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目的:确定砂梨品质形成及劣变关键点。方法:以早生新水、沪晶梨18、沪晶梨67为试材,将成熟度一致的3个品种的梨果实于(1.0±0.5)℃、相对湿度85%~90%的冷库中贮藏60 d,每10 d测定果实品质和10个电子鼻传感器的感应值。结果:沪晶梨18和早生新水为典型的果糖积累型,沪晶梨67为山梨醇积累型,3个品种梨均为苹果酸积累型。冷藏期间,沪晶梨67可保持较高的果实带皮硬度、果肉组织硬度、脆性和咀嚼性;含有较高的葡萄糖、山梨醇和总糖含量,可滴定酸、苹果酸含量较稳定;贮藏风味浓郁,受冷藏时间调控小,耐贮性佳。沪晶梨18的果皮特性、紧实度和脆性优于早生新水,拥有较高的果糖、苹果酸含量和果糖/总糖,可保持较高的甜酸度,贮藏风味浓郁。早生新水易软化,可滴定酸含量呈急剧下降趋势,综合风味受贮藏时间调控大,不耐贮。早生新水和沪晶梨67梨果实挥发性化合物发生了明显变化,特别是氮氧化合物、甲烷、硫化物、乙醇等挥发性化合物。结论:早生新水、沪晶梨18、沪晶梨67的安全冷藏期分别为30,40,60 d。  相似文献   
为研究采前喷施胺鲜酯(diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate,DA-6)对采后龙眼果实贮藏期间果皮膜脂代谢的影响,以‘福眼’龙眼为实验材料,在龙眼盛花期后70、90、110 d用10 mg/kg DA-6溶液各喷施龙眼果实1 次,以蒸馏水喷施为对照。龙眼果实在盛花期后120 d采收,采后龙眼果实经过挑选、清洗和晾干后用厚度为0.015 mm的聚乙烯薄膜袋密封包装(每组50 袋,每袋50 个),在(28±1)℃、相对湿度85%条件下贮藏。结果表明:采前喷施DA-6可延缓采后龙眼果实贮藏期间果皮细胞膜透性的增加,降低果皮脂氧合酶、脂酶和磷脂酶D等膜脂降解酶活力,延缓果皮膜磷脂(磷脂酰胆碱(phosphatidylcholine,PC)、磷脂酰肌醇(phosphatidylinositol,PI))和不饱和脂肪酸(油酸(C18:1)、亚油酸(C18:2)、亚麻酸(C18:3))的降解,保持较高的PC和PI含量及脂肪酸不饱和指数、脂肪酸不饱和度,保持较低的磷脂酸含量,维持正常细胞膜区室化功能和结构。因此,采前喷施DA-6增强采后龙眼果实耐贮性与采前喷施DA-6能有效降低采后龙眼果实贮藏期间果皮膜脂代谢有关。  相似文献   
Gel propulsion systems have many advantages with respect to high performance, the energy management of liquid propulsion systems, storability, high density impulse, and low leakage of liquid propellants. The atomization process provides sufficient contact surface area between the gelled fuel and oxidizer jets. It is important to study how injection characteristics of gelled propellants are related with break-up and spray distribution. The break-up and mixing processes are very important in achieving maximum efficiency and necessitate the careful study of combustion instability. Gelled propellants are non-Newtonian fluids in which the viscosity is a function of the shear rate, and they have a high dynamic shear viscosity which depends on the amount of gelling agent contents. The present study has focused on the break-up process, wave development of ligament and liquid sheets formed by impinging jets with various gelling agent contents. Especially, the break-up processes of the impinging jets at the initial conditions are studied. The break-up process of like-on-like doublet impinging jets are experimentally characterized using non-Newtonian liquids which are mixed by ionized water 98.5 wt%, Carbopol 941 0.5wt% or 1.0wt%, and NaOH(concentration 10%) 1.0wt%. For the like-on-like doublet injector, the generation of a liquid sheet at the impinging point of two jets was observed. The spray shape with elliptical pattern is distributed in a perpendicular direction to the momentum vectors of the jets. Gelled propellant simulants with high viscosity jets are more stable and produce less pronounced surface waves than low viscosity jets. Generally, the break-up length decreased due to the increasing Reynolds number. However, surface waves and atomized droplets increased. Gelled propellant simulants from like-on-like doublet impinging jets have the spray shape of closed rim patterns at low pressure. Also, the rim patterns of spray have no disturbances on the spray sheet. As the injection pressure increased, rimless patterns which were composed of ligament sheets and small droplets emerged due to the effect of the aerodynamic action. Periodic wave-like structures observed from the near impingement point and atomized droplets were observed at a location further downstream.  相似文献   
Reported here in, is the synthesis of polystyrene (PS)-supported Ziegler–Natta catalyst (PS-TiCl4) by the reaction of PS and titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4). PS was synthesized by emulsion polymerization using super critical CO2 (sc-CO2) as a medium. Three catalysts were synthesized by varying the TiCl4/PS weight ratio in hexane medium. The resulting catalysts were characterized by Fourier transformed-infrared spectroscopy, UV–visible spectroscopy, scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive X-ray detector, X-ray diffraction analysis. The acidity of the catalysts in an acetone/water solution was measured by pH meter. The thermogravimetric analysis reveals that catalysts are stable upto 150–180°C. Due to their higher degree of thermal stability these catalysts may potentially be used as a support in conventional Ziegler–Natta catalyst for ethylene polymerization. These catalysts also showed good storability and its overall catalytic productivity are found to be 3720 g PE/g Ti. The productivity of the catalysts also depended on the titanium concentration in the polymer matrix. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2012  相似文献   
为探讨采前喷施壳聚糖、壳寡糖对红地球葡萄采后贮藏期果实品质及生理机制的影响,分别于采前30、20、10d对红地球葡萄果实进行500mg/L壳寡糖、500mg/L壳寡糖+1%乙酸、500mg/L壳聚糖+1%乙酸和清水对照处理。结果表明,采前喷施相同浓度的壳聚糖、壳寡糖均能显著降低葡萄贮藏期间的果实失重率、果柄抽干率和腐烂率,延缓果实硬度降低,提高果实的贮藏品质。能够保持过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性在较高水平上,并且明显提高了葡萄果实多酚氧化酶(PPO)、苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)、β-1,3-葡聚糖酶(GUN)防御酶活性,使果实提高了自身抗性,延缓果实衰老。  相似文献   
本实验研究采前喷施含量为10 mg/kg的胺鲜酯(diethyl aminoethyl hexanoate,DA-6)对采后'福眼'龙眼果实(Dimocarpus longan Lour.cv.Fuyan)贮藏期间果皮能量代谢的影响.贮藏期间取样测定龙眼果实的果皮腺苷三磷酸(adenosine triphosphate...  相似文献   
目的:对3个品种砂梨的贮藏期和品质进行评价,为品种选育和保鲜技术的研发提供理论支撑。方法:以遗传背景相似的早生新水、沪晶梨18(HJ18)、沪晶梨67(HJ67)为试材,分别将成熟度一致的3个品种砂梨果实放置于温度为(1.0±0.5)℃、相对湿度85%~90%的冷库中贮藏60 d,每10 d对果实质构、糖酸及挥发性物质进行测定,基于聚类、主成分、时序分析,划分贮藏期和贮藏品质。结果:3个品种砂梨果实质地、糖酸及挥发性物质均受到贮藏时间的调控,且不同指标间有一定的相关性。可将14个品质评价参数简化为果肉组织硬度、咀嚼性、紧实度、果皮脆性、弹性、苹果酸、柠檬酸、可溶性固形物和果糖9个指标;传感器S2、S6、S7、S8、S9的贡献率较大。基于14个品质指标,贮藏期间的HJ67与早生新水和HJ18处于相对独立的空间;基于10个传感器响应值,3个品种存在空间交集,未得到有效区分。3个品种砂梨的贮藏时间被划分为不同的区间,基于质地、非挥发性和挥发性物质的划分结果较为一致,HJ67被划分为0~20,30,40~50,60 d 4个时间段。结论:HJ67质地、糖酸含量和挥发性物质与早生新水和HJ18差...  相似文献   
弓弼  蒋柳庆  马惠玲 《食品科学》2016,37(2):250-255
为了探明国内主栽早实核桃(Juglans regia L.)的耐贮性,本研究对‘辽二’、‘鲁光’和‘西扶二号’3 个中晚熟早实核桃品种的青皮果实进行了0~1 ℃、相对湿度85%~90%条件下的冷藏,测定了贮藏期间青皮生理生化变化,调查了核仁品质和保鲜效果。结果表明:‘辽二’的乙烯释放高峰出现在贮藏30 d,较‘西扶二号’和‘鲁光’早6 d,峰值约为后二者的4 倍。‘辽二’的两个呼吸高峰分别出现在贮藏12、36 d,均晚于另外两个品种6~12 d。‘辽二’腐烂指数增加最慢,贮藏48 d时‘辽二’、‘鲁光’、‘西扶二号’的腐烂指数依次为14.0%、17.8%、21.1%。贮藏期内‘辽二’果实青皮的多酚氧化酶、过氧化物酶活性持续较低,总酚与类黄酮含量亦低于‘鲁光’和‘西扶二号’。贮藏48 d后,‘辽二’核桃仁的可溶性蛋白质含量、酸值、过氧化值变化幅度最小。因此,‘辽二’的青皮酚类氧化褐变活性较低,在3 个品种间耐贮性最强。  相似文献   
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