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This paper deals with the problem of single-channel noise reduction in the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) domain. Many algorithms have been developed to solve this important problem, most of which generally assume that the STFT coefficients in different frequency bands are uncorrelated, so the noise reduction is achieved by applying a gain function to the STFT of the noisy speech in each frequency band. However, this assumption is not accurate and the STFT coefficients of speech signals between neighboring frequency bands are correlated in practice due to the use of small lengths of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) and overlap add/save techniques in implementation. This paper formulates the noise reduction problem by taking into account the interband correlation using the so-called bifrequency spectrum. Based on this formulation, a single-channel minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) filter is derived, which is shown to be able to significantly improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and meanwhile maintain the desired speech not much distorted. Simulations are presented to justify the claimed merits of the developed MVDR filter.  相似文献   
研究波束形成算法的前提是驾驶向量是确定的.在实际情况下,由于实际的阵列响应和期望信号的阵列响应存在一定的偏差,这时候就需要研究对于驾驶向量不确定情况下的波束形成问题.该文基于Bayesian准则,对一系列自适应MVDR波束形成器的权向量进行后验概率密度加权,得到Bayesian自适应波束形成器.仿真和实际水声阵列数据结果显示,该波束形成器在驾驶向量不确实的情况下,具有较好的鲁棒性.  相似文献   
绝大多数通讯信号都具有周期平稳信号特性。利用信号的周期平稳特性可以进行真正的盲自适应波束形成,因而受到了广泛关注。鲁棒CAB(R-CAB)算法就是其中的一种,但其中涉及矩阵求逆,运算量很大。波束形成属于多维信号处理问题,阵列中阵元数的增加导致运算量成几何级数增加。文中提出了一种盲神经网络波束形成算法。由于神经网络具有网状计算结构的特点,故该方法不仅避免了矩阵求逆运算,同时更便于实时实现。该方法还利用对角加载技术,从而加快了收敛速度,保证了算法的鲁棒性。仿真实验表明其性能优越,易于电路实现  相似文献   
In millimeter wave (mmW) communication systems, hybrid architecture, including the analog‐digital precoder and combiner matrices, is employed to take advantage of the multistream transceiver. In practice, mmW channel is assumed to be frequency‐selective, since the signal bandwidth is larger than the coherence bandwidth. Hence, orthogonal frequency‐division multiplexing signaling can be remedial. So far, most of the previous works on the frequency‐selective channel estimation have focused on the single measurement vector (SMV) form, whereas finding and exploiting the proper multimeasurement vector (MMV) model can improve upon the estimation procedure based on compressive sensing (CS) concepts. In fact, the estimation procedure based on the MMV model has a faster convergence speed than the SMV method specially, when the training frames are small. In this paper, we first extract the MMV model of the channel. In this model, the rank‐deficiency occurs as the number of training frames is less or equal to the sparsity level. Thus, the conventional estimation methods fail to provide the desirable performance. To overcome this issue, we propose two rank‐aware algorithms based on the enhancement of the observed signal subspace. The first algorithm assumes to know the sparsity level, while the second faces to the lack of knowledge about the sparsity level. The simulation results corroborate the fact that the proposed methods outperform the conventional CS algorithms such as Simultaneous Orthogonal Matching Pursuit.  相似文献   
Brain source imaging based on EEG aims to reconstruct the neural activities producing the scalp potentials. This includes solving the forward and inverse problems. The aim of the inverse problem is to estimate the activity of the brain sources based on the measured data and leadfield matrix computed in the forward step. Spatial filtering, also known as beamforming, is an inverse method that reconstructs the time course of the source at a particular location by weighting and linearly combining the sensor data. In this paper, we considered a temporal assumption related to the time course of the source, namely sparsity, in the Linearly Constrained Minimum Variance (LCMV) beamformer. This assumption sounds reasonable since not all brain sources are active all the time such as epileptic spikes and also some experimental protocols such as electrical stimulations of a peripheral nerve can be sparse in time. Developing the sparse beamformer is done by incorporating L1-norm regularization of the beamformer output in the relevant cost function while obtaining the filter weights. We called this new beamformer SParse LCMV (SP-LCMV). We compared the performance of the SP-LCMV with that of LCMV for both superficial and deep sources with different amplitudes using synthetic EEG signals. Also, we compared them in localization and reconstruction of sources underlying electric median nerve stimulation. Results show that the proposed sparse beamformer can enhance reconstruction of sparse sources especially in the case of sources with high amplitude spikes.  相似文献   
吴凯  苏涛  李强  何学辉 《通信学报》2015,36(9):160-168
为了降低宽带阵列恒定束宽的实现复杂性,在分析宽带阵列稀疏性的基础上,构造了以阵元和抽头延迟线(TDL, tapped delay line)稀疏性的凸组合为目标函数,满足恒定束宽约束的波束形成器优化模型,降低了所需的阵元和TDL个数。引入重加权机制,通过序列凸优化,使稀疏性递增并收敛到最大值,证明了保证波束形成器稳健性的范数约束与最大TDL稀疏目标函数之间的等价性。仿真结果表明,可用较少的阵元及TDL个数获得相同的恒定束宽性能,具有工程实用价值。  相似文献   
基于矢量阵宽带MVDR聚焦波束形成的水下噪声源定位方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文研究了可应用于水下噪声源近场定位的矢量阵宽带MVDR聚焦波束形成方法,其中包括基于子频带分解的矢最阵非相干宽带聚焦波束形成(ISMMVDR-VFB)以及矢量阵相干宽带CSS-MVDR聚焦波束形成(CSSMVDR-VFB).两种方法将宽带MVDR高分辨方位估计方法及矢量阵信号处理技术与聚焦波束形成相融合,较常规聚焦波束形成具有更高的分辨力和更低的旁瓣级,能解决"左右舷模糊"问题并提高处理增益.与非相干算法ISMMVDR-VFB相比,CSSMVDR-VFB采用聚焦变换思想,可直接处理相干宽带信号,对于实际水声信号具有更高的适用性.最后通过对研究方法的空间谱仿真分析证明了其正确性和有效性.  相似文献   
针对独立高斯白噪声背景和多个平面波干扰,尤其是低输入信噪比的情况,提出一种基于阵列信号协方差矩阵对角减载的波束形成技术。通过足够多次快拍的估计,得到接收信号稳定的协方差矩阵,对协方差矩阵进行适量的对角减载能提高阵列输出增益以及多目标的分辨能力。对基于对角减载的常规波束形成和最小方差无畸变波束形成器的阵列增益进行了仿真,分析了阵列增益随减载系数的变化关系,并研究了多目标分辨时对角减载系数的取值区间,最后仿真验证了对角减载技术提高MVDR多目标分辨能力的有效性。  相似文献   
基于近场聚焦波束形成方法的声场定位研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
海洋环境中的声场定位,是水声学研究领域中的一个经典问题,尤其是用于海区警戒来监听敌方潜艇的近场定位问题.以往的近场定位研究,通常使用线列阵模型,利用常规聚焦波束形成方法进行定位处理,不仅出现了“左右舷模糊”问题,而且对信号定位不甚理想.为此提出基于半圆阵的四阶累积量MUSIC近场聚焦波束形成算法.通过仿真比较了多种聚焦波束形成在近场线列阵和圆阵条件下的定位性能,结果表明,半圆阵成功地解决了直线阵列出现的“左右舷模糊”问题,基于四阶累积量的MUSIC近场聚焦波束形成可以达到更为平滑的背景以及较小的旁瓣级,定位性能明显优于基于MVDR算法的聚焦波束形成高分辨率被动定位方法.  相似文献   
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