, and Protect-It®. These DEs were applied alone or in all possible combinations (Insecto®+PyriSec®, Insecto®+Protect-It®, PyriSec®+Protect-It®, and all three DEs together), at three (total) dose rates: 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 g/kg of each commodity. Adults of the above species were exposed to the treated commodities for 7 d at 26 °C, and 65% r.h., and after this interval the mortality was measured. For each species, adult mortality was significantly affected by the type of DE, the commodity, and the dose rate. All DEs were less effective against T. confusum, where mortality did not exceed 67%, in comparison with the other two species, where 100% mortality was achieved in some combinations. For all species tested, all DEs were more effective on wheat than on maize. Generally, the mix of two or three DEs was more effective than the application of one DE, for all species and commodities. The results of the present work clearly indicate that a blending of several DEs together may produce a new DE formulation that is highly effective at low dose rates.  相似文献   
The efficacy of diflubenzuron (1 mg kg−1)+methoprene (1 mg kg−1) against Sitophilus oryzae (L.) and Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) in sorghum was evaluated in a silo-scale trial in southeast Queensland, Australia. Sorghum is normally protected from a wide range of insects by mixtures of grain protectants. The chitin synthesis inhibitor diflubenzuron was evaluated as a potential new protectant for S. oryzae in combination with the juvenile hormone analogue methoprene, which is already registered for control of R. dominica. Sorghum (ca 200 t) was treated after harvest in 2000 and assessed for treatment efficacy and residue decline during 6.5 months storage. The reproductive capacity of S. oryzae and R. dominica was greatly reduced in bioassays of treated sorghum throughout the trial, and efficacy remained relatively stable during the trial. An initial exposure of S. oryzae adults to treated sorghum for 2 weeks reduced F1 progeny production of all strains by 80.8-98.8%, but a second exposure of 4 weeks reduced F1 progeny production by 98.5-100%. In addition, the reproductive capacity of any S. oryzae progeny produced was greatly reduced. Exposure of R. dominica adults to treated sorghum for 2 weeks reduced F1 progeny production of all strains by 99.6-100%, including a methoprene-resistant strain. The results indicate that S. oryzae or R. dominica adults invading sorghum treated with diflubenzuron (1 mg kg−1)+methoprene (1 mg kg−1) would be incapable of producing sustainable populations.  相似文献   
The susceptibility of stored grain pests to insecticides may be assessed by different types of bioassay application methods such as topical, impregnated filter papers and grain treatments. Pests may behave differently when in contact with pesticides and these changes in behaviour may contribute to their tolerance of pesticide. To compare the three application methods and determine how Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) behaved on contaminated filter papers and treated grain, experiments were carried out on four strains of this species. The strains were of known susceptibility to deltamethrin; three were from Brazil (BR4, BR6 and BR7) and one from the United Kingdom (UK1). BR4 and UK1 were susceptible strains, and BR6 and BR7 were resistant strains. Behavioural responses of the pest to deltamethrin were compared between resistant and susceptible strains by measuring the walking response of individuals on deltamethrin impregnated filter papers and the repellent effect of treated wheat grain. The body weights of strains were compared. The results showed resistance ratios of 21, 175 and 17 times between the most susceptible and the most resistant strains, following topical, filter paper and grain applications, respectively. The most resistant strain walked less on contaminated filter papers while the most susceptible strain did not change its walking pattern. Deltamethrin showed no repellent effect, neither on impregnated filter papers or in treated wheat grain. The body weights differed among the strains but were not associated with the level of tolerance to deltamethrin.  相似文献   
Adult males of the lesser grain borer,Rhyzopertha dominica (F.), produce a pheromone that attracts both sexes. The volatiles from males collected on filter paper or Porapak-Q were attractive in two laboratory bioassays. The mating behavior is described and the function of the phen infested with the borer.Mention of a commercial product does not constitute an endorsement by the USDA.  相似文献   
In the context of developing a behavioural bioassay, the effects of 1-5 days starvation on the locomotory responses of Rhyzopertha dominica were investigated. Movements in an experimental arena with airflow were videoed and analysed using computerised tracking and motion analysis software. Beetle velocity and angular velocity (turning) were influenced adversely following 3 or 4 days of starvation, resulting in a lower number of beetles arriving at food. The highest number of beetles arriving at food was when they were starved for 1 day. Gender had a statistically significant effect on velocity; on average males walked 37% faster than females and there were significant decreases in the velocity of females from the fourth day and male velocity from the fifth day of starvation. Starvation significantly reduced angular velocity of beetles although the effect of gender was not statistically significant. There was a decline in angular velocity following the first day of starvation, although the negative effect of starvation on turning is not as clear-cut as on velocity, with a more gradual decline with increasing starvation. For undertaking behavioural bioassays with R. dominica, starvation beyond 1 day is unlikely to improve responsiveness.  相似文献   
We have developed a simple and rapid technique that mimics storage conditions, and determines if products are repellent or attractive to stored-product insects. The technique determines the response of insects to potential repellents and attractants by measuring their movement from grain. The technique used a device consisting of a perforated cup (2 mm perforations) that holds 200 g of wheat. A Petri dish and cup collected the insects as they left the wheat. Several natural products were tested for repellency: diatomaceous earth (DE), ground peas (Pisum sativum), protein-rich pea flour, pea starch, and pea fibre. Adult insects of three species were tested: the rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae, the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, and the rusty grain beetle, Cryptolestes ferrugineus. DE at 0.01% was repellent to all insects tested. Pea fibre, pea protein, and ground pea at 1% caused increased emigration of C. ferrugineus from the wheat. Pea starch did not affect movement out of the grain for all three insects. Only pea fibre and ground pea increased the movement of T. castaneum out of the grain. For S. oryzae, there were no differences after 1 h, but after 24 h both pea protein and ground pea increased movement out of the grain. Several potential attractants were placed outside the grain and the emigration out of the grain noted. For R. dominica, the commercial R. dominica pheromone increased the emigration of insects from the grain; R. dominica adults on broken grain enclosed in a ventilated vial in the collection jar also increased emigration, but not as much as the synthetic pheromone. The commercial Tribolium pheromone did increase movement out of the grain for T. castaneum, but the other treatments were no different from the control. None of the potential attractants increased the movement of S. oryzae from the grain. The implications of this work are discussed with reference to controlling and sampling stored-product insect pests.  相似文献   
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