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A distributed dynamic channel assignment (DDCA)plays an important role in a microcellular mobilecommunication network. This paper proposes a new DDCAscheme based on channel priority (PDCA). This new strategy uses the cochannel interference andchannel reuse frequency to define the channel priority.The strategy improves performance of the forced calltermination rate and interference rate applied to multimedia traffic. Simulation results showthat the proposed PDCA strategy significantly improvesthe forced call termination rate and interference ratewhile keeping the blocking rate at an acceptable level.  相似文献   
We describe a system concept for therevenue-producing disposition of surplus capacity atoff-peak times in real trunking networks. The idea is toapproximate a competitive market for distribution of the networks' time-varying excess capacity with apricing strategy controlled by the network. The schemeis intended to allow network operators to stimulatebackground traffic loads to gain new revenues from otherwise idle time on existing installedresources. The concept is suitable for low prioritydelay-tolerant or opportunistic applications such asremote backups, software distribution, dispatchingbatched faxes, disseminating newsgroup updates,updating web page caches or routing tables. Backgroundservice subscribers are notified of price reductions atoff-peak times to elicit additional traffic for the network. Traffic aggregators act on behalf ofsubscribing organizations or groups of users. Thebackground service is completely subordinate to theconventional tariff-priced on-demand calling services and the variable background pricing merges withthe foreground under suitable total load. This paperfocuses on the network problem of price setting tocontinually maximize the price-volume product in a time-varying price-sensitive trafficenvironment such as this concept implies. Aprice-stimulated offered traffic environment issimulated in which time of day, price, and hidden demandlatency and demand curve characteristics all affect the offeredtraffic. An analytically optimum strategy is availablefor the particular traffic model used and theperformance of a fuzzy logic price controller is tested against the revenue-optimal strategy. Dependingon econometric assumptions for latent traffic demand andprice-volume curves, increases in revenue from 4%-20%are obtained in simulation of a 30-trunk group having a typical daily load pattern.  相似文献   
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