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Discusses controversies surrounding the work of B. F. Skinner's influence on various theories of human and animal behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
The outline for theoretically unified psychology is offered. A new epistemological system is used to provide a unique vantage point to examine how psychological science exists in relationship to the other sciences. This new view suggests that psychology can be thought of as existing between the central insights of B. F. Skinner and Sigmund Freud. Specifically, Skinner's fundamental insight is merged with cognitive neuroscience to understand how mind emerges out of life. This conception is then joined with Freud's fundamental insight to understand the evolutionary changes in mind that gave rise to human culture. By linking life to mind from the bottom and mind to culture from the top, psychology is effectively boxed in between biology and the social sciences. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Acritical discussion of Skinner's rejection of hypothetico-deductive methods, which he considers as inadequate, and of psychophysical explanations, interesting in his view, but only as a parallel to the study of behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Sigmund Freud and B. F. Skinner are often seen as psychology's polar opposites. It seems this view is fallacious. Indeed, Freud and Skinner had many things in common, including basic assumptions shaped by positivism and determinism. More important, Skinner took a clear interest in psychoanalysis and wanted to be analyzed but was turned down. His views were influenced by Freud in many areas, such as dream symbolism, metaphor use, and defense mechanisms. Skinner drew direct parallels to Freud in his analyses of conscious versus unconscious control of behavior and of selection by consequences. He agreed with Freud regarding aspects of methodology and analyses of civilization. In his writings on human behavior, Skinner cited Freud more than any other author, and there is much clear evidence of Freud's impact on Skinner's thinking. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
针对两轮机器人自平衡运动控制问题,提出了一种基于Boltzamnn机的Skinner操作条件反射学习机制作为机器人仿生自主学习的算法.该算法利用Boltzamnn机中Metropolis判据平衡Skinner操作条件反射学习中探索和利用的比例,并依据概率取向机制以一定的概率选择最优行为,从而使机器人在未知环境下可获得像人或动物一样的仿生自主学习技能,实现机器人的自平衡运动控制.最后,分别用基于Boltzamnn机的Skinner操作条件反射的学习算法和基于贪婪策略的Skinner操作条件反射的学习算法做了仿真实验并进行了比较.结果表明,基于Boltzamnn机的Skinner操作条件反射的学习算法能使机器人获得较强的运动平衡控制技能和较好的动态性能,体现了机器人的自主学习特性.  相似文献   
Behaviorist B. F. Skinner is not typically associated with the fields of personality assessment or projective testing. However, early in his career Skinner developed an instrument he named the verbal summator, which, at one point, he referred to as a device for "snaring out complexes," much like an auditory analogue of the Rorschach inkblots. Skinner's interest in the projective potential of his technique was relatively short lived, but whereas he used the verbal summator to generate experimental data for his theory of verbal behavior, several other clinicians and researchers exploited this potential and adapted the verbal summator technique for both research and applied purposes. The idea of an auditory inkblot struck many as a useful innovation, and the verbal summator spawned the tautophone test, the auditory apperception test, and the Azzageddi test, among others. This article traces the origin, development, and eventual demise of the verbal summator as an auditory projective technique. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Provides the citation for Outstanding Lifetime Contribution to Psychology given by the American Psychological Association to B. F. Skinner on August 10, 1990. This citation recognizes Skinner's lifetime of significant contributions to psychology and the world. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
针对基础矩阵的估计问题,提出一种基于Skinner概率自动机的抽样一致性算法(Skinner-Ransac)。该算法对数据样本集合中的每个样本赋予权值,并根据当前的抽样结果对每一个样本的权值进行更新;同时,针对先验知识缺乏的情况提出了3种迭代终止条件。以一组模拟数据和一组真实图像作为实验对象,与4个现有算法进行对比的实验结果表明, Skinner-Ransac无论在迭代次数,还是在计算精度上均优于其他算法。  相似文献   
To be familiar with Skinner's radical behaviorism is to be familiar with its objections to both methodological behaviorism and mentalism. However, the relation between methodological behaviorism and mentalism is often not clear. Methodological behaviorism is generally held to be an attempt to explain behavior in terms of inter subjectively verifiable phenomena, whereas mentalism is generally held to be an attempt to explain behavior in terms of inner causes. The central issue is why does methodological behaviorism adopt the position that observable data constitute the leverage by which to speak meaningfully and respectably of phenomena that are not publicly verifiable. The answer to this question deals with the epistemology of the scientist, and will reveal at least three ways in which methodological behaviorism is mentalistic: its view of language, its conventional interpretation of operationism, and its view of logic. These topics are discussed, along with the non-mentalistic epistemology of radical behaviorism. Although radical behaviorism does share some of the same history as methodological behaviorism, it is clear that it seeks a nonmentalistic, behaviorally consistent epistemology that is very different from that of methodological behaviorism. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
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