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Space-time characteristics of ALOHA protocols in high-speedbidirectional bus networks
Authors:Whay Chiou Lee Humblet  PA
Affiliation:Motorola ISG, Mansfield, MA;
Abstract:Studies the space-time characteristics of ALOHA multiple-access protocols in bidirectional bus networks where transmissions are in the form of packets of constant length. For point-to-point communications, the maximum throughput of unslotted ALOHA is known to be 1/(2e), independent of station configuration. The authors show that, with a uniform probabilistic station configuration, the maximum throughput of slotted ALOHA tends to a nonzero constant that is less than 1/(2e), when a, the end-to-end propagation delay normalized with respect to the packet transmission time, tends to infinity. However, when N stations are evenly spaced on the bus, the maximum throughput of slotted ALOHA vanishes as a tends to infinity. For broadcast communications, the maximum throughput of slotted ALOHA is well known to be 1/{e(1+a)}. For unslotted ALOHA, the authors show that, if the offered load intensity is constant along the bus, the maximum broadcast throughput achievable by a station varies along the bus and is maximized at its center. The authors also derive the optimal profile of the offered load intensity for achieving a constant throughput intensity. In both cases, the maximum broadcast throughput is greater than that derived by conventional analysis
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