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作者姓名:江恩惠  张林忠  马继业  郑付生  宋广生
作者单位:1. 黄河水利科学研究院,
2. 河南黄河河务局,
3. 菏泽市黄河河务局,
4. 濮阳县黄河河务局,
基金项目:国家自然科学基金与水利部联合资助重大项目!(5 9890 2 0 0 )
摘    要:小浪底水库运用初期,改变了下游来水来沙条件,游荡性河段将普遍遭受冲刷,尽管河床下切可以促进河道稳定,但还不能摆脱横河、斜河等畸形河势的威胁,近期黄科院开展的游荡性河道挖河固堤模型试验结果表明,在游荡性河段只要挖河方案可行,可以达到规顺河势的目的,小浪底水库运用初期下泄清水为游荡性河道局部河段采用挖河方式规顺河势创造了条件,因此这期间游荡性河道整治应与挖河固堤相结合,在局部河段实施挖河疏浚,以促进游荡性河段河道的稳定。

关 键 词:游荡性河段  河道整治  挖河固堤  小浪底水库

Harness of Meandering River Should Combine With Dyke Solidification and Digging out Sedimentation During the Beginning Operation Stage of Xiaolangdi Reservoir
Abstract:The meandering river channel will be generally eroded during the beginning operation stage of Xiaolangdi reservoir because it changes the conditions of inflow as well as sediment into the lower Yellow River. Although cutting down of the river channel can bring about advantages to stable river channel, it will not eliminate the threaten from transverse flow, oblique flow and so on. The results of model experiment of digging out sedimentation and solidification of dykes in meandering river conducted by the Institute of Hydraulic Research of YRCC demonstrate that the purpose of regulating river regime can be reached in meandering river through digging out sedimentation as long as it is feasible and practical. The period of Xiaolangdi reservoir discharging clear water causing local scouring will provide the advantageous conditions in the meandering river for regulating the river regime through digging out sedimentation. Therefore, it will promote solidification of the meandering river reaches through digging out sedimentation to dredge the channel in some reaches, and combining channel harness with sedimentation clearance treatments during the initial stage of Xiaolangdi operation.
Keywords:meandering reaches of river  channel harness  dike solidification through digging out sedimentation  initial stage of operation  Xiaolangdi reservoir  the lower Yellow River
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