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On the J-divergence of intuitionistic fuzzy sets with its application to pattern recognition
Authors:Wen-Liang Hung  Miin-Shen Yang
Affiliation:a Graduate Institute of Computer Science, National Hsinchu University of Education, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan
b Department of Applied Mathematics, Chung Yuan Christian University, Chung-Li, Taiwan
Abstract:The importance of suitable distance measures between intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs) arises because of the role they play in the inference problem. A concept closely related to one of distance measures is a divergence measure based on the idea of information-theoretic entropy that was first introduced in communication theory by Shannon (1949). It is known that J-divergence is an important family of divergences. In this paper, we construct J-divergence between IFSs. The proposed J-divergence can induce some useful distance and similarity measures between IFSs. Numerical examples demonstrate that the proposed measures perform well in clustering and pattern recognition.
Keywords:Intuitionistic fuzzy set   Divergence   Clustering   Entropy   Pattern recognition
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