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车载安全应用广播性能分析*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在仿真软件NS-2.29和VanetMobiSim1.1下,搭建了车载通信网络仿真平台,讨论了广播信标信息在不同距离下的接收率,并对两类广播信息在EDCA方式下的接收率和接入时延进行了深入的分析和比较。仿真结果表明,隐藏终端导致广播数据的严重丢包而且不同竞争窗口对接入时延有很大的影响,尤其是在信道负荷比较重时。最后指出了可行的解决思路。  相似文献   
基于IEEE 80211e EDCA的下行信道动态无竞争接入机制*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了改善无线局域网络服务质量,IEEE工作组形成了增补标准IEEE 802.11e,但是其增强的接入机制仍然不能完全满足IPTV、视频点播等类似场景的应用。为此提出了针对这一类应用场景的一种新的简单易行的下行信道动态无竞争接入机制,该机制基于MAC层队列长度信息动态调整下行信道接入参数,能有效地保护下行流媒体数据的传输,通过仿真结果验证了该机制有效并且实用。  相似文献   
首次将802.11e的接入机制放入多跳环境中进行仿真分析和定量研究。提出一种新的多跳环境下802.11e网络模型,结合M/G/1/K排队模型,定量分析在隐藏终端影响下802.11e网络的MAC层吞吐率、MAC时延和帧丢失率,研究802.11e在多跳环境下性能表现的内在原因。经过仿真实验结果与数值分析结果的对比,验证了分析模型的准确性;通过有(无)隐藏终端影响下MAC层性能的对比分析,指出了802.11e在多跳无线网络中支持QoS的局限性:受隐藏终端的影响,802.11e对不同接入等级的业务提供QoS区分的性能明显降级。因而有必要研究隐藏终端问题的解决方案,提高802.11e在多跳环境下的性能。  相似文献   
袁爽  武穆清  王彬 《通信技术》2010,43(2):152-154
在AdHoc无线自组织多跳网络中,IEEE802.11e协议采用了增强型分布信道接入机制,用于为实时多媒体业务提供有效的QoS保证机制。简单介绍和对比了802.11分布式协调功能和802.11e增强型分布信道接入机制两种信道接入机制,并通过使用网络仿真软件OPNET,模拟了实时的视、音频业务在802.11分布信道接入机制和802.11e增强型分布信道接入机制信道接入机制下在不同网络负载下的性能并进行了仿真分析。  相似文献   
IEEE802.11e标准中业务优先级不同的AC(access category)是通过设置不同的竞争窗口最大、最小值CWmax,CWmin和仲裁帧间隔值来体现的,如高优先级AC设置小的CWmin,CWmax和AIFS值.研究表明,EDCA对每个AC指定的默认参数值只适用于中等负载、节点数目少的网络场景,并不适用于负载较重、节点数目较多且链路动态变化的Ad hoc网络环境.提出了一种根据网络状况动态调整IEEE 802.11e EDCA的QoS参数的新方案I-ED-CA,该方案根据网络状态调整竞争窗口CW,并通过修改退避计数器值调整AIFS参数,使I-EDCA适合动态变化的Ad hoc网络环境,采用NS2仿真软件对EDCA改进协议I-EDCA进行仿真.仿真结果表明,随着网络中负载的增加,I-EDCA的吞吐量表现平稳,而EDCA吞吐量是下降的.另外,在业务公平性方面,对优先级不同的业务I-EDCAEDCA的表现更公平.  相似文献   
基于因特网协议的语音(VoIP)是无线局域网(WLAN)的一个具有广阔前景的应用,但VoIP容量在WLAN中却受到了较大的限制.为了增强对VoIP等实时业务的支持,IEEE 802.11e EDCA协议提供了竞争窗口(CW)、仲裁帧间间隔(AIFS)和传输机会(TXOP)3个参数来实现对业务流的区分,但没有考虑如何优化这些参数以达到对WLAN中的接入点和终端节点进行区分服务,而WLAN中的接入点却恰恰是制约其VoIP容量的一个重要因素.提出了一个语音容量分析模型,引入了协议的3个参数以区分接入点和终端节点,并考虑到语音流的ON-OFF模型和语音流的上行与下行时延约束.基于给出的分析模型,分别进行了单参数独立区分与多参数联合区分优化分析,在不同的语音编码与语音间隔情况下,定量地给出了利用CW,AIFS和TXOP进行独立区分时和联合区分时的优化值,从而达到提高VoIP容量的目的.仿真结果表明,利用这些参数的优化值为接入点和终端节点提供区分服务是正确的和有效的.  相似文献   
CBR (constant bit rate) traffic is expected to be an important traffic source in wireless networks. Such sources usually have stringent jitter or delay requirements and in many cases they should be delivered exactly as they were generated. In this paper, we propose a strictly guaranteed QoS (quality‐of‐service) provisioning CAC (call admission control) scheme with a polling‐based scheduling policy for CBR traffic in IEEE 802.11e wireless LANs. Under such a scheme, the proposed transmit‐permission policy for HCCA (HCF controlled channel access) method can forecast the maximum suffered delay for each packet and derive sufficient conditions so that all the CBR sources satisfy their time constraints to provide deterministic QoS guarantees. A simple analytical model is carried out to estimate the average queueing delay of the proposed scheme. In addition to theoretical analysis, simulations are conducted to validate its promising performance. Our simulation results show that the proposed scheme maintains a high throughput with respect to the whole range of system load. