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Extending OCL for OLAP querying on conceptual multidimensional models of data warehouses
Authors:Jesú  s Pardillo,Jose-Norberto Mazó  n
Affiliation:Lucentia Research Group, Department of Software and Computing Systems, University of Alicante, Spain
Abstract:The development of data warehouses begins with the definition of multidimensional models at the conceptual level in order to structure data, which will facilitate decision makers with an easier data analysis. Current proposals for conceptual multidimensional modelling focus on the design of static data warehouse structures, but few approaches model the queries which the data warehouse should support by means of OLAP (on-line analytical processing) tools. OLAP queries are, therefore, only defined once the rest of the data warehouse has been implemented, which prevents designers from verifying from the very beginning of the development whether the decision maker will be able to obtain the required information from the data warehouse. This article presents a solution to this drawback consisting of an extension to the object constraint language (OCL), which has been developed to include a set of predefined OLAP operators. These operators can be used to define platform-independent OLAP queries as a part of the specification of the data warehouse conceptual multidimensional model. Furthermore, OLAP tools require the implementation of queries to assure performance optimisations based on pre-aggregation. It is interesting to note that the OLAP queries defined by our approach can be automatically implemented in the rest of the data warehouse, in a coherent and integrated manner. This implementation is supported by a code-generation architecture aligned with model-driven technologies, in particular the MDA (model-driven architecture) proposal. Finally, our proposal has been validated by means of a set of sample data sets from a well-known case study.
Keywords:OLAP   Conceptual modelling   Multidimensional modelling   Data warehouse   Query language
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