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A PANDA integral test on the effect of light gas on a Passive Containment Cooling System (PCCS)
Authors:Domenico Paladino,Jö  rg Dreier
Affiliation:Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), Nuclear Energy and Safety Research Department, Laboratory for Thermal-Hydraulics, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Abstract:As part of the Euratom project TEMPEST (Testing and Enhanced Modelling of Passive Evolutionary Systems Technology for Containment Cooling), a series of five tests was performed in the PANDA facility to experimentally investigate the distribution of hydrogen inside the containment and its impact on the performance of the Passive Containment Cooling System (PCCS) designed for the Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor (ESBWR). In a postulated severe accident a large amount of hydrogen could be released in the Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) as a consequence of the cladding Metal-Water (M-W) reaction and discharged together with steam to the Drywell (DW) compartment. The retention of hydrogen in the DW, instead to be vented in the Wetwell (WW), has a positive effect toward the mitigation of the system pressure build-up. Hydrogen retention in the DW is a consequence of the stratification phenomena driven by the steam-hydrogen density difference. The paper presents the experimental results of the integral Test T1.2 performed in the PANDA facility. Helium was used to simulate hydrogen and the specific PANDA facility configuration included a dead-end volume, allowing for retaining a portion of the released helium in the DW compartment. The results from Test T1.2 showed that the containment end pressure is mainly determined by the redistribution of non-condensable gas inside the containment system and the temporary deterioration of the PCCS performance during the helium release phase plays a minor role.
Keywords:ALWR, Advanced Light Water Reactor   CFD, Computational Fluid Dynamic   DGRS, Drywell Gas Recirculation System   DW, Drywell   ESBWR, Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor   GDCS, Gravity Driven Cooling System   IC, Isolation Condenser   IP, Interconnecting Pipe   LOCA, Loss of Coolant Accident   MSLB, Main Steam Line Break   MS, Mass Spectrometer   MV, Main Vent   M-W, Metal-Water reaction   PCC, Passive Containment Condenser   PCCS, Passive Containment Cooling System   RPV, Reactor Pressure Vessel   SBWR, Simplified Boiling Water Reactor   SETH, SESAR Thermal Hydraulics (SESAR: Senior Group of Experts on Nuclear Safety Research) (an OECD activity)   SWR, Siedewassereaktor   TEMPEST, Testing and Enhanced Modelling of Passive Evolutionary Systems Technology for Containment Cooling   VB, Vacuum Breaker   WW, Wetwell
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