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Measurement of the instantaneous flame front structure of syngas turbulent premixed flames at high pressure
Authors:Jinhua Wang  Meng Zhang  Zuohua Huang  Taku Kudo  Hideaki Kobayashi
Affiliation:1. State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, PR China;2. Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi 980-8577, Japan
Abstract:Instantaneous flame front structure of syngas turbulent premixed flames including the local radius of curvature, the characteristic radius of curvature, the fractal inner cutoff scale and the local flame angle were derived from the experimental OH-PLIF images. The CO/H2/CO2/air flames as a model of syngas/air combustion were investigated at pressure of 0.5 MPa and compared to that of CH4/air flames. The convex and concave structures of the flame front were detected and statistical analysis including the PDF and ADF of the local radius of curvature and local flame angle were conducted. Results show that the flame front of turbulent premixed flames at high pressure is a wrinkled flame front with small scale convex and concave structures superimposed with large scale flame branches. The convex structures are much more frequent than the concave ones on flame front which reflects a general characteristic of the turbulent premixed flames at high pressure. The syngas flames possess much wrinkled flame front with much smaller fine cusps structure compared to that of CH4/air flames and the main difference is on the convex structure. The effect of turbulence on the general wrinkled scale of flame front is much weaker than that of the smallest wrinkled scale. The general wrinkled scale is mainly dominated by the turbulence vortex scale, while, the smallest wrinkled scale is strongly affected by the flame intrinsic instability. The effect of flame intrinsic instability on flame front of turbulent premixed flame is mainly on the formation of a large number of convex structure propagating to the unburned reactants and enlarge the effective contact surface between flame front and unburned reactants.
Keywords:Turbulent premixed flame   Syngas   Flame front   OH-PLIF   High pressure
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