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Since 2012, Life Cycle Engineering Experts (LCEE) have carried out a series of comprehensive studies into the sustainability of market‐relevant (also potentially) construction methods in German housing ([1] to [4]). The methodical basis was a systematic application of the sustainability assessment approach of the Deutsches Gütesiegel Nachhaltiges Bauen (DGNB) applied to representative model buildings from the detached house and apartment building sectors (see Figs. 1 and 2). The key findings have been compressed into themed fact sheets intended to ensure appropriate knowledge and information transfer to various recipients. As a contribution to less marketing and more reality, the following paper outlines the lessons learnt from selected example fact sheets concerning sustainable housing.  相似文献   
Eingegangen am 23. 08. 1996, in überarbeiteter Form am 26.03.1997  相似文献   
Lebenszyklusbetrachtungen spielen bei der Bewertung der Nachhaltigkeit von Bauwerken eine besondere Rolle. Sie fokussieren nicht nur auf die einmaligen Umweltwirkungen und die Investitionskosten bei der Herstellung von Bauwerken, sondern ermöglichen die ganzheitliche Beurteilung der fortlaufend anfallenden ökologischen und ökonomischen Wirkungen. Mit der Untersuchung von zwei Autobahnbrücken und zwei Überführungsbauwerken wird das Ziel verfolgt, einen einheitlichen Durchschnittswert für die ökologischen und die ökonomischen Wirkungen von Brückenbauwerken zu definieren. Der Beitrag befasst sich mit der Festlegung derartiger Referenzwerte und stellt erste Lösungsansätze zur Berücksichtigung des Recyclingpotentials von Materialien vor. Life cycle considerations as a base for assessment of the sustainability of road bridges. Life cycle considerations are important for the assessment of the sustainability of constructions. Taking the life cycle into account it is not only possible to determine single environmental impacts and investment costs arising during the construction of buildings, but also to assess the consecutive ecological and economical impacts. The aim of this study was to define a consistent average value for ecological as well as economical impacts of road bridges by evaluating two viaducts and two overcrossings. This article deals with the determination of those reference values and presents an approach how to deal with the recycling potential of materials within the life cycle assessment.  相似文献   
The main objectives of integrated approaches to environmental protection in industrial processes are cost reduction and a reduction of environmental impact. Environmental protection measures should be integrated into the innovation processes since it is during the development stage that some 80% of the overall costs arise. Substantial potential for such innovation exists in the chemical industry, especially in the field of fine chemicals. The substitution of traditional chemical industrial procedures by biotechnological methods appears particularly promising. For example, the use of enzymes (extremozymes) or fermentative methods has much to offer. Estimation of the benefits of such procedures critically depends on information instruments such as eco‐balances in combination with analysis of economic efficiency. Since such instruments are not consistent in their approach and application, further considerations concerning the amalgamation are required.  相似文献   
The study outlined in this article was intended to quantify the lifecycle assessment effects resulting from the different thermal storage capacities of the market‐relevant construction methods masonry, reinforced concrete and timber frame. Independently reviewed and verified life cycle assessments of representative model homes were the starting point of this study. But the findings of available computer simulations concerning the thermal behaviour of the model homes suggest that different thermal storage capacities of construction materials induce significant deviations of the heating demand, which should also precipitate significant lifecycle assessment differences – because the overall lifecycle assessment results of a building are generally substantially determined by the energy demand during its use phase.  相似文献   
In einer global vernetzten Marktwirtschaft beschränken sich die Herstellung und Anwendung verschiedener Baumaterialien nur noch selten auf einzelne Länder. Umweltprobleme nehmen weltweit zu und länderspezifische ökologische Produktprofile gewinnen immer mehr an Relevanz. Bei der Erstellung von Ökobilanzen werden aufgrund mangelhafter länderspezifischer ökologischer Daten die benötigen Daten zurzeit entweder direkt in dem zu untersuchenden Land über Literatur oder direkte Datenaufnahme erhoben oder es werden bereits vorhandene Daten von anderen Ländern ohne Anpassung komplett übernommen. Während technische Informationen, wie z. B. Prozessablauf, Druck, Temperatur, Ausgangsstoffe, übertragen werden können, kann bei der Ökobilanzierung der alleinige Austausch von Sachbilanzdaten in Fällen länderspezifischer Situationen zu falschen Ergebnissen und Schlüssen führen. Dieser Beitrag stellt einen systematischen Ansatz zur Abschätzung länderspezifischer Sachbilanzdaten dar und wendet ihn beispielhaft an einem Zementherstellungsprozess an. Die Verfügbarkeit der Länderindikatoren in Statistiken und die Möglichkeit qualitativ hochwertige realitätsnahe ökologische Produktprofile mit überschaubarem zeitlichen und finanziellen Aufwand zu erstellen, sind Vorteile dieser Methode. Systematic approach for the estimation of country‐specific product eco‐profile using the Portland cement as example. In a globalised world, where construction materials are produced and assembled in different countries, country‐specific eco‐profile gain even more relevance. Nevertheless, many countries still face the problem of having very few or no ecological product profiles at all, being often ‘forced’ to use data from other countries, e.g. European background data, in order to fill in their gaps or even for being able to perform a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Whereas methodology transfer among countries can take place, simply transfer of life cycle inventory data can lead to wrong results and conclusions. In this article, a systematic approach for the transferability of data between countries is proposed and applied on the Portland cement production process as example. The availability of country indicators data and the possibility of producing more appropriate country‐specific eco‐profiles with feasible time and effort can be seen as the main advantages of this approach.  相似文献   
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