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引用本文:王彩莲,李佳琳,李威炎,吕欣然,白凤翎. 关于锦州市食品小作坊食品安全状况的调查报告[J]. 食品安全质量检测学报, 2020, 11(21): 8125-8130
作者姓名:王彩莲  李佳琳  李威炎  吕欣然  白凤翎
摘    要:目的 对锦州市食品小作坊食品安全状况进行调查,并对调查结果进行分析,以期了解锦州食品加工小作坊的加工现状与存在的安全问题。方法 采用线上与线下相结合的方式对锦州食品小作坊食品安全现状进行调查分析,对问卷与实地记录进行数据分类整理与统计汇总,并对数据进行分析。结果 锦州食品小作坊食品购买者主要是21至30岁的青年人,学生、上班族构成购买小作坊食品的主要消费群体,消费者对食品安全问题的防范意识不强。在设备设施方面,锦州食品小作坊普遍存在加工设施简陋、陈旧现象,65.6%的食品小作坊没有明确的分工场所,并存在有原辅料与半成品、成品混放现象;72.63%的食品小作坊存在加工器具老化、锈渍、不卫生现象;在从业人员方面,多数未持有健康证明从事食品加工行业,并且71%的食品小作坊从业人员存在缺少食品安全知识,卫生观念差、法律意识淡薄等问题;在生产管理方面,存在擅自添加、掺假掺杂现象。在食品包装和标识方面,60.53%的食品小作坊存在生产日期、保质期等信息残缺、不完整现象,同时70%锦州食品小作坊未达到备案的条件要求,在无《食品生产许可证》条件下进行生产加工。结论 通过对锦州市食品小作坊安全状况的调查,了解了食品加工小作坊加工现状与存在的安全问题并分析原因,提出政府应设立食品风险预警与风险交流的媒介,进行科普与法律宣传、市场监管部门加强监管与巡查力度,消费者增强食品安全意识与维权意识等建议。

关 键 词:锦州   食品小作坊   食品安全状况   调查报告

Research report on food safety status of Jinzhou small food workshop
WANG Cai-Lian,LI Jia-Lin,LI Wei-Yan,LV Xin-Ran,BAI Feng-Ling. Research report on food safety status of Jinzhou small food workshop[J]. Journal of Food Safety & Quality, 2020, 11(21): 8125-8130
Authors:WANG Cai-Lian  LI Jia-Lin  LI Wei-Yan  LV Xin-Ran  BAI Feng-Ling
Affiliation:College of Food Science and Technology, Bohai University,College of Food Science and Technology, Bohai University,College of Food Science and Technology, Bohai University,College of Food Science and Technology, Bohai University,College of Food Science and Technology, Bohai University
Abstract:Objective To investigate the food safety status of small food processing workshops in Jinzhou city, and analyze the investigation results, so as to understand the current situation and existing safety problems of small food processing workshops in Jinzhou. Methods The food safety status of Jinzhou small food workshops was investigated and analyzed by online and offline methods. The questionnaire and field records were classified and summarized, and the data were analyzed. Results The food buyers of Jinzhou small food workshop were mainly young people aged 21 to 30. Students and office workers were the main consumers of food in small workshops, and consumers'' awareness of food safety was not strong. In terms of equipment and facilities, Jinzhou food workshops generally had simple and obsolete processing facilities, with 65.6% of food workshops had no clear division of labor, and there was the phenomenon of mixing raw and auxiliary materials with semi-finished products and finished products. 72.63% of food workshops had aging processing equipment, rust stains, unsanitary phenomena; In terms of employees, most of them were engaged in the food processing industry without a health certificate, and 71% of the employees in small food workshops had problems such as lack of food safety knowledge, poor hygiene concepts, and weak legal awareness; In terms of production management, there were unauthorized additions and adulterations. In terms of food packaging and labeling, 60.53% of small food workshops had incomplete and incomplete information such as production date and shelf life. At the same time, 70% of small food workshops in Jinzhou did not meet the requirements for filing, and produced and processed without Food production license.. Conclusion Through the investigation of the safety situation of small food workshop ,we understood the current situation and existing safety problems of small food processing workshops in Jinzhou and analyzed causes , It is suggested that the government should set up the media of food risk early warning and risk communication, carry out science popularization and legal publicity; market supervision departments strengthen supervision and inspection , and consumers strengthen awareness of food safety and rights protection.
Keywords:Jinzhou   small food workshop   food safety status   research report
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