Abstract: | Temperature fields and their corresponding thermoelastic stresses in tubes in the process of their growth from a melt by Stepanov's method are calculated. Results of the calculations are presented in the form of surfaces constructed above a longitudinal section of a tube. The behavior of the maximal stresses as a function of the tube length, the middle radius, and the wall thickness is investigated. The influence of the screen on the stress distribution is also taken into account.Notation T temperature - Tm0 melting temperature - ks thermal conductivity coefficient - t thermal expansion coefficient - cps heat capacity - hs heat-transfer coefficient - E Young's modulus - Poisson coefficient - V0 growth rate - 1, 2 temperatures of the external medium - m normal meridian stress -  normal hoop stress - u, axial and radial travels of the middle surface - R1, R2 inner and outer radii of the tube - densityInstitute of Physics of Solids of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka. Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 64, No. 4, pp. 469–476, April, 1993. |