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Data from the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) have a significant advantage over previous datasets because of the combination of high spatial resolution (15-90 m) and enhanced multispectral capabilities, particularly in the thermal infrared (TIR) atmospheric window (8-12 μm) of the Earth where common silicate minerals are more easily identified. However, the 60 km swath width of ASTER can limit the effectiveness of accurately tracing large-scale features, such as eolian sediment transport pathways, over long distances. The primary goal of this paper is to describe a method for generating a seamless and radiometrically accurate ASTER TIR mosaic of atmospherically corrected radiance and from that, extract surface emissivity for arid lands, specifically, sand seas. The Gran Desierto in northern Sonora, Mexico was used as a test location for the radiometric normalization technique because of past remote sensing studies of the region, its compositional diversity, and its size. A linear approach was taken to transform adjacent image swaths into a direct linear relationship between image acquisition dates. Pseudo-invariant features (PIFs) were selected using a threshold of correlation between radiance values, and change-pixels were excluded from the linear regression used to determine correction factors. The degree of spectral correlation between overlapping pixels is directly related to the amount of surface change over time; therefore, the gain and offsets between scenes were based only on regions of high spectral correlation. The result was a series of radiometrically normalized radiance-at-surface images that were combined with a minimum of image edge seams present. These edges were subsequently blended to create the final mosaic. The advantages of this approach for TIR radiance (as opposed to emissivity) data include the ability to: (1) analyze data acquired on different dates (with potentially very different surface temperatures) as one seamless compositional dataset; (2) perform decorrelation stretches (DCS) on the entire dataset in order to identify and discriminate compositional units; and (3) separate brightness temperature from surface emissivity for quantitative compositional analysis of the surface, reducing seam-line error in the emissivity mosaic. The approach presented here is valid for any ASTER-related study of large geographic regions where numerous images spanning different temporal and atmospheric conditions are encountered.  相似文献   
The properties of emissivity (?) and absorptivity (α) of the surface of the material is an essential output for the solar collector. This paper highlights the work based on the RSM design expert, to study the effect of parameters’ temperature and time when the surface is exposed to sunlight and absorbing the properties of emissivity and absorptivity of the material SS 304. The temperature range of the SS 304 varied from 20°C to 356°C for various time intervals from 90 to 1100?h. From this experimental work, it is clearly seen that the emissivity rate increased when the surface is focused onto sunlight beyond the saturated level. The absorptivity of the surface of SS 304 increases till the optimum level and reaches the saturated level. As a result, after the optimum level, emissivity rate of the surface increases, and absorptivity of the surface decreases when it is focused onto sunlight.  相似文献   
The application of non-intrusive optical devices, such as infrared pyrometers able to measure the temperature of surfaces, makes possible the evaluation of emissivity curve of the tested materials at different temperature values. In this paper the authors propose a methodology for the spectral emissivity measurement by means of a single color pyrometer providing a semi-empirical formula, obtained experimentally at CIRA’s laboratory. The semi-empirical formula allows to know the actual emissivity value of the sample’s surface for whatever emissivity value set up on the pyrometer. The agreement between the experimental emissivity and the emissivity predicted by semi-empirical formula was verified.  相似文献   
红外陶瓷由于其良好的红外性能而受到越来越多的关注和研究。本文总结了近年来影响红外发射率的因素、改善和提高红外陶瓷的红外发射率的方法以及红外陶瓷材料的应用。  相似文献   
Land surface temperature (LST) is a key parameter in numerous environmental studies. Surface heterogeneity induces uncertainty in pixel-wise LST. Spatial scaling may account for the uncertainty, however, different approaches lead to differences in scaled values. Satellite-retrieved LST may be representative of the pixel-wise LST and useful for scaling analysis, but the limited accuracy of retrieved values adds uncertainty into the scaled values. Based on the Stefan-Boltzmann (S-B) law, this study proposed scaling approaches for LST over flat and relief areas to explore the combined uncertainties in scaling using satellite-retrieved data. To take advantage of simultaneous, multi-resolution observations at coincident nadirs by the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and the MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), LST products from these two sensors were examined for part of the Loess Plateau in China. 