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Synthesis of mechanisms for single and hybrid tasks using differential evolution
Authors:F. Peñ    uri,R. Peó  n-Escalante C. Villanueva,D. Pech-Oy
  • Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, A.P. 150, Cordemex, Mérida, Yucatán, México
  • Abstract:The optimal dimensional synthesis for planar mechanisms using differential evolution (DE) is demonstrated. Four examples are included: in the first case, the synthesis of a mechanism for hybrid-tasks, considering path generation, function generation, and motion generation, is carried out. The second and third cases pertain to path generation, with and without prescribed timing. Finally, the synthesis of an Ackerman mechanism is reported. Order defect problem is solved by manipulating individuals instead of penalizing or discretizing the search space for the parameters. A technique that consists in applying a transformation in order to satisfy the Grashof and crank conditions to generate an initial elitist population is introduced. As a result, the evolutionary algorithm increases its efficiency.
    Keywords:Mechanism synthesis   Differential evolution   Hybrid-tasks   Order defect problem   Grashof and crank conditions
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