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Durch die ständige Erhöhung der Verkehrsbelastungen in den letzten Jahrzehnten und durch die Verwendung moderner Fahrzeugrückhaltesysteme sind ältere Brücken häufig nicht mehr in der Lage, ohne Verstärkungsmaßnahmen den Anforderungen des modernen Straßenverkehrs zu genügen. Eine bewährte Methode, die Tragfähigkeit einer Brücke zu erhöhen, besteht darin, auf das entsprechend vorbehandelte Rohtragwerk eine bewehrte Platte, welche mit dem Bestand kraftschlüssig verbunden ist, zu betonieren. Für die Bemessung sind der Eurocode und die in den europäisch technischen Dübelzulassungen (ETA) angegeben Bemessungsvorschriften (ETAG, TR, ...) anzuwenden. Der Anwender steht vor einer Fülle von breit gefächerten Wahlmöglichkeiten innerhalb dieser Vorschriften. Auf Basis der Erkenntnisse von mehreren Versuchsprogrammen gibt in Österreich die RVS 15.02.34 Anweisungen für die Fugenvorbereitung, die Rezeptur und den Einbau des Aufbetons und für die zugehörige Interpretation des Eurocodes und der Dübelbemessungsvorschriften bei der Bemessung der Schubfuge. Design and Detailling of Concrete Overlays Due to a permanent increase of traffic loads during the last decades and due to installation of modern vehicle restraint systems older bridges are often overloaded and thus have to be strengthened. Casting a concrete overlay on the existing structure is a state of the art method in order to increase the bearing capacity. The key is to prepare the interface in a way that no slip will occur between old and new concrete when forces are transferred over the interface. Mandatory for designing the concrete overlay is the Eurocode and in the European Technical Approvals (ETA) for dowels referred design guidelines (ETAG, TR, ...). However, the designer has to choose within a lot of options. On the basis of several research programs the RVS 15.02.34 gives recommendations for the preparation of the old concrete, the composition of the new concrete, casting and curing as well as choosing the associated options of the Eurocode within the structural design and detailing of the interface.  相似文献   
The previously developed numerical model of the authors for the analysis of conventional reinforced and prestressed concrete shells under short‐term and long‐term loading was improved by including the effects of transverse shear stresses on the shell failure. The 9‐node degenerated shell element with the layered material model through the thickness of the shell was used. The reinforcement was modelled as a separate layer. To include the effect of transverse shear stresses on the shell failure, the failure criterion for concrete and longitudinal reinforcement was defined by a relation of transverse shear stresses and normal stresses in two mutually perpendicular vertical planes. The total transverse shear bearing capacity of the shell cross‐section is obtained by summing up the concrete and reinforcement contributions. The developed numerical model and appropriate software were verified based on experimental tests.  相似文献   
Unreinforced masonry (URM) walls show a limited horizontal in‐plane deformation capacity, which can lead to an unfavorable seismic response. To predict this response, the walls' effective stiffness, shear force and drift capacity are required. While mechanics‐based models for the force capacity are well established, such approaches are largely lacking for the effective stiffness and the drift capacity. The mostly empirical code equations for the two latter parameters lead to often unsatisfactory and, in the case of drift capacities, sometimes unconservative predictions when compared to test results. This article summarises recently developed simple closed‐form equations for the effective stiffness, the shear force and the drift capacity. Furthermore, it compares said formulations and currently used code equations to a database of shear compression tests. It shows that the novel models capture the effective stiffness and the drift capacity more accurately than current code equations. The shear force capacity is predicted with a similar reliability, yet using a very simple formulation.  相似文献   
Mauerwerkswände müssen neben Vertikallasten als platten‐ und scheibenförmige Bauteile auch horizontale Lasten aufnehmen und weiterleiten können. Die Neufassungen der DIN 1055 bzw. der DIN 4149 führten zu einer Erhöhung der anzusetzenden Horizontallasten aus Wind und Erdbeben und damit zu einer Erhöhung der Beanspruchung der aussteifenden Bauteile auf Schub. Im nachfolgend vorgestellten Forschungsvorhaben konnten vorhandene Reserven der Schubtragfähigkeit von Mauerwerk aus Porenbeton‐Plansteinen und ‐Planelementen durch Schubversuche an geschosshohen Mauerwerkswänden sowie durch begleitende Materialversuche, numerische Simulationen und Parameterstudien aufgezeigt werden. Durch die Versuche war es ebenfalls möglich, die vorhandene Datenbasis vor allem für Steine kleiner Festigkeiten (PP2) zu ergänzen und zu erweitern. Dadurch ist nun eine bessere statistische Anpassung der Bemessungsgleichung möglich. Für die Normung wurde ein Vorschlag erarbeitet. Sowohl im Versuch als auch in den Begleitrechnungen konnte für Wände mit vermörtelten Stoßfugen im Vergleich zu denen ohne eine Erhöhung der aufnehmbaren Horizontallasten nachgewiesen werden. Shear Loading Capacity of Aerated Autoclaved Concrete (AAC) Flat Block Masonry. Masonry walls should be able to carry and transfer horizontal loads in addition to vertical loads, due to their plate or panel form. The new versions of the DIN 1055 and DIN 4149 have led to an increasing of the assumed horizontal loads caused by wind and earthquakes, and thus to an increase in stress in the stiffening components that are designated for shear. The aim of the research project described below was to investigate the existing reserves in shear capacity of masonry made of aerated autoclaved concrete flat blocks. Therefore shear tests on masonry walls of a storey height were executed accompanied by material tests, numerical simulations and parameter studies. Furthermore it was possible to update and expand the existing data base particularly concerning blocks with lower strengths (PP2). Hence it is now possible to achieve a better statistical adjustment to the design equations. A proposal for standardization was also developed. From the investigations and the accompanying calculations, it was determined that walls with mortared butt joints have a higher horizontal load carrying capacity in comparison with those without.  相似文献   
Hamidreza Salehi 《Mauerwerk》2018,22(2):103-112
Experiments in structural engineering can play an important role in the prediction and characterization of the material properties and behaviour of structural components. In order to cover all aspects in tests and use the results for design purposes, several methods have been included in EN 1990 Annex D for design based on test data. The calculation of characteristic values and design values for material resistance are the main aspects. In this study, the recommended methods in Annex D of EN 1990 for resistance of the material will be used to extract the partial safety factors for masonry structures based on the formulation of design and characteristic values. A database including more than 100 tests on unreinforced masonry shear walls will be used to evaluate the results. The resistance model for shear walls based on the recommendation in the Eurocode will be compared with the test results. The main aim will be to compare the model prediction and the test results. Deviation of the prediction from the test is caused by model error or model uncertainty. The test database includes results for three types of masonry units – fired clay, calcium silicate and autoclaved aerated concrete. The evaluation of partial factors for masonry shear models will be undertaken based on the scatter and the model bias for the whole database. Further analysis will also be performed for each type of masonry unit for classification of the outcome.  相似文献   
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