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随着互联网技术的迅猛发展,因特网成为目前新闻信息最丰富最主要的来源。本文在分析新闻网页的基础上,分析了目前现有的信息抽取技术和XML技术,提出了一个基于XML技术的Web新闻抽取系统。本文主要是充分运用XML中的XPath技术在数据定位方面的优势,并提出一种基于DOM树的XPath生成算法,使用XSLT语言用于描述抽取规则,并使用路径表达式XPath定位待抽取的信息点。  相似文献   
网格是实现分布异构资源共享的有效模式,而信息服务实现系统服务与资源的有效管理,是网格系统的重要组成部分.ChinaGrid是由多个自治域组成的大规模网格,现有的信息服务不能满足此类系统特性与应用需求.文中提出网格信息服务体系GISA2.0,强化了域自治管理和资源信息的安全性.GISA2.0实现了可扩展的网格信息模型和面向服务、支持多种监控信息聚集的层次化信息管理框架.提出了基于分布XPath引擎的多域资源信息检索机制,实现了安全、快速和用户相关的虚拟全局资源视图.  相似文献   
为解决XML管理安全问题,提出了DTD可选的XML访问控制系统OD-XACS(XML Access Control System with Optional DTD),并给出了安全性分析.OD-XACS支持访问控制规则中带有{//,*,[ ]}的复杂XPath式.有DTD时,ODXACS利用XPath式对DTD的可满足性验证访问控制规则的有效性,并对由规则中XPath式构造的不确定有限自动机进行具体化,消除了这些XPath式中的冗余.实验表明,访问控制规则的验证和具体化可以极大地减轻XML查询引擎的负担.  相似文献   
将编码方案、路径索引和名字外延思想相结合,提出一种针对XML数据检索的多模态索引结构.它既可支持结构连接计算,用以判断任意结点之间的子孙后代关系,也可支持基于名字外延的路径连接算法,用以判断任意结点之间的父子关系,同时可支持包含拥有关系的小枝查询;进而给出基于该结构的外延连接算法,使得对于长度为n的Xpath绝对路径查询,最多只需n/2-1次外延连接.实验结果表明,本文提出的索引结构可有效提高查询处理性能.  相似文献   
随着XML的广泛应用,使得作为XML文档查询语言的XQuery成为人们研究的热点问题.将复杂XQuery在XML数据流上的查询应用于服务器/客户端模式来满足高效、实时查询的要求,所实现的XQuery查询原型系统XSIEQ支持嵌套、order子句的多关键字排序等.一次典型的XQuery查询过程可分为XPath查询、查询后处理两个阶段,本文着重描述查询后处理过程,最后给出了XSIEQ和Qizx在查询后处理时间性能上的对比及分析.  相似文献   
首先给出了XML文档树、元素外延和名字路径等的形式化定义.接着,将编码方案、路径索引和名字外延的思想相结合,提出了一种改进的XML数据的索引结构(类型索引集、名字索引集和外延索引),解决了基于传统索引技术的XML数据查询方法性能上的不足,它既可以有效地支持结构连接的计算以快速地判断任意结点之间的子孙后代关系,也可以有效地支持基于名字外延的路径连接算法以快速地判断任意结点之间的父子关系,然后还可以快速地支持对包含拥有关系的小枝查询;进而给出了基于该索引结构的外延连接算法,并着重对其处理含有父子关系和拥有关系等较复杂的XPath查询路径的不同处理过程进行了对比和分析,使得对于一条长度为n的XPath绝对路径查询,最多只需要n/z-1次外延连接,且能够根据双亲结构信息等利用外延索引尽可能跳过不需要参与连接的结点,实验结果表明,提出的新的索引结构可以有效地提高查询处理的性能.  相似文献   
一种基于有序对的含父子边的小枝模式匹配算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着Internet的发展和网上XML数据规模的与日剧增,如何准确、高效地查询XML数据已经成为研究的热点问题.目前,已经提出了很多小枝模式匹配算法,但没有解决含有父子边的小枝模式查询.针对该问题,提出了一种基于有序对的新算法PCTwig,通过在查询树和文档树上分别建立父子关系的有序对来进行查询.查询过程中避免了产生中间结果,也不需要进行归并操作,实验证明该算法是有效的.  相似文献   
We show that several classes of tree patterns observe the independence of containing patterns property, that is, if a pattern is contained in the union of several patterns, then it is contained in one of them. We apply this property to two related problems on tree pattern rewriting using views. First, given view V and query Q, is it possible for Q to have an equivalent rewriting using V which is the union of two or more tree patterns, but not an equivalent rewriting which is a single pattern? This problem is of both theoretical and practical importance because, if the answer is no, then, to find an equivalent rewriting of a tree pattern using a view, we should use more efficient methods, such as the polynomial time algorithm of Xu and Özsoyoglu (2005), rather than try to find the union of all contained rewritings (which takes exponential time in the worst case) and test its equivalence to Q. Second, given a set S of views, we want to know under what conditions a subset S′ of S is redundant in the sense that for any query Q, the contained rewritings of Q using the views in S′ are contained in those using the views in S???S′. Solving this problem can help us to, for example, choose the minimum number of views to be cached, or better design the virtual schema in a mediated data integration system, or avoid repeated calculation in query optimization. For the first problem, we identify several classes of tree patterns for which the equivalent rewriting can be expressed as a single tree pattern. For the second problem, we present necessary and sufficient conditions for S′ to be redundant with respect to some classes of tree patterns. For both problems we consider extension to cases where there are rewritings using the intersection of multiple views and/or where a schema graph is present.  相似文献   
We present BLAS, a Bi-LAbeling based XPath processing System. BLAS uses two labeling schemes to speed up query processing: P-labeling for processing consecutive child (or parent) axis traversals, and D-labeling for processing descendant (or ancestor) axis traversals. XML data are stored in labeled form and indexed. Algorithms are presented for translating XPath queries to SQL expressions. BLAS reduces the number of joins in the SQL query translated from a given XPath query and reduces the number of disk accesses required to execute the SQL query compared with the traditional XPath processing using D-labeling alone. We also propose an approximate P-labeling scheme and the corresponding query translation algorithm to handle XML data trees that contain a large number of distinct tag names, and/or are very deep. This extension captures a spectrum of XPath-to-SQL query translation schemes, ranging from existing schemes that do not use P-labels to the one that uses exact P-labels. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of the BLAS system.  相似文献   
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