90-m ASTER LST data were scaled up to 1 km using the proposed approaches, and variation in the LST was generally reduced after scaling. Amongst the sources of uncertainties, surface heterogeneity (emissivity) and different scaling approaches resulted in very minor differences, with a maximum difference of 0.2 K for the upscaled LST. Terrain features, taken as an areal weighting factor, had negligible effects on the upscaled value. Limited accuracy of the retrieved LST was the major uncertainty. The overall LST increased 0.6 K on average with correction for terrain-induced angular effect and 0.4 K for both angular and adjacency effects over the study area. Accounting for terrain correction in scaling is necessary for rugged areas. With terrain correction, the upscaled ASTER LST achieved an agreement of − 0.1 ± 1.87 K and a root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.87 K overall with the 1-km MODIS LST rectified by Wan et al.'s approach [Wan, Z., Zhang, Y., Zhang Q., Li, Z.-L. (2002b), Validation of the land-surface temperature products retrieved from Terra Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 83, 163-180]. Refining the rectification approach resulted in a better agreement of − 0.2 ± 1.57 K and a RMSE of 1.58 K.  相似文献   
本文提出了一种土壤热惯量的对比测量方法;在野外,对两种普通土壤及长春净月遥感区内的两种典型土壤进行了实地测量。文中的理论计算采用N级近似,所测得的热惯量值与文献给出的值相符,并显示出热惯量在监测土壤湿度方面是可行的。  相似文献   
The performance of Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) thermal infrared (TIR) data product algorithms was evaluated for low spectral contrast surfaces (such as vegetation and water) in a test site close to Valencia, Spain. Concurrent ground measurements of surface temperature, emissivity, and atmospheric radiosonde profiles were collected at the test site, which is a thermally homogeneous area of rice crops with nearly full vegetation cover in summer. Using the ground data and the local radiosonde profiles, at-sensor radiances were simulated for the ASTER TIR channels and compared with L1B data (calibrated at-sensor radiances) showing discrepancies up to 3% in radiance for channel 10 at 8.3 μm (equivalently, 2.5 °C in temperature or 7% in emissivity), whereas channel 13 (10.7 μm) yielded a closer agreement (maximum difference of 0.5% in radiance or 0.4 °C in temperature). We also tested the ASTER standard products of land surface temperature (LST) and spectral emissivity generated with the Temperature-Emissivity Separation (TES) algorithm with standard atmospheric correction from both global data assimilation system profiles and climatology profiles. These products showed anomalous emissivity spectra with lower emissivity values and larger spectral contrast (or maximum-minimum emissivity difference, MMD) than expected, and as a result, overestimated LSTs. In this work, a scene-based procedure is proposed to obtain more accurate MMD estimates for low spectral contrast materials (vegetation and water) and therefore a better retrieval of LST and emissivity with the TES algorithm. The method uses various gray-bodies or near gray-bodies with known emissivities and assumes that the calibration and atmospheric correction performed with local radiosonde data are accurate for channel 13. Taking the channel 13 temperature (atmospherically and emissivity corrected) as the true LST, the radiances for the other channels were simulated and used to derive linear relationships between ASTER digital numbers and at-ground radiances for each channel. The TES algorithm was applied to the adjusted radiances and the resulting products showed a closer agreement with the ground measurements (differences lower than 1% in channel 13 emissivities and within ± 0.3 °C in temperature for rice and sea pixels).  相似文献   
The measurement of the surface tension of liquid silicon has a long history with many results but no general agreement between them. Two values at the melting temperature are cited in reviews (749 and 827 mN/m [N. Eustathopoulos, E. Ricci, B. Drevet, Note Technique DEM No. 97/58, CEA, 1997]) but there are few arguments to determine the correct one. In the present study, new data for the surface tension obtained with the analysis of characteristic frequencies of a levitating drop are presented. The effect of oxygen and nitrogen are also considered. These data are compared with former data obtained with contactless techniques. The most recent surface tension values obtained with drop weights ranging on two orders of magnitude and environments of different natures (argon, hydrogen and vacuum) show excellent agreement (within a 1.5% margin) at temperatures between 1350 K and 2400 K. The comparison of these data to others obtained with different techniques, reveal a good agreement, except those obtained with the sessile drop technique on some supports like BN, SiO2 and MgO. However, these special cases may be connected with the reactivity of silicon with these supports.  相似文献   
依据光学原理,提出了爆轰波光谱发射率及爆温的虚拟辅助光源反射测量方法,克服了单波长或双波长光学测试装置不能同时测量两参量的困难,利用该方法对液体炸药NM爆轰波光谱发射率及其爆温进行了实验测量,结果与文献报道相吻合。  相似文献   
尺度问题作为对地观测的主要挑战和遥感科学的核心问题,一直以来备受关注.国内外学者对这一问题进行了大量的基础理论研究和科学验证工作,探讨和解决了许多与遥感尺度相关的核心问题.当然,在遥感探测内容中,发射率和温度遥感中也存在明显的尺度问题.以往混合像元发射率尺度问题的研究往往集中于地球表面,幸运的是,月球为我们研究这一问题提供了绝佳的对象.同时,伴随着Diviner热辐射探测器月表测量数据的不断更新,混合像元中发射率尺度问题的具体研究及其定量描述逐渐变为可能.本文以月表Diviner热红外测量数据为基础,在充分研究和分析Diviner数据特征和发射率计算方法的前提下,以不同尺度下的Apollo 15登月区或者登月点热红外发射率为研究对象,依据混合像元发射率定义,分析和研究了混合像元中发射率的尺度转换和尺度效应两个问题,从发射率数值角度出发讨论和验证了尺度变换和尺度效应的一般规律,并给出定量描述,希望能够为尺度变换和尺度效应等问题的研究提供理论支持和实验依据.  相似文献   
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