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引用本文:李洪钟,郭慕孙. 回眸与展望流态化科学与技术[J]. 化工学报, 2013, 64(1): 52-62. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2013.01.008
作者姓名:李洪钟  郭慕孙
作者单位:中国科学院过程工程研究所多相复杂系统国家重点实验室,北京 100190
摘    要:流态化作为一门具有科学内涵的学科始于20世纪40年代,但对于尚没有流态化命题下应用流态化技术的生活和生产活动,如淘米和扬谷,早已存在。此类活动的文字记载出现于16世纪。近代流态化理论以郭慕孙提出的广义流态化理论和无气泡气固接触理论以及Davidson提出的气泡理论为代表,而近代流态化技术的工业应用则以煤的气化和石油的催化裂化为代表。当前流态化的理论研究主要集中于流化床内由不同尺度的颗粒、液滴、气泡、聚团的时空不均匀分布所形成的不均匀结构的预测与优化调控理论与方法的研究,不均匀结构与传递和反应的关系理论的研究以及流态化床的计算机模拟与放大研究。当前流态化技术的工业应用范围已涵盖化工、冶金、能源、材料、环境等领域。在我国,由于经济快速发展,流态化技术应用尤为活跃。采用由流化床局部构效关系模型与两流体模型相结合的计算机模拟方法是解决流态化反应器过程优化调控和设备放大问题的有效途径。该方法面临许多挑战,需要付出艰苦的努力。目前中国工业正处于调整产业结构,淘汰落后产能,实现节能减排、清洁生产的转型期。在许多工业流程中,用高效节能的流态化床反应器替代低效高能耗的回转窑、固定床、移动床反应器正逢其时。

关 键 词:流态化  回眸  展望  

Review and prospect of fluidization science and technology
LI Hongzhong , KWAUK Mooson. Review and prospect of fluidization science and technology[J]. Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering(China), 2013, 64(1): 52-62. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2013.01.008
Authors:LI Hongzhong    KWAUK Mooson
Affiliation:State Key Laboratory of Multi-Phase Complex Systems, Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
Abstract:Fluidization has its beginning in the forties of the 20th century.However production activities using fluidization technology, such as washing of rice and winnowing of grain, have existed for a long time even before the word "fluidization" appeared.That is, human activities involving fluidization began well before the 16th century.Coal gasification and catalytic cracking of petroleum are representatives of recent industrial applications of fluidization.Theories were proposed by J.F.Davidson on bubbling fluidization and by Mooson Kwauk on generalized fluidization and on bubbleless gas-solids contact.Current theoretical studies of fluidization are focused on quantitative prediction and optimum control, involving multi-scale heterogeneous structures consisting of gas bubbles, particle agglomerates, and liquid drops distributed in size and in concentration; modeling for predicting relationships between heterogeneous structure and transport of momentum, heat, mass, as well as chemical reactions; and computer simulation for the prediction and optimization of process operation and scale-up for fluidization technologies in the process industries, such as chemicals, metallurgy, energy, new materials and environment, particularly in China due to its fast development of economy.Computer simulation involving the two-fluid model combined with the structure-effect model of fluidization is currently a highly efficient method for solving problems of optimization and scale-up of fluidized bed reactors.However this method still faces many challenges and hard work needs yet to be done.Chinese industries are undergoing a period of transformation in adjusting current structure, and eliminating backward technologies, to realize lower energy consumption, lower pollution, and cleaner production.Backward equipment, such as rotary kilns, moving beds, and fixed beds are being replaced by fluidized beds, offering good opportunities for developing fluidization science and technology.
Keywords:fluidization  review  prospect
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