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为控制单晶锗脆塑转变临界状态,基于公式对单晶锗脆塑转变时的临界载荷进行了预测,采用纳米压痕仪对单晶锗(110)晶面进行了变载荷纳米划痕实验和恒定载荷纳米划痕实验,分析得到单晶锗(110)晶面发生脆塑转变时的临界状态,并借助原子力显微镜(AFM)对实验表面进行扫描表征。结果表明,单晶锗(110)晶面在变载荷纳米划痕实验下发生脆塑转变的临界载荷和临界深度分别为41.4mN、623nm;单晶锗(110)晶面在恒定载荷纳米划痕实验下发生脆塑转变的临界载荷和临界深度分别为30~50mN、500~900nm,验证了变载荷纳米划痕实验结果的正确性。根据变载荷纳米划痕实验结果修正了单晶锗(110)晶面在固定实验参数下发生脆塑转变临界深度理论计算公式,为分析单晶锗微纳米尺度塑性域切削提供数据支持。  相似文献   
采用直流磁控溅射法在镁合金上沉积铝膜,在高真空下对铝膜进行加热后处理.用X射线衍射仪(XRD)分析膜层为纯铝多晶态,扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察铝膜晶粒细小.采用纳米压痕/划痕仪对铝膜的厚度、临界附着力、硬度和弹性模量进行了测试,并且用辉光放电光谱仪(GDS)测试了镁合金表面铝膜的成分和性能随薄膜深度的分布.结果表明,铝膜的厚度随后处理温度的升高而降低,其表面硬度和弹性模量高于镁合金基体并且随深度增加而逐渐降低.铝膜与镁合金基体间存在一个过渡层,结合良好且表现出一定的弹塑性能,有利于镁合金表面的防护.  相似文献   
采用Cube压头对单晶锗进行变载与恒载纳米划刻实验, 利用扫描电子显微镜和原子力显微镜对已加工表面进行观测, 根据表面形貌将划刻过程分为延性域、脆塑转变域及脆性域三种, 对各个阶段的表面成型及材料去除方式进行了研究。使用最小二乘法对不同阶段划刻力进行非线性拟合, 并利用相关系数检验拟合函数可靠性, 结果表明划刻力与划刻深度存在强相关性。同时分析了单晶锗的弹性回复率随划刻距离的变化趋势, 结果表明工件的弹性回复率将从纯弹性阶段的1逐步回落至0.76左右。基于脆塑转变临界载荷, 以裂纹萌生位置作为脆塑转变标志, 首次结合工件已加工表面弹性回复, 提出一种适用于计算单晶锗的脆塑转变临界深度模型, 其脆塑转变临界深度为489 nm。  相似文献   
Low dielectric constant materials/Cu interconnects integration technology provides the direction as well as the challenges in the fabrication of integrated circuits(IC) wafers during copper electrochemical-mechanical polishing(ECMP). These challenges arise primarily from the mechanical fragility of such dielectrics, in which the undesirable scratches are prone to produce. To mitigate this problem, a new model is proposed to predict the initiation of scratching based on the mechanical properties of passive layer and copper substrate. In order to deduce the ratio of the passive layer yield strength to the substrate yield strength and the layer thickness, the limit analysis solution of surface scratch under Berkovich indenter is used to analyze the nano-scratch experimental measurements. The modulus of the passive layer can be calculated by the nano-indentation test combined with the FEM simulation. It is found that the film modulus is about 30% of the substrate modulus. Various regimes of scratching are delineated by FEM modeling and the results are verified by experimental data.  相似文献   
利用纳米划痕仪研究了人牙釉质在纳米尺度下的摩擦磨损行为,考察了法向载荷对牙釉质摩擦磨损性能的影响。结果表明:随着法向载荷增大,人牙釉质的摩擦因数和磨损深度呈现非线性增大;载荷较小时(20mN),摩擦因数随载荷增加而快速增大,划痕表面主要呈现轻微凹陷,损伤以弹塑性变形为主;当载荷较大时(20mN),摩擦因数随载荷增加而缓慢增大,划痕表面开始出现磨屑,磨损以脆性剥层为主。  相似文献   
Earlier, various additives werescreened to improve the weavability of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) tape. For predicting the weavability, three tests had been used: tensile impact strength, fibrillar versus puckered fracture and an axial folding test. This paper shows the possibility of using a simple nano-indentation method to decide on the splintering tendency of uniaxially-oriented PET tapes, as a predictor for weavability. A plasticity index derived from the nano-indentation correlated with PET tapes that were, or were not, weavable. Nano-scratches applied parallel and perpendicular to the tape also showed differences that could be correlated to the splitting tendency. While investigating these tests methods, it was observed that pure uniaxially- oriented PET tape heat set at 140°C had a non-splintering character even