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Composition Dependence of the Kinetics and Mechanisms of Thermal Oxidation of Titanium-Tantalum Alloys
Authors:Park  YoungSoo  Butt  Darryl P.
Abstract:The oxidation behavior of titanium-tantalumalloys was investigated with respective concentrationsof each element ranging from 0 to 100 wt.%. Alloys wereexposed to argon-20% oxygen at 800 to 1400°C. Theslowest oxidation rates were observed in alloys with5-20% Ta. The oxidation kinetics of alloys containingless than approximately 40% Ta were approximatelyparabolic. Pure Ta exhibited nearly linear kinetics. Alloys containing 50% or more Taexhibited paralinear kinetics. The activation energiesfor oxidation ranged between 232 kJ/mole for pure Ti and119 kJ/mole for pure Ta, with the activation energies of the alloys falling between these values andgenerally decreasing with increasing Ta content. Theactivation energies for oxidation of the end members, Tiand Ta, agree well with published values for the activation energies for diffusion of oxygenin agr-Ti and Ta. Scale formation in the alloys wasfound to be complex exhibiting various layers of Ti-,Ta-, and TiTa-oxides. The outermost layer of the oxidized alloys was predominately rutile(TiO2). Beneath the TiO2 grew avariety of other oxides with the Ta content generallyincreasing with proximity to the metal-oxide interface.It was found that the most oxidation-resistant alloys hadcompositions falling between Ti5Ta andTi-15Ta. Although Ta stabilizes the beta-phase of Ti,the kinetics of oxidation appeared to be rate limited byoxygen transport through the oxygen-stabilized agr-phase.However, the kinetics are complicated by the formationof a complex oxide, which cracks periodically. Tantalumappears to increase the compositional range ofoxygen-stabilized agr-phase and reduces both the solubilityof oxygen and diffusivity of Ti in the agr- andbeta-phases.
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