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An Experimental Comparison of the Nearest-Neighbor and Nearest-Hyperrectangle Algorithms
Authors:Wettschereck  Dietrich  Dietterich  Thomas G.
Affiliation:(1) Computer Science Department, Oregon State University, OR 97331 Corvallis, Oregon
Abstract:Algorithms based on Nested Generalized Exemplar (NGE) theory (Salzberg, 1991) classify new data points by computing their distance to the nearest ldquogeneralized exemplarrdquo (i.e., either a point or an axis-parallel rectangle). They combine the distance-based character of nearest neighbor (NN) classifiers with the axis-parallel rectangle representation employed in many rule-learning systems. An implementation of NGE was compared to thek-nearest neighbor (kNN) algorithm in 11 domains and found to be significantly inferior to kNN in 9 of them. Several modifications of NGE were studied to understand the cause of its poor performance. These show that its performance can be substantially improved by preventing NGE from creating overlapping rectangles, while still allowing complete nesting of rectangles. Performance can be further improved by modifying the distance metric to allow weights on each of the features (Salzberg, 1991). Best results were obtained in this study when the weights were computed using mutual information between the features and the output class. The best version of NGE developed is a batch algorithm (BNGE FWMI) that has no user-tunable parameters. BNGE FWMI's performance is comparable to the first-nearest neighbor algorithm (also incorporating feature weights). However, thek-nearest neighbor algorithm is still significantly superior to BNGE FWMI in 7 of the 11 domains, and inferior to it in only 2. We conclude that, even with our improvements, the NGE approach is very sensitive to the shape of the decision boundaries in classification problems. In domains where the decision boundaries are axis-parallel, the NGE approach can produce excellent generalization with interpretable hypotheses. In all domains tested, NGE algorithms require much less memory to store generalized exemplars than is required by NN algorithms.
Keywords:exemplar-based learning  instance-based learning  nested generalized exemplars  nearest neighbors  feature weights
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