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The main service differentiation mechanism introduced by the IEEE 802.11e standard is described in terms of prioritized contention access. Analyzing the performance and service differentiation ability of each of the priority features of the 802.11e standard is an important task, and considerable research effort has recently been dedicated to this subject. In this article, we present a generalized and comprehensive analysis of the prioritized access scheme of the 802.11e standard. Our model corrects and extends the existing models and considers all priority features of the 802.11e Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol. We consider an arbitrary number of priority levels, and provide a detailed parametric analysis of the MAC behavior for the main priority parameters of inter frame spacing, contention window size, and transmission opportunity. We validate the accuracy of our analysis with simulation experiments.
Hussein AlnuweiriEmail:
The IEEE 802.11e network provides different with QoS (Quality of service) guarantee for different traffic streams. The Enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA) in IEEE 802.11e MAC protocol is proposed to support prioritized QoS on the basis of the Distributed coordination function (DCF) in IEEE 802.11. We first build a new Markov chain model for the EDCA. The model takes into account both the idle state that represents that there are no packets to be transmitted and differentiation based on different AIFS-value (Arbitration inter-frame space) for different traffic. We can use the signal transfer function of the generalized Z-transform domain state transition diagram to derive a probability distribution of the MAC layer service time and analyze the performance of EDCA from a non-saturated channel to a saturated medium by using M/G/1/K queuing model. The proposed model is calculated numerically and validated against simulation results, we observed a good match between the analytical model and simulation. Simulation and theoretical results show that despite providing prloritized QoS, the EDCA still can not support strict QoS for real-time application. On the other hand, it is inevitable that there is unfairness of channel access to prloritized traffic due to EDCA.  相似文献   
建立了一个合适的IEEE 802.11e EDCA信道接入机制的数学分析模型。首先深入研究了IEEE 802.11e EDCA机制;在此基础上提出了一种新型的饱和状态下EDCA分析模型。该模型采用二维Markov链的分析方法,分别考虑了不同业务在进行退避时,检测到信道忙的概率以及不同业务退避到零,发送数据帧时发生冲突的概率在多业务竞争中产生的影响。进一步地,对该模型进行了延迟分析。数学分析和仿真实验的对比表明,该模型能够很好地描述IEEE 802.11e EDCA信道接入机制的MAC接入延迟。  相似文献   
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