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Stability properties of divergence-free vector fields
Authors:Célia  Ferreira
Affiliation:Departamento de Matemática , Universidade do Porto , Rua do Campo Alegre, 687, 4169-007 Porto , Portugal
Abstract:A divergence-free vector field satisfies the star property if any divergence-free vector field in some C 1-neighbourhood has all singularities and all closed orbits hyperbolic. In this article, we prove that any divergence-free vector field defined on a Riemannian manifold and satisfying the star property is Anosov. It is also shown that a C 1-structurally stable divergence-free vector field is Anosov. Moreover, we prove that any divergence-free vector field can be C 1-approximated by an Anosov divergence-free vector field, or else by a divergence-free vector field exhibiting a heterodimensional cycle.
Keywords:divergence-free vector field  Anosov vector field  dominated splitting  structurally stable vector field  heterodimensional cycle
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