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Oxide/polymer interfaces for hybrid and organic solar cells: Anatase vs. Rutile TiO2
Authors:Monica Lira-Cantu  Amine ChafiqJeremy Faissat  Irene Gonzalez-VallsYouhai Yu
Affiliation:Centre de Investigaciò en Nanociencia i Nanotecnologia (Cin2, CSIC), ETSE, Campus UAB, Edifici Q, 2nd Floor, Bellaterra (Barcelona), E-08193, Spain
Abstract:In this work, we study the effect of the transparent conducting oxide (TCO) and the polymer applied (MEH-PPV or P3HT) on the photovoltaic properties of TCO/TiO2/polymer/Ag bi-layer solar cells. The solar cells were analyzed under inert atmosphere conditions resembling an encapsulated or sealed device. We demonstrate that the substrate applied, ITO or FTO, modifies the crystalline structure of the TiO2: on an ITO substrate, TiO2 is present in its anatase phase, on an FTO, the rutile phase predominates. Devices fabricated on an FTO, where the rutile phase is present, show better stability under inert atmospheres than devices fabricated on an ITO, anatase phase. With respect to the polymer, devices based on MEH-PPV show higher Voc (as high as 1 V), while the application of P3HT results in lower Voc, but higher Jsc and longer device stability. These observations have been associated to (a), the crystalline structure of TiO2 and (b) to the form the polymer is bonded to the TiO2 surface. In-situ IPCE analyses of P3HT-based solar cells show a red shift on the peak corresponding to TiO2, which is not present on the MEH-PPV-based solar cells. The latter suggest that P3HT can be linked to the TiO2 though the S-end atom, which results in devices with lower Voc. All these observations are also valid for devices, where the bare TiO2 is replaced by an Nb-TiO2. The application of an Nb-TiO2 with rutile structure in these polymer/oxide solar cells is the reason for their higher stability under inert atmospheres. We conclude that the application of TiO2 in its rutile phase is beneficial for long-term stability devices. Moreover there is an interplay between low Voc and Jsc in devices applying P3HT, since power conversion efficiency can be partially canceled by their lower Voc in comparison with MEH-PPV. These findings are important for polymer/oxide solar cells, but also for organic solar cells, where a layer of semiconductor oxides are in direct contact with a polymer, like in an inverted or tandem organic solar cells.
Keywords:Polymer/oxide interfaces   Inverted organic solar cells   Tandem organic solar cells   Organic solar cells   Hybrid solar cells   Polymer solar cells
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