without additives, while polymeric additives were needed to resist splintering for the tape heat set at 240°C. Calorimetry showed no difference in heat-of-fusion implying identical crystallinity in the tapes heat set at 140°C and 240°C. However, X-ray studies revealed that the crystallites in the tape heat set at 140°C were smaller/and or imperfect, and hence there were more lateral tie-molecules that provided it the splitting resistance. Pure PET tape if heat set below 150°C may be a workable solution for weaving, thereby dispensing with the need for toughening additives.  相似文献   
目的 研究不同厚度的ZEP-520电子束光刻胶胶层的韧性以及其与衬底间的结合强度等力学性能,为解决光刻胶层在使用过程中的开裂及脱落问题提供实验支持.方法 利用纳米划痕技术对不同厚度下的ZEP-520电子束光刻胶进行了划痕测试,分析了光刻胶开始破损和完全脱粘时的临界载荷,研究了胶层厚度与光刻胶韧性的定量关系,并以光刻胶胶层与硅基底的结合能评价了其结合强度.此外,在厚度为587 nm的光刻胶胶层上,利用电子束曝光技术成功制备了频率为10000线/mm的高质量正交光栅,采用几何相位分析法对栅格间距误差进行了定量表征.结果 ZEP-520光刻胶胶层的韧性、结合力以及结合能均随胶层厚度的增加而增加,结合能在光刻胶胶层厚度大于529 nm时,趋于定值0.17 J/m2.利用几何相位分析法测得所制备的光栅间距误差在1.3%以内,并且未存在开裂以及脱粘等现象.结论 在ZEP-520电子束光刻胶胶层微纳米成形过程中,适当增加光刻胶胶层厚度可以有效增强胶层韧性和其与衬底之间的结合力,缓解光刻胶胶层在使用过程中出现裂纹与脱落的现象.  相似文献   
Polyhedral oligomeric Silsesquioxanes (POSS) derived from vinyhrimethoxysilane (VMS) and modified with titanium tetrabutoxide (TTBO) (PVT) were prepared by sol-gel process catalyzed by hydrochloric acid (molar ratio: [HCl]/Si = 0.05), and heating at 45℃ during 3 days. The PVT films (f-PVT) with different TTBO content, 5, 20 and 25wt% TTBO, were prepared by adding the stoichiometric amount of benzoyl peroxide (BPO) to PVT solutions in ethanol, dip-coating over glass substrates, and curing using an appropriate thermal cycle and time. The hardness and elastic modulus of f-PVT were tested by continuous stiffness measurement (CSM) of nanoindentation, and the tribological behaviors were comparatively investigated with a nanoscratch test. The influenee of the different TTBO contents on the mechanical properties of f-PVT was discussed.The scratch and friction coefficient prufiles of f-PVT were illustrated. As the results of the test, f-PVT with 20% TTBO showed the better scratch resistance and tribological behavior.  相似文献   
正硅酸乙酯对有机无机杂化膜结合强度的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用溶胶-凝胶法水解缩合3-缩水甘油醚基丙基三甲基硅烷(GPMS)和正硅酸乙酯(TEOS),制备了TEOS改性的3-缩水甘油醚基丙基倍半硅氧烷,用凝胶渗透色谱GPC进行了表征和确认,浸渍法使其在玻璃基体上成膜.用划痕法通过MTS Nano Indenter XP纳米压痕仪测试了有机一无机杂化膜的结合强度和划痕形貌,测试结果表明:适当添加TEOS可提高有机一无机杂化膜的膜基结合强度,W(TEOS)15%处膜基结合强度达到最大值.  相似文献   
林亮亮 《表面技术》2019,48(4):175-181
目的研究不同Al含量对Ti_(1-x)Al_xN涂层的影响,以获得铣削铸铁材料性能最佳的Ti AlN涂层。方法采用阴极电弧蒸发沉积法在WC-Co硬质合金表面制备两种不同Al含量的Ti_(0.5)Al_(0.5)N和Ti_(0.33)Al_(0.67)N涂层,通过X射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和电子探针微区分析仪(EPMA)分析合金的微观组织和成分组成,通过CSM纳米硬度计和纳米划痕仪测定涂层的纳米硬度、弹性模量、抗塑性变形因子、显微硬度耗散系数MDP和划痕裂纹扩展阻力CPRs等性能指标,同时比较不同Al含量涂层刀片在铣削灰口铸铁HT250和球墨铸铁QT450时的性能和磨损机理。结果 Ti_(0.5)Al_(0.5)N和Ti_(0.33)Al_(0.67)N涂层主要物相均呈NaCl型面心立方结构,以(200)方向为择优取向,且高铝涂层的XRD衍射峰向高角度偏移量大于中铝涂层,说明高铝涂层具有更高的铝固溶量。与Ti_(0.5)Al_(0.5)N涂层相比,Ti_(0.33)Al_(0.67)N涂层的抗塑性变形因子较小,MDP和CPRs较大,表现出更优的塑性、韧性和膜基结合力。在铣削HT250和QT450时,Ti_(0.33)Al_(0.67)N涂层刀片的平均寿命分别为30、60 min,相比Ti_(0.5)Al_(0.5)N涂层,切削性能更好。结论对于Ti AlN涂层来说,提高Al的质量分数至67%可以获得更优的塑性、韧性和膜基结合力,在铣削HT250和QT450时,Ti_(0.33)Al_(0.67)N涂层刀片的切削性能较优。  相似文献   
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