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探讨了引进设备与技术的价格计算方法,对当前尚未明确的取费基数及计算公式进行了确认,对国外运输费、国外运输保险费、关税等从属费用的计取进行了规范。  相似文献   
大型石油工程项目具有投资大、周期长、工期紧、任务重的特点,这也在一定程度上增加了物资供应工作的复杂性与紧迫性.在大型石油工程项目中,引进物资仍占较大比例,本文主要从CIF、FOB术语本质特征出发,着重对CIF术语进口风险进行了分析,并提出了相关建议,以期进一步提高大型石油工程项目进口物资运输供应工作的及时性与安全性.  相似文献   
在海商法实践中,我国海商法对装运港(FOB)贸易术语的托运人的认定,争议最大的是提单托运人一栏记载买方还是卖方,其权利和义务的区别,从而提出解决托运人争议的对策,卖方和买方均视为托运人,享有不同的权利和承担不同的义务,卖方在占有提单期间,对提单享有合法占有权和提单项下货物的物权。  相似文献   
FOB和CIF是INCOTERMS-2000版国际贸易术语中常用的贸易术语,二者既有相同之处,又有区别之处,在国际贸易的进口和出口实务中各具优势。在大型工程项目中,从时间性、风险性和操控性方面比较看来,FOB更有适用性。  相似文献   
近年来,随着我国国际贸易业务的开展以及港口、船舶等航运条件与国际接轨,对外贸易的持续高速发展也带动了国际航运业务量也迅速攀升.在各种交货条款中,FOB占的比例也越来越大.FOB合同条款的选择有其优点,但是也存在着一定得风险,如何规避这些风险就成了很多企业关注的问题.  相似文献   
虚拟布局/装配环境下的人机交互技术研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了解决虚拟布局/装配中的人机交互问题,结合虚拟布局/装配环境,分别给出了输入控制器Neowand和三维跟踪器FOB的操作方法和工作原理.提出了综合使用Neowand和FOB进行人机交互的方法;对相应配置作出了说明;讨论了在虚拟布局和装配环境中此人机交互方法的应用.通过基于CatiaV5提供的虚拟平台,对输入控制器和三维跟踪器的应用进行了实例验证,验证结果表明上述人机交互方法有效可行.  相似文献   
U.S. ethanol policies have contributed to changes in the levels and the volatilities of revenues and costs facing ethanol firms. The implications of these policies for optimal investment behavior are investigated through an extension of the real options framework that allows for the consideration of volatility in both revenue and cost components, as well as the correlation between them. The effects of policy affecting plant revenues dominate the effects of those policies affecting production costs. In the absence of these policies, much of the recent expansionary periods would have not existed and market conditions in the late-1990s would have led to some plant closures. We also show that, regardless of plant size, U.S. ethanol policy has narrowed the distance between the optimal entry and exit curves, implying a more narrow range of inactivity and indicative of a more volatile evolution for the industry than would have existed otherwise.  相似文献   
布局问题是产品设计的关键,在工程应用中广泛存在,传统布局方法并不能有效解决布局中出现的NP完全和组合最优化问题。介绍虚拟布局的概念和技术组成,综述目前的发展现状,介绍基于FOB鸟群跟踪器的人机交互的实现技术,并就进一步的深入研究提出一些设想。  相似文献   
国际贸易中经常会遇到向国外支付佣金的情形 ,在委托国外销售代理或直接通过中间商推销新产品或开发新市场 ,都需要向代理商或中间商支付佣金。文章阐述了佣金的基本概念 ,并探讨了佣金计算基数、计算佣金的方法及支付佣金的时间等问题  相似文献   
The effect of final metal finishes of Cu electrodes on the adhesion and reliability of anisotropic conductive film (ACF) joints was investigated. Two different metal surface finishes, electroless Ni/immersion Au (ENIG) and organic solderability preservatives (OSPs) coated on Cu, were selected in this study for ACF bonding. The adhesion strength of ACF/OSP joints was higher than that of ACF/bare Cu and ACF/ENIG joints. The fracture sites of the ACF/bare Cu and ACF/ENIG joints were ACF/metal interfaces, while those of ACF/OSP joints were inside the ACF. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) and Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) analyses showed that the OSP coating layer on the Cu electrodes reacted with the epoxy resin of the ACFs but still remained at the bonding interface. According to the in-depth X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis, additional C-N bonds formed after the OSP-epoxy reaction and the outermost nitrogen of the OSP layer participated in curing of the epoxy resin of the ACF. Therefore, the OSP layer acted as an adhesion promoter to ACFs. Furthermore, this role of the OSP layer enhanced the reliability of the ACF/OSP joints under high temperature and humid environments, as compared to the ACF/ENIG joints.  相似文献   
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