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摘    要:日本全面侵华后,全国各界民众秉承“有力出力,有钱出钱”的原则,以各种形式支援抗战。作为中国抗战力量之一的在华教会大学师生响应国家号召,充分发挥其专业特长,以救亡宣传、参军抗日、救助难民、坚持办学等形式,积极投入到“保家卫国、抵御外辱”的反侵略战争中。在华教会大学师生的抗日活动得到政府要员和国民的一致赞许,也为取得抗战最终胜利作出了积极贡献。

关 键 词:抗战时期  教会大学  师生

The Contributions of Students and Teachers in the Chinese Church Universities to the Anti Japanese Salvation During Anti Japanese War
Abstract:The nation is in dangerous situation after the Japanese invasion of China.Facing the condition, the Chinese people supported the Anti-Japanese War in various forms of money and strength.The teachers and students in missionary universities, which responded the state’s appeal, overcame all difficulties and bore their historical mission.They resisted Japan’s aggression and defended their country with intelligence and the professional advantages.Effective measures were taken, such as the propaganda of anti Japan and national salvation, joining army, helping the refugees, running schools and so on.The campaigns of the teachers and students in missionary universities were praised by officials and citizens,which made contributions to Anti-Japanese War.
Keywords:the Anti-Japanese War  missionary university  teacher and student
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