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LS SIMD微处理器中的三组指令并发执行的设计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
文章介绍了LS SIMD微处理器中实现三组指令并发执行的可能性和必要性,分析了三组指令并发执行给流水线带来的影响,并讨论了控制逻辑对三级指令并发执行的控制及其实现形式。  相似文献   
为了满足G级像素帧实时处理的要求,提出图像同态滤波的数据并行实现方法.讨论了图像帧和滤波器在SIMD PE阵列中的预置及数据并行的滤波处理实现方法,其处理方式规则性强、并行度高,提高了处理速度.由于SIMD PE阵列具有可裁减性,可以适合不同规模图像帧的处理需求,满足不同的嵌入式应用环境.  相似文献   
在科学计算、数字信号处理、通信和图像处理等应用中,除法运算是常用的基本操作之一。基于SRT 8除法算法,设计一个SIMD结构的IEEE 754标准浮点除法器,在同一硬件平台上能够实现双精度浮点除法和两个并行的单精度浮点除法。通过优化SRT 8迭代除法结构,提出商选择和余数加法的并行处理,并采用商数字存储技术降低迭代除法的计算延时,提高频率。同时,采用复用策略减少硬件资源开销,节省面积。实验表明,在40nm工艺下,本设计综合cell面积为18601.9681 μm2,运行频率可达2.5GHz,相对传统的SRT 8实现关键延迟减少了23.81%。  相似文献   
激光等离子体粒子模拟广泛用于探索极端物质状态下的科学问题。将一种基于粒子云网格方法的三维等离子体粒子模拟程序LARED P移植到Intel Xeon Phi协处理器上。在移植的过程中,综合运用了Native和Offload两种编程模式:首先运用Native模式对LARED P程序中热点计算任务进行优化研究,通过采用SIMD扩展指令使该计算任务获得了4.61倍的加速;然后运用Offload模式将程序移植到CPU-Intel Xeon Phi异构系统上,并通过使用异步数据传输和双缓冲技术分别提升了程序性能9.8%和21.8%。  相似文献   
With the rapid development of quantum computers capable of realizing Shor’s algorithm, existing public key-based algorithms face a significant security risk. Crystals-Kyber has been selected as the only key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) algorithm in the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) competition. In this study, we present a portable and efficient implementation of a Crystals-Kyber post-quantum KEM based on WebAssembly (Wasm), a recently released portable execution framework for high-performance web applications. Until now, most Kyber implementations have been developed with native programming languages such as C and Assembly. Although there are a few previous Kyber implementations based on JavaScript for portability, their performance is significantly lower than that of implementations based on native programming languages. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a portable and efficient Kyber implementation to secure web applications in the quantum computing era. Our Kyber software is based on JavaScript and Wasm to provide portability and efficiency while ensuring quantum security. Namely, the overall software is written in JavaScript, and the performance core parts (secure hash algorithm-3-based operations and polynomial multiplication) are written in Wasm. Furthermore, we parallelize the number theoretic transform (NTT)-based polynomial multiplication using single instruction multiple data (SIMD) functionality, which is available in Wasm. The three steps in the NTT-based polynomial multiplication have been parallelized with Wasm SIMD intrinsic functions. Our software outperforms the latest reference implementation of Kyber developed in JavaScript by ×4.02 (resp. ×4.32 and ×4.1), ×3.42 (resp. ×3.52 and ×3.44), and ×3.41 (resp. ×3.44 and ×3.38) in terms of key generation, encapsulation, and decapsulation on Google Chrome (resp. Firefox, and Microsoft Edge). As far as we know, this is the first software implementation of Kyber with Wasm technology in the web environment.  相似文献   
近年来,支持多标准的LDPC译码器已逐渐成为研究的热点.与传统译码器相比,所设计的LDPC译码器具有以下优点:1.实现了一个码率、码长可配置结构,进而可以支持多种标准;2.采用了一种改进型TPMP算法,使译码器的存储器容量大大减少,避免了因分块LDPC码的非规则性所造成的数据冲突问题;3.采用基于SIMD处理器的硬件结构,实现了硬件的高度规整性,易于芯片布局布线;4.设计了一个6级可配置流水线,可分时构造校验节点处理单元和变量节点处理单元,提高了硬件利用率和系统数据吞吐率.用这种架构实现了一个同时支持CMMB和DTMB两个标准的多标准LDPC译码器;芯片规模为75万门,时钟频率为220MHz,数据吞吐率为300Mbps.  相似文献   
The MASC (Multiple ASsociative Computing) model is a multi-SIMD model that uses control parallelism to coordinate the interaction of data parallel threads and supports associative SIMD computing on each of its threads. There have been a wide range of algorithms developed for this model. Research on using this model in real-time system applications and building a scalable MASC architecture is currently quite active. In this paper, we present simulations between MASC and reconfigurable bus-based models, e.g., various versions of the Reconfigurable Multiple Bus Machine (RMBM). Constant time simulations of the basic RMBM by MASC and vice versa are obtained. Simulations of the segmenting RMBM, fusing RMBM, and extended RMBM by MASC in non-constant time are also discussed. By taking advantage of previously established relationships between RMBM and two other popular parallel computational models, namely, the Reconfigurable Mesh (RM) and the Parallel Random Access Machine (PRAM), we extend our simulation results to further categorize the power of the MASC model in relation to RM and PRAM.  相似文献   
张倩 《计算机工程》2009,35(10):273-275
针对二维SIMD结构,提出一种可以动态关闭空转部件且结合编译器、指令集和体系结构支持的低功耗调度算法,其中包括编译器优化二维SIMD指令,功耗指令发出部件开关信号,系统接收信号并执行。采用对不同功能单元分别调度的方式和部件局部化的方法。在模拟器上的实验结果表明该方法可以节省整个系统约15%的能量消耗。  相似文献   
随着问题规模的增大和对实时性要求的提高,SIMD向量处理器尤其是带有向量运算单元的处理器在业界得到广泛应用。处理器上程序的运行状态一般由编译器通过堆栈进行管理。已有编译器堆栈设计机制在SIMD体系结构中严重影响了整个应用程序的运行性能。根据SIMD体系结构特点,提出了一种高效分布式堆栈设计方法——HEDSSA。实验结果表明,HEDSSA堆栈使得应用程序在进行局部数据访问、函数调用、发生中断以及动态分配数据时能够以更高的效率访问堆栈数据。  相似文献   
根据基于PIM(Processor-In-Memory)技术的数据并行计算机体系结构的特点和面向多媒体计算的应用需求,提出了面向嵌入式SIMD(Single Instruction Multiple Data)计算的数据并行语言PIMC。简单讨论了PIMC语言的形式化定义,并以数据并行图像处理的均值滤波算法为例对语言的使用作了说明。结合其他大量的数据并行编程实例,说明了该语言能够在基于PIM技术的SIMD并行计算机上正确描述基本多媒体处理算法的数据并行实现。  相似文献